11th Annual Michelle Offsie Memorial Walk - June 3, 2012

If there are any folks who are new to the NSX family this is a great starter event. You'll be able to meet some wonderful folks, help out for a great cause (check out the Walk for Hope charity and see how low their admin costs are compared to other charities), show off your beautiful car and have fun. Plus by the time River Run comes around you'll feel like part of the family.

It isn't too late to join us. Just post that your coming so Alan knows how many spots to reserve and show up. The parking lot attendees will direct you to the NSX/Speical parking) and you'll see all of us milling about. You can register in the morning, get your t-shirt and join us for the walk.

Hope that more of you will choose to attend!

Add Don and Carla (2 cars with 1 being a NSX-lookalike)
Alan deliverred again, the weather for the walk was perfect. A good time was had by all, helped to raise money to fight this insidious disease. Next year, we need twice the number of participants!!!
Thank you Alan and Roberta!!