91-01 Fixed Headlights - Beware, high res pics

NICE!!! I'm in....

Does anyone remember the company name that made the custom headlights for the Civic 92+ model? Maybe they can assist...(if they are still around) in making them....
OK, photoshops are cool, but is this really being worked on at this time? I ask because I may really do this soon. I have talked with someone developing LED lights and the compact design may be key in getting the lights way back and up in the housing. In also have quotes for producing the clear top of the headlamp assembly out of hard coated polycarbonate. The end product would be a drop in for the pop up lights with no mods to anything, except maybe some sort of adaptor electrical harness. Would look just like the original lights except clear top and lamps all the way at back. Question is, since this is quite a few thousand in prototype and development, what would those of you who are interested in something like this pay for a pair? I don't think the end product would sell for less than 2K a set, would you pay that for plug and play? How many sets would you think the market would take. I'm thinking about building maybe a dozen sets after the prototypes are built and sorted out, if I go ahead with this. FWIW, I do design engineering for a living and would be working the details out on my own NSX.
OK, photoshops are cool, but is this really being worked on at this time? I ask because I may really do this soon. I have talked with someone developing LED lights and the compact design may be key in getting the lights way back and up in the housing. In also have quotes for producing the clear top of the headlamp assembly out of hard coated polycarbonate. The end product would be a drop in for the pop up lights with no mods to anything, except maybe some sort of adaptor electrical harness. Would look just like the original lights except clear top and lamps all the way at back. Question is, since this is quite a few thousand in prototype and development, what would those of you who are interested in something like this pay for a pair? I don't think the end product would sell for less than 2K a set, would you pay that for plug and play? How many sets would you think the market would take. I'm thinking about building maybe a dozen sets after the prototypes are built and sorted out, if I go ahead with this. FWIW, I do design engineering for a living and would be working the details out on my own NSX.

I'm not sure what exactly you are asking or intend on doing?

I would like to point out that these are not simple photoshops. They are 3d models created through CAD and therefore have some reality to them.

Anyways, these headlights has been put on hold for a while now since I have lost contact with the person that was going to CNC a prototype for test fitting. I have been coming back to the idea here and there but I would need to find someone who can CNC a prototype for me and then the hardware can come into play. If I were still in school, I could have perhaps used the CNC I had access to and made a prototype... If you would like me to assist you in designing or creating the headlights, I can definitely help :smile:

I agree completely about the cost being somewhere around $2K per set and my biggest hurdles have been the hardware choices. I do not think LEDs would be realistic or practical for actual night driving though. They are better off as markers or blinkers. Perhaps we could team up and discuss further?
Audi use LEDs as the high and low beams of R8s and A8s here in Europe, so it would be possible. I don't know if they are already available in the aftermarket, however.
I read that somewhere. I'm sure the aftermarkets are coming, and I'll be in line for a set.
Like more than a few other guys, I have been looking and waiting for a clear headlamp conversion for a long time. My reason for bringing this up is that I don't want to go through the trouble of doing this myself if someone (NSpec) is really about to bring these to market. I stumbled on someone actually making some led headlamps (prototypes) here in the US that might have some promise from a packaging standpoint, the killer in most recent attempts to do this without the Himalayas humps in the clear cover. That led me to think that this might not be so hard if I could bring the right components together. I certainly don't think that the visualizations offered here are "just" photoshop. Nicely done and a great deal of time and skill involved,to be sure. But I have built lots of race car and other parts without CAD or CNC and these are actually not that complex and could easily prototyped by anyone with a background involving patternmaking, moldmaking or the like, which I do. If someone is really in the process of doing this (or knows where I can get a set of Backyard -I think those were the ones most like these visualizations and that I liked the best- fixed headlight housings and cover) I'll be happy to let them have a go. If not, I may proceed with the LED version that I'm in discussion with some potential suppliers at this time. I would not offer anything but a drop in replacement for pop ups. I think these are expensive enough as it is and I don't think it's good to offer these with requirements that would effectively push the price up by what could be another $1000.00. That's where I am on this.
Like more than a few other guys, I have been looking and waiting for a clear headlamp conversion for a long time. My reason for bringing this up is that I don't want to go through the trouble of doing this myself if someone (NSpec) is really about to bring these to market. I stumbled on someone actually making some led headlamps (prototypes) here in the US that might have some promise from a packaging standpoint, the killer in most recent attempts to do this without the Himalayas humps in the clear cover. That led me to think that this might not be so hard if I could bring the right components together. I certainly don't think that the visualizations offered here are "just" photoshop. Nicely done and a great deal of time and skill involved,to be sure. But I have built lots of race car and other parts without CAD or CNC and these are actually not that complex and could easily prototyped by anyone with a background involving patternmaking, moldmaking or the like, which I do. If someone is really in the process of doing this (or knows where I can get a set of Backyard -I think those were the ones most like these visualizations and that I liked the best- fixed headlight housings and cover) I'll be happy to let them have a go. If not, I may proceed with the LED version that I'm in discussion with some potential suppliers at this time. I would not offer anything but a drop in replacement for pop ups. I think these are expensive enough as it is and I don't think it's good to offer these with requirements that would effectively push the price up by what could be another $1000.00. That's where I am on this.

