4th annual NSXPrime Canyon Drive!!! >>>Sunday, June 27th.

Im in!

Please add me to the backup if spaces are already full.
Updated list. Please PM me your info, so when details and online sign ups become available, you can be reached easily. If you have already sent it to me, I appreciate the quick replies.
John ;)

Please add me to the list as well, even if it as a backup at this point. I'll have a guest as well.

Darn, wish I had checked back for this post sooner - I've been out of town for a few weeks and missed it.

I've been to this event for the last 2 years, it is a blast!

I'll PM you my info shortly.
For those who posted interest in the drive and PM'd me their contact info, an email has been sent to you to both confirm your current email address and to also send a sign up form. An online sign up form is also available. Historically, as time passes, there will be entrants that either get cold feet or family issues that arise, car problems etc. The list will be updated as sign ups come in, reflecting who has paid. As we get closer to the drive, back ups will be let in as slots are not taken by those who sparked interest early on. Thanks for all of the offers to help out. I may need some things shortly and will keep everyone posted on the updates as they happen.
Take care,
John ;)

PS - Bringing a passenger or do you need a radio? Don't forget to include this on the sign up form!
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Please add me to the backup list +1 passenger...
I would need a radio.
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Club Radio

Re: Radios and stuff.......
If you don't already know by now, you positively, absolutely HAVE to have a club radio to go on this drive.

When obtaining a club radio I got a good deal on a 2nd one that I'm selling for $60. I am posting it in the Parts for Sale section.
If you check out the current list, it includes attendies in Black, versus Green . Black means that they are on the list, but I have not heard back from them regarding current contact info. I have PM'd them, and I am waiting to hear back. If you are on the list, please email or PM your email, cell phone and address. Green means I have all the info and I am just waiting to give more details privately and waiting for sign up forms to arrive. Don't know when, but the back up list will start taking their places, if I have no response from the parties in black ;)
Just arrived from Hong Kong!!!! A ton of raffle prizes(not including the wind up doll next to the box) Not all of them, since I have some already horded in the closet.


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Turbo NSX said:
I would also like to sign up plus a guest.

Just out of curiosity, Why is there a limit of 40 cars?

The line gets wayyyyyy to long with more than 40 cars as seen below(there were about 10 more behind this shot!) It becomes very difficult to all stay together, without always waiting for people in the back to catch up. 40 seems to be the magic number....

Breaking 40

Years (more than over a decate) ago I was with a motorcycle club called Redlines in OC. When we have a big group out for monthly rides, we devide up into 3 groups, each group has an assign leader and trailer to make sure the group stay in good form and be safe.

If we get 2 drivers that know the route well and are welling, I think we can have 2 groups of 30, the second group will leave 5-7 minutes after the last car from the first group, and at each designate rest stop, trade groups, group 2 will take off first than follow by group 1.

We get such a thrill from people thinking they are seeing doubles within a 10 minute periods of time, and it won't slow the run down, since they are only 5-10 minutes apart.

Just a thought to get everyone in on the run.

:cool: :cool: :cool:

Anytime, can I recommend a cut off (May 31st) for the people to either give you their contact information or be moved from the primary to the back up list?

That gives them 2 more weeks to come on to prime and see the post.

That's fair and should make this easier for you and give the backups a chance to plan for the event.

Just a thought.
Update: Some have sent checks in the mail (THANKS). If you have not sent payment as of yet, please send it ASAP. Include your guests name if applicable(for the raffle list). I'll update the list(my first post) to reflect who has and who hasn't paid.
Oh, forgot to mention.... A well known magazine is covering this event...Muuuuaaahhhh
Zanardi 0 said:
Get a ride with someone!!!!!

Actually, I think I do get to go if it's not too late to sign up. Do you mind if we take a Porsche out there? :)
MsKadyB said:
Actually, I think I do get to go if it's not too late to sign up. Do you mind if we take a Porsche out there? :)

Sorry, this is an NSX only event. Feel free to bum a ride with someone!

TShirt pics, sizes and ordering info coming tonight!!! (Yes, they are coming!!!)