3 days in Israel video

6 November 2002
I hope this isn't a repost. I just came across this video. Some of you may not want to watch it. It is the most graphic and saddest thing I've ever seen in my life. I'm so glad we don't have to live this way. It's very disturbing. Here is the link if you are still interested.

Yes........war is a terrible thing. Perhaps Americans would feel differently about going to war if it included living in those kinds of conditions. The same kinds of conditions exist in many other places around the world such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Columbia, Sudan, Nepal, Chechnya, and of course on the other side of Israel (Palestine).
The media only likes to report the bad stuff. They never seem to get around to reporting a happy ending to anything. Why do they do this? :confused:
Yeah, but our media always jumps on stories about capturing terrorists. Then why not report this one?

The only thing I can think of is that this story makes the word "terrorist" very subjective. We are shown that there are two sides to the conflict in the Middle-East: the arab terrorists and the poor Israelis who are only trying to defend themselves from these attacks. Showing that there is an Israeli terrorist group who attacks arab civilians would most likely confuse this moral clarity.

You would think loyalty to Israel would start to fall considering they are being accused by the Justice Department of spying within the Pentagon and giving our military secrets to Iran. But then again, that story seems to be absent from most news reports this week as well. :confused:
It is a very disturbing video to watch. :(
Sad to witness how people are capable of hurting they’re fellow man over what, Land or religion? I'm thankful for the land I live in even if our government can not be trusted. :rolleyes: