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2002+ CF rear diffuser.

opps. sorry..

but that was me.

Rich is gone for the day and he ask me to check on his pm so give update on orders.

I though i log out but.. guess not..:biggrin:
Obviously you are NOT Erick's friend... It's sad to see people like you in this business.... You will not last long in this community!!!

What are u talking about...Busniess have nothing to do with friend...that kind of thinking is just wrong here..
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The great product you are selling here is resulted from countless hours of work by Mode4. They invested the money for bring out this product and now you are stabbing from the back of the people who help created this product.
OMFG..this is so BS..U clam that this is a relica of a nsx-r part so where is the hard work come from?THIS IS A COPY OF AN OEM PART..COPY!
The story is out now.. Let me know if you guys want us around.

Of course we want you around. Don't let a couple of negative comments push you out of the market. I don't think you did anything wrong here, and if anything you have just helped all consumers by bringing down the prices:

Thank you.
My name is James and I am from NRG Innovations...Just letting you guys know that Synergy Autoworks is now one of our main distributors. They are stand up guys and I can confirm everything they said is true. Any questions feel free to call me (626)369-2668.
The great product you are selling here is resulted from countless hours of work by Mode4. They invested the money for bring out this product and now you are stabbing from the back of the people who help created this product.
OMFG..this is so BS..U clam that this is a relica of a nsx-r part so where is the hard work come from?THIS IS A COPY OF AN OEM PART..COPY!

Zero, when a product is made, some one has to fork out the initial cost. FOR EXAMPLE, MODE4 had to purchase a real Diffuser, go to SEMA and spend the weekend to look for a manufacture, and pay to have the mold made!!!

All that initial cost was paid by Mode4.

Again, you have demonstrated an ill attempt by offering your opinion that has nothing to do with this matter. BTW, how come you didn't bring your beautiful wing to the SCA meet so you can show it to us in person? You broke my heart!!! I was ready to buy you one if you can convince people what you said?

My name is James and I am from NRG Innovations...Just letting you guys know that Synergy Autoworks is now one of our main distributors. They are stand up guys and I can confirm everything they said is true. Any questions feel free to call me (626)369-2668.

James, you met me once in the past under an insignificant condition; I thought you were a stand up guy through our quick casual conversation. I have always recommended your product to people such as the steering wheel hub and quick release. I'm very sorry to see that you are now operating at this level. I will no longer recommend any of your product to my friends.
From the name synergyaw (aw=autoworks) I can tell you yes we are from the same place. We are not trying to pick a fight with anyone here, we are just trying to build a customer base, and establish ourself on this site, but it is old vendors that bully us, no wonder no new vendors come on this site, becuase they are just going to get harassed and bullied.

Understood. Best way to start having a good customer base is start offering quality products. With time I'm sure customer will give verdict as deserved, lots of example of good reliable vendor on prime. High quality and reasonable price seems to work ...
Zero, when a product is made, some one has to fork out the initial cost. FOR EXAMPLE, MODE4 had to purchase a real Diffuser, go to SEMA and spend the weekend to look for a manufacture, and pay to have the mold made!!!

All that initial cost was paid by Mode4.

Erick went to NRG to get the diffuser replicated, while there a verbal contract was made. In order for NRG to profit, and the manufacture to profit a minimum of 80 pieces would have to be made. There is no upfront cost, no mold fees, no trademarks, nothing. The only thing he would pay for is the product once it is ready. NRG owns the rights to everything, nothing but the product was ever purchased from them. When the product came in, only 50 of the 80 pieces were purchased. Since this piece was custom made for Erick, he had exclusive rights to sell it for 6 months. For over a year NRG tried to get Erick to purchase the other 30 piece, but he would not, at this time NRG lost money on it so they came to us.

My name is James and I am from NRG Innovations...Just letting you guys know that Synergy Autoworks is now one of our main distributors. They are stand up guys and I can confirm everything they said is true. Any questions feel free to call me (626)369-2668.
Might want to read a little further down the page.

Mode4 said:
We were told that by doubling our intended order, we would secure ownership rights to the mould; and so we agreed as it was always our intention to have such ownership.

Mode4 said:
Months later, they approached us with a NEW requirement to purchase an additional 40 pieces thus revising the minimum quantity required for us to own the mould. This is long after the original deal was struck. We argued that it was not part of the agreement that we had made before the pieces went into production, and we did not need the additional 40 pieces that they were trying to push on us.
My name is James and I am from NRG Innovations...Just letting you guys know that Synergy Autoworks is now one of our main distributors. They are stand up guys and I can confirm everything they said is true. Any questions feel free to call me (626)369-2668.

so......is there any conclusion? did erick call or did he lie?:cool:
btw- the original OEM NSX-R Diffusor is only like $700 So i'm not sure where the significant overhead comes from?:confused:

I'm not sure if seller ratings are a major concern? I always post + on anything i purchase from another prime member (as long as it shows up)? No need to bash each other here on prime as we can see what that leads to. Everything i bought that i didn't like i sold it as a small loss. Lesson learned i guess. I'm sure know one is going out of business for any reason.
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We have a few left. Dont send a payment until you contact me to make sure we still have one for you. We have a full write up that we are going to post in the DIY section to contribute to prime.