1st ticket.

eh; when I bought this car I decided I had better take it easy to avoid the easy speeding tickets and whatnot...

but all that did was bring on a whole different slew of stupid tickets haha. (like yours)
Thats ridiculous, most cops I know {and I know alot} won't even waste time for a minor thing like that. Especially if it's really hot outside.
Thats ridiculous, most cops I know {and I know alot} won't even waste time for a minor thing like that. Especially if it's really hot outside.

I don't think it's ridiculous. Non-signalers are one of my big annoyances while driving. Right behind cell phone yackers.
I got pulled over last week. I passed an officer while in the left lane (while going speed limit) and got in front of him using my turn signal. He didn't give me a ticket. He said don't ever get in front of a police car. He then gave me props on the NSX.
Lesson learned. Cops don't like ANY car in front of theirs.
I usually always use a signal.But I was in a turn only lane at a light didnt think it was needed.He also tried to tell me I was speeding but I wasnt.He had no proof.If I was maybe 5 over.
I got pulled over last week. I passed an officer while in the left lane (while going speed limit) and got in front of him using my turn signal. He didn't give me a ticket. He said don't ever get in front of a police car. He then gave me props on the NSX.
Lesson learned. Cops don't like ANY car in front of theirs.

That's a new one on me. Did you give him several car lengths before you changed back into the right lane? I can see him being bent if you cut back in while he was 5 feet behind you or something.
Just got my first ticket for speeding, bad morning, in a rush, not paying attention, fell for the ol' over-the-hill-out-of-sight-in-the-middle-of-a-speed-limit-change trap. Sucks. Was in the TL though. Dozens of active/violent gangs in this city, but the streets are secure!
I've had my Nsx 3 years now and the car basically talks itself out of tickets...I have been caught speeding twice and both times i was about 40 over the limit and the cops just give me a speech and ask about the car and one time i even let the cop drive her lol... I only speed on the turnpike speeding in traffic is retarted!
That's a new one on me. Did you give him several car lengths before you changed back into the right lane? I can see him being bent if you cut back in while he was 5 feet behind you or something.

He had about thirty feet at 35 mph. My girlfriend said he was staring me down at the previous light. He was really nice and we talked about the NSX for a couple of minutes. The police are pretty bored where I live. He didn't try to jerk me around. He just made it clear at the end that I should NEVER get in front of his car.
I don't think it's ridiculous. Non-signalers are one of my big annoyances while driving. Right behind cell phone yackers.

everbody has their pet-peeve's. Mine is people who wait for a signal to turn green before turning right at a red light. :rolleyes:
Well.....for my little 2 cents, from 25 years of experience writing tickets, I am going to go out on a limb here and bet that the OP had done, or was doing, something else to get the officer's atrtention. I have NEVER seen or heard of a cop stopping someone for just a failure to use a signal in a designated turn only lane.
Well.....for my little 2 cents, from 25 years of experience writing tickets, I am going to go out on a limb here and bet that the OP had done, or was doing, something else to get the officer's atrtention. I have NEVER seen or heard of a cop stopping someone for just a failure to use a signal in a designated turn only lane.
You have now.
I once received a ticket for haveing a loud exhaust (center exit taitec catless). On the ticket the idiot wrote Ferrari NSX. It was dismissed. :smile:
For not signaling you can beat the ticket by stating teh light did not work. All you need is a receipt proving you fixed it within 24hrs. Just send that in not guilty and equipment failure can lead to dismissal. Now you did say the light was defective right? Some are just idiots writing tickets for a turning lane only.
O.K. now its ticket # 2 Im convinced its the car. I was going to Seattle to meet up with family and jfowler(nsx prime member).I know Oregon is a bad place to speed so I always set my cruise.I stop at a rest stop to take a leak ,when I am getting back on freeway still on on-ramp I see a semi coming so I get on it to get in front of him.the cop gets me on the on ramp 83 in a 65. He was going the other way.When he gets behind me Im doing 67 he pulls me over rights me a ticket and says "THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR BUYING A CAR LIKE THAT"
Thats ridiculous, most cops I know {and I know alot} won't even waste time for a minor thing like that. Especially if it's really hot outside.

It's a ying-yang with me. I think if somebody doesn't signal and basically cuts somebody off, that's one thing. If nobody is close enough to come in contact with you, who are you signaling for?
everbody has their pet-peeve's. Mine is people who wait for a signal to turn green before turning right at a red light. :rolleyes:

I also hate when you're turning left through an intersection, people that won't pull out into the middle of the intersection and wait, even if it's for the light to turn yellow so they can go.