4th annual NSXPrime Canyon Drive!!! >>>Sunday, June 27th.


The EVENT of the year (after NSXPO ;)) is less than a week away, and I have no idea where the initial meeting point is. Are you gonna send directions out soon? :) (Or did you already, and I didn't get them?)

Final car count is 53 cars and 87 people!!! I went overboard, but there were so many people anxious to go, I couldn't say no.

Raffle prizes - SOS satin cluster rings, SOS Rapid shift knob are the big ones and a ton of collectable items and some hard to find stuff from Japan

Got all those already ANYTIME..can you do somethng eles? :D
Typing it as we speak!!

FuryNSX said:

The EVENT of the year (after NSXPO ;)) is less than a week away, and I have no idea where the initial meeting point is. Are you gonna send directions out soon? :) (Or did you already, and I didn't get them?)

Zanardi 0 said:
Got all those already ANYTIME..can you do somethng eles? :D

You must do well in Vegas!, as there are 87 other people in the raffle(you'll can trade gifts with someone if you'd like). Hopefully, someone else really lucky will win these so that they can have something great to take away with them. Unfortunately for you, these will just have to do, as I don't have an extra couple hundred $$ handy to spend. Lunch is all inclusive and includes drink and tip(read: not cheap) After paying for lunch, there is only a few bucks left for each persons raffle gift. The SOS gifts were something that I decided to buy out of my own pocket and I just eat the extra costs on the raffle prizes I buy. ( Tina has also put together gifts especially for the women attendees.) Thanks.
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Morning meeting location - Vacinity of Pepperdine University in Malibu (exact address of meeting location will be emailed privately on Sat. June 26th)

Time - Prepare to arrive promptly at 8:30 a.m. There will be a check in which will include: Map, shirt, radio handouts and a quick radio check. Radios are mandatory to continue on the drive(if you don't have a radio, you'll need to buy one or rent one from me. Reserve a rental now with a PM to me). This will be followed by a short and informative drivers meeting.

To do - Arrive with time to top of your gas tank(many within 1-2 blocks of meeting location). Eating establishments and restrooms are close, so grab a lite bite and get a jump on mother nature.

To wear Light to medium clothing. Morning weather starts around 66°, with highs scheduled to be in the 70's.

What to bring - Dramamine for your passenger is highly suggested. A small snack to tide you over for the late lunch. Bottled water.

Agenda Departing at 9 a.m., intense canyon research and NSX flexing. At approximately 1 p.m., there will be a quick snack break and leg stretch. Arriving at our final destination for lunch and raffle at 3 p.m.
Rancho Cucamonga/Redlands Caravan

Are there any drivers from the IE who will be attending this event? If so, and you are interested in meeting for a joint drive to the as-yet-unknown location let me know, we can arrange a convenient meeting place.
IE Meeting

I'm in Rancho Cucamonga, let's starts a caravan from our area?
You must do well in Vegas!, as there are 87 other people in the raffle(you'll can trade gifts with someone if you'd like). Hopefully, someone else really lucky will win these so that they can have something great to take away with them. Unfortunately for you, these will just have to do, as I don't have an extra couple hundred $$ handy to spend. Lunch is all inclusive and includes drink and tip(read: not cheap) After paying for lunch, there is only a few bucks left for each persons raffle gift. The SOS gifts were something that I decided to buy out of my own pocket and I just eat the extra costs on the raffle prizes I buy. ( Tina has also put together gifts especially for the women attendees.) Thanks.
I'm just kidding John!!! those are very nice!!!
everyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy one of you suck!!!! yahhh, you too john:D:p This is the drive of the cennnntury!!!!make sure, every1 drive safely...and no speeding.:cool:
Pooh, your not making this run? I thought you had a high miles ride on the way!

Thank you John for a great event. beside the one incedent, it was great.

James Lee
Thanks John & Tina

I second that wholeheartedly! While John & Tina were handing out all those awards at lunch, I was thinking that it was really them that deserve the award! They are the ones who really made it all happen!

Thanks John & Tina!! :)

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John, Tina, Craig, Marc, Greg, and everyone else that made this such an amazing event, I can't imagine the effort that must've went into it to be SOOO organized. THANK YOU!

Still abit shocked...., I sincerely hope and wish everyone involved is doing well.
Actually, I was not able to help this year at all. John and Tina once again organized everything so everyone could have a great time. As John pointed out prior to the raffle, many others got involved this year and did a great job with the maps, tee shirts, route planning and gift wrapping.

Thanks to all of you!
Yes, big thanks to John, Tina, Greg, Marc and the others that worked hard on another well organized event!

It was also nice to see Lud (Mr NSXPRIME) :D make the event as well as the friendly bunch from Arizona that made that really LONG drive! And those T shirts designed by Yvonne are very cool!

Looking forward to seeing more of the pictures that are developing here.

A special thanks to John, Tina and everyone else involved. It was our first NSX prime event. Our best wishes for those involved in the accident. It was nice to see how much the group cared for and watched out for each other. You all are a great group of people. Thank you for the experience. - Gonzalo and Gretchen
Thank You John & Tina for setting up this great event!!!!! It is very hard work setting this up for everyone!!!! Let's all pray for Kelvin's brother Frank to be ok. Does anyone know Frank's mailing address?

PoohBEAR said:
I had a great time until the incident. Regardless, please accept my appreciation for setting it up.

Thanks to Andy H for ride there and PoohBEAR for ride home. I miss my X so much now. As always it was good seeing everyone!!! Speedy recovery to the Phoenix guys! Thanks again to all the kind people on Prime who showed concern for me and my recovery after my accident.

Oh, and K TOO liked your custom plate, looking forward to some golf Kennny as soon as the ankle alows me too!!!

John and Tina's reputation for hosting amazing events remains firmly intact. Obviously the word is out: NSXs from Washington, Arizona...even Lud made his way to the West Coast! A big thanks again to all involved.

Unfortunately not all went as planned, but with so many people and cars involved I suppose that was to be expected. But the past Prime drives had been nearly incident free...it's upsetting that everyone could not fully enjoy this event.

Hoping the best for those recovering...

Pictures to come over this week...video will take awhile....
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John and Tina thanks for a super fun event!!!!very well plant out!!!but sometime S#%& happen!!!Wish for a speedy recovery!

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