I think many in this community would love to be able to get their hands on some drop-in headlights that were flush and very functional. If you can do the LED path, that would be phenomenal. I think LEDs will definitely save space and lighting temps will not be as hot. The biggest is issue is cost/practicality, but of course there are some on these boards that like to take it to the extreme in cost and practicality. I salute you if you can deliver a good looking product as you described and if so, I would probably be in line to get a set also :biggrin:
i would be interested in a set..... PLEASE someone do this !!!!!!!!!
I will continue to investigate various ways of doing this and the costs involved. Like anyone who has spent time on this project before knows, conceptually it's easy, but it's a minefield when you get into what it would take not just to build one custom set, but to do this in a way that is actually doable in a low production mode. I guess that's why so many guys have started down this path only to stop after not being able to find the right solution to this problem. In any case, I have several ideas for the lights and am talking with potential suppliers ( they have to be viable suppliers in a production mode and price-not just be able to provide an expensive prototype), I have quotes for the tooling and a small run of the clear covers, and I am evaluating the simplest bucket design that still allows headlamp adjusting and cooling. I'll just have to see if it can all come together in a way that makes sense and is reasonably affordable in low volumes (the prototypes certainly aren't). Keep you all posted, appreciate your input.
I will continue to investigate various ways of doing this and the costs involved. Like anyone who has spent time on this project before knows, conceptually it's easy, but it's a minefield when you get into what it would take not just to build one custom set, but to do this in a way that is actually doable in a low production mode. I guess that's why so many guys have started down this path only to stop after not being able to find the right solution to this problem. In any case, I have several ideas for the lights and am talking with potential suppliers ( they have to be viable suppliers in a production mode and price-not just be able to provide an expensive prototype), I have quotes for the tooling and a small run of the clear covers, and I am evaluating the simplest bucket design that still allows headlamp adjusting and cooling. I'll just have to see if it can all come together in a way that makes sense and is reasonably affordable in low volumes (the prototypes certainly aren't). Keep you all posted, appreciate your input.

Thanks for your continued efforts!
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v497/Ranryul/NSXLights/NSXNSpec1.jpg" border="0">

