8th Annual Michelle Offsie Memorial Walk for Hope

alan, i'm sorry but family scheduling will lock me out of your walk.
i will be there in spirit, and have donated to every member of nsxca
walking this weekend. i love you guys and gals.

please pray for my friend ruth c, who has unfortunately developed a
secondary bone met to her battle against breast ca:frown:.
she is a beautiful survivor, and is so deeply loved and needed spiritually
by myself and those around her.
and she loves fast cars.....:biggrin:

have an excellent walk, i will call ya sunday!

What can I say besides you will be missed. We will certainly be sending good vibes to Ruth from the Walk. Thanks so much for the donation$
I hope all is well with you.
P.S. - We were all looking forward???? to your speedo at the pool :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Don,Roger,Bob,Larry,Clem,Bailey,Tony,John,Carla,Nancy,Sissy Thanks in advance for coming to participate in The Walk4Hope
As is our recently established tradition you are all invited back to our place to cool off in the pool and enjoy some post event refreshments :cool:
Please let me know if you will be coming back to the house so we can prepare for your arrival?
Alan Roberta and the Kids:smile:

Alan, I'll stop by the house for a little while, but will probably not stay that long so I can get back home to sleepy Bags...
As usual Alan delivered great weather, for a great event, to raise money for a great cause, to honor a great lady. Thank you for being such a great host!!! Nancy and I had a great time, now clean up and start posting the pictures from today!!!!
Nice pictures Tony, but where are the ones that you took? How about the rest of our photographers, c'mon guys, let's see them!!!:biggrin:
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The whole family is glad you come out of retirement for this event. I hope the ride home was uneventful and your knee is recovering :smile:
As usual these pictures AND video (gotta love that Canon technology) are fantastic. I'll get some of mine posted tonight and look forward to Tony's as well
Thanks for everything :cool:
Alan,Roberta, Josh, Karen and the rest of the Brady Bunch:rolleyes:
Don&Carla,Bob,Larry&Sissy,Roger&Nancy,Tony and of course Clem
Thank you ALL for joining us once again for the Walk4Hope in Edison NJ

As promised the weather was perfect (OK a few clouds would have helped) the crowd enormous, private NSXCA parking was provided and everyone there was dedicated to eradicating cancer. Karen did a great job with the keynote address and it was fantastic to have both my kids with me for the event.

Your participation means so much to us personally! It is hard to put in perspective that what started as 238 walkers with a committee of 5 in 2002 has turned into almost 3000 walkers and runners and we now have a volunteer committee of 30. This has made the Edison Walk4Hope the largest and most successful suburban Cancer Fundraiser in the country. To date without the final totals from the event yesterday we have raised almost $1Million

Thank you for being with us for this amazing event and for your generosity!
Our home and our hearts are always open (yes Don drop on by any time).

Many thanks once again for organizing the NSXCA Team and for promoting the event :biggrin:

Thanks for your pushing and prodding of other members as well. Next year we can start earlier and double attendance from the NE members.

I hope you all made it home safely from Casa Offsie and we will arrange the next get together at the haciena for late August

Again thanks to everyone who contributed to this wonderful and important event!

Alan and family
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Very sorry to hear about your assistant. My sincere condolences to you and her family. I've been busy and haven't had much time with the car. Sorry I missed the NSXSTOCK and Sunday's walk. My apology's to all. Will try to make the River Run. Also good to see you on Saturday at Greenwich show...even if it was for 5 seconds!

Best to all.
Great work Don:smile:
Who was the blond hairy guy with the big tounge:smile:
Now Tony has to post and then you have all beat me to the punch once again :cool:
Now Tony has to post and then you have all beat me to the punch once again :cool:

But I had already posted photos, in post #29, just a few hours before Bob, and two days before Don, although I wasn't trying to be the first to post. As usual only Roger complained about the photos:rolleyes:

I only have a few others, but mostly repeats of what has already been posted:

The first two NSX's at the scene:

Late arrivals:

Entering the JCC/YMCA grounds:

A few great people:


Roger walking in the wrong direction:

Relaxing after the walk:
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i've lost my friend ruth campbell...:frown:
and the beat goes on.
i've lost my friend ruth campbell...:frown:
and the beat goes on.

I'm so sorry to hear that another special person has been taken by this disease. It's been a tough year for so many of my friends and family all affected by Breast Cancer.

Our hearts go out to you and Ruth's family

My deepest condolences buddy.


Doc B, sorry to hear that you too have been effected this year, it has been a difficult year for so many of us, let's hope that we can cure this disease in the very near future so we can stop the pain of loss and suffering!
Sad news. I've lost friends to breast cancer, and have other friends who are long term survivors in no small part due to medical progress. So, I know the feeling.