2003 Wreck JH4NA21623T000018


15 July 2009
Guys found this wrecked one in CA is this a prime member?
man this sucks

this car looks just like the 2002 Wreck that SuperSonic had when I bought it anyway this car is certified Salvage now.



It does look just like mine. Cept i washed out, in rain. It hasnt rained for a while lol.
Have been talking to the owner of this.. He contacted me on my 02 after this was wrecked. I knew as soon as I saw it hit copart that Shawn would have it posted :biggrin:

He was rear ended on the hway..
wheres his front emblem ?
yea wouldnt that leave hole bc i thought it wasnt mounted on with glue
tell him I wanna buy it. have him PM me LOL

LOL!! Man... I would love to see a picture of your house. I have this mental vision of NSXs in the driveway, garage, lawn, street, and just everywhere. :biggrin:
LOL!! Man... I would love to see a picture of your house. I have this mental vision of NSXs in the driveway, garage, lawn, street, and just everywhere. :biggrin:

he's what they call "up-scale redneck" lol just messing with u shawn :biggrin: nsx's sitting everywhere on blocks hahah

I'll give you $500 for that EPS rack! haha
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I've been looking for this nsx for a while this is gonna be mine come Friday, I've got the rear parts to put this puppy back on the road it's gonna be my birthday gift to me
Sorry MacNinja I got it LOL


I think they put them up there for a few days to see what it will PRE-Bid for.

then they tell the customer its worth XXXX and make an lower offer to him if he excepts they pay him what the lower offer is

then they make a huge profit of the car and the customer gets nothing.

thats why if ANY of your guys wreck your NSX KEEP it you will make way more selling it yourself than the insurance will give you for the car take what they offer you but keep the car you can almost for sure double your money.

trust me I know
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okay everyone that car WAS mine. Copart took it off the list because I wanted to go look at it with my own independent appraiser. It should go back up for sale soon unless they sold it independently. It is a 38K odometer car with a 60K engine that has had the water pump/timing belt done by Science of Speed at 32K miles. The previous owner ruined the first engine by doing his own oil changes and not properly tightening the oil drain plug.......How much money do you really save by doing this yourself? It also has a new SOS clutch which I think is horrible. Clutch makes every start shutter at take-off. ALSO the car had an entire repaint that does not show up on Carfax. The original owner told me that the car was keyed and he self-insured. There is no indication of body damage to the car OTHER THAN THE REAR BUMPER WHICH SHOWS PREVIOUS WORK. Two new front tires but the left front TSW wheel has a slight bend. I was told $250 to fix. Any other questions send me a private email.
The previous owner ruined the first engine by doing his own oil changes and not properly tightening the oil drain plug.......

How so? It's pretty basic shit to tightened a bolt and I seriously doubt an owner not torquing it to the exact specs would ruin an engine, especially on a drain plug.
I've had multiple queries so let me answer concerns here. The engine in this car was STRONG at the time of accident.....absolutely no problems or concerns. The repaint was done only to affected "keyed" panels. I was told by the previous owner that all panels were removed to paint and the paint job cost $4,0000. Prior to wreck I had compliments on the paint of the car.

Hijacker, I seriously doubt the previous owner had a torque wrench and I believed him when he told me he ran the oil out and lost the engine. Any questions on that engine.....the work was done by Science of Speed so you can ask them for details.
Car was on eBay and Autotrader approx December thru February.
yeah I wanted to buy it would have paid top dollar for it.

10X more than what the insurance gave him for it.

insurance companies like these cars cuz they get back almost half their money paid off to the lein holder or owner.

Guys Keep your wrecked NSx and sell yourself.

you think it a hassle, when its very much not. WE pay you. we get the car picked up you hand the keys to the truck driver your done.
if that to much hassle then F-it let the insurance company take it from you and then it costs fees, fees fees and more fees as the car passes from 30 hands before we get it. everyone wants a chunk of the money

so do us DIYERS a favor and keep your car then sell to us.