I do love them (I think) but this picture specifically really does remind me of a corvette and that's the only part I really don't like. The rest of the colors (other than yellow which also looks as vette) look good. But I guess since I'm so used to seeing the corvette and especially in those two colors, this is why I think that. But all other angles look amazing!!! Would love to see this as a product and in person!
The lamps are ordered and should be in my hands this week, clear covers are lined up and am evaluating space for bucket design now. As has been pointed out, this is not a cheap date to do and I have to say now, I personally don't care for all the bling thing with headlamps (angel eyes and halos, etc). First goal is can I make a basic package that works and fits and matches the lines of the car like I want and is as close to plug and play as possible. I want a bolt in to already existing mounting points and the ability to have all functions work by just plugging into the existing harness. After that, depending upon input from those that would be interested in a set, there could be a discussion regarding additional features and what they would add to the cost of a set over whatever the cost ends up to be to build a high quality basic system. There are no end of lights and features that COULD be put into the lights, but there are concerns about being DOT passable as well as having to supply all kinds of extra wiring, connectors and diagrams along with the lights. Having to cut and modify harnesses and such on the part of the end user can be asking for trouble for the supplier, not to mention the extra effort on the suppliers part to figure this all out and the extra liability that goes with it. This has to be kept basic to start with or it risks getting too complicated and expensive right out of the box. The initial lights will have a single high/low beam lamp that is SAE/DOT approved (important) and a second lamp that will be a fog lamp. All are high quality German products. This will be done first to satisfy my desires for fixed lights on my car and when I'm satisfied, I'll show them to you guys and we can go from there. This is the safest approach for you and for me. Happy Holidays to all, Tony.
Wow Tony, I'm excited! Can't wait to see where it goes :)
Great job for looking outside the box. Great minds are far and few.
My understand about the problems using LED as headlight has nothing to do with the intensity of the light it produces. I was told the problem has to do with the thermal solutions required to keep the LED cooled. The current problem is that the heatsinks required behind the lights are just too large to be fitted. And I believe that Lexus was the first one to introduce the LED as headlights on their LS model.
Doraemon, you are correct and your comments support what I have learned and observed in my investigations into LED's as possible lights for the fixed conversions. LED's with outputs suitable as single unit headlamps are a far cry from the led's in your Christmas tree lights! There do seem to be a number of types and combinations of LED's that could supply enough light and beam shape for headlights. I have concerns not only about the fans and heat sinks required for the board type LED's but also about weather integrity. How can you allow the airflow required for cooling and still keep the lamp, electrics and housing free of moisture and find a way to adjust the lights while having a sealed housing? Cadillac has used some different groups of smaller LED's to achieve their goal and while my initial fixed headlight won't feature LED's because of extreme hardware and development costs, once I have the understanding of the bucket and the spatial limitations of the NSX headlamp well, as costs and complexities of LED's become more reasonable they would certainly be candidates for a retrofit into the design. BTW, I have mocked up the fixed lights in my car now and they do seem to be workable and the beam patterns acceptable. My time at present is being spent evaluating exactly where the light modules can go to minimize bottom cutoff from the drivers perspective and still stay under the clear cover with the standard pop-up cover shape. It's all incredibly close, but still looks to be a go at this time.
Love the way the side profile remains consistant!......count me in!

BUT, can they be made for RHD?, here in OZ, headlights are aimed differently from factory and if adjustment on your lights is great enough, RHD could be accommodated.

Sebring Silver would look great!

Just a short update (updates won't be coming all that often now because everything is in the working on it stage with time and money being spent to get results down the road), main lamp (high and low in one unit) has been mounted, along with the fog lamp next to it, lots of adjustment right and left and up, down is also good but effectively limited be the front bumper. If right and left are the primary concern for RHD cars (I understand, been to and driven in Aus and NZ) I think that there is plenty of adjustment in this light system. If you want to send me some way to test to NZ specs, I can do that. All I need is something like "center beam of RH light should be XX cm left of straight ahead @ 8m in front of car and 60 cm high" or something like that so I can put some lines on a wall and see if the lights will adjust to where needed. Electrics have been figured out and all functions work with the factory harness and existing controls and switches. Mating connectors are coming so this will be simply plug into factory harness. Clear covers are being made, should see first sample in about 5 weeks. Then the final details of the bucket will be worked on.
This isn't going to be a quick project, guys, but I'm happy to respond to questions, ideas and concerns as long as you understand there are limits to what can be done at this time. Lots of time and thinking to try and get this right from a mechanical design, materials, style standpoint and use DOT approved parts and the correct connectors. If I can actually get something in my car and testing by late spring I will be happy, and there may be mods required after that. I'll try to keep you posted along the way, but know that this is really being worked upon, along with a dozen other projects and a job. Tony
I very much like the looks of the rendering. Looks VERY good to me.

HOWEVER, the rendering shows a hood with the rear of the headlight cutout to be at an angle as is the case with the 2002+ hood on the NSX.
The 1991-2001 NSX however, does NOT have this cutout at an angle. Instead, it is square.
So, I am wondering, how are you going to fit these lights if the rear edges cannot line up correctly.
Gidday Tony,

Seems you are progessing well on the way to a working prototype......well done, all credit to you for running with the project.

Adjustment for OZ would be a mirror of US specs, but simply to left of centre.

I welcome any tasteful update to the early NSX, and given that Honda thought the same in 2002, this mod certainly brings the outdated headlight system into the current line of thinking.Keep us posted as you can
