1st ticket.

everbody has their pet-peeve's. Mine is people who wait for a signal to turn green before turning right at a red light. :rolleyes:

I agree with that one. I probably have too many pet peeves when it comes to driving. At least that's what my daughter tells me.

Aside from non-signalers and cell phone yackers, I also hate:

  • People behind you who honk at you to go when you're sitting on a red arrow
  • At intersections, people who are going straight, but come to a stop in the right lane at a red light, when they could easily have changed into the inside lane, allowing people behind them to turn right
  • People who don't realize you can turn left on a red light onto a one-way street (at least it's legal in Washington, where I live)
  • People who stop at a free right (or left) turn
  • Drivers who have no idea who's supposed to go first at a 4-way stop

Those are off the top of my head, but I could come up with another ten easy. As I said, I have issues.
I once received a ticket for haveing a loud exhaust (center exit taitec catless).

That's the same exhaust I have, but I haven't tried the test pipes yet. How do they compare with regard to power and decibel change? For a normally aspirated car, do the test pipes really make a lot of difference?
O.K. now its ticket # 2 Im convinced its the car. I was going to Seattle to meet up with family and jfowler(nsx prime member).I know Oregon is a bad place to speed so I always set my cruise.I stop at a rest stop to take a leak ,when I am getting back on freeway still on on-ramp I see a semi coming so I get on it to get in front of him.the cop gets me on the on ramp 83 in a 65. He was going the other way.When he gets behind me Im doing 67 he pulls me over rights me a ticket and says "THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR BUYING A CAR LIKE THAT"

Ouch. What freeway was this? I-5?

I once got pulled over in my Pantera headed to Portland on I-84, just after I'd crossed the river. Two staters in separate Jeep Cherokees got me. At the time my custom plate was "150PLUS", and when I saw *two* cops behind me all lit up, I thought my goose was cooked.

I was only doing 75 or something, and the guys were real nice. Talked about the car for a while and gave me a warning only. Didn't even ask to see my insurance or registration, although I did have to produce my license.
everbody has their pet-peeve's. Mine is people who wait for a signal to turn green before turning right at a red light. :rolleyes:

I agree 100%, but turning right on a red light is an "OPTION". It is not required, but I wish more people would use the "OPTION". If it is clear to go, then "GET THE F*** DOWN THE ROAD"

everbody has their pet-peeve's. Mine is people who wait for a signal to turn green before turning right at a red light. :rolleyes:

My pet-peeve is the opposite. Waiting for the signal to turn green when being honked from behind by drivers who don't read the NO TURN ON RED sign.:biggrin:
My pet-peeve is the opposite. Waiting for the signal to turn green when being honked from behind by drivers who don't read the NO TURN ON RED sign.:biggrin:

That's one of the ones I just listed.

  • People behind you who honk at you to go when you're sitting on a red arrow
So I got my ticket mere days ago, and I've already got 2 solicitations in the mail to 'fix my ticket'. Speeding tickets are nothing more than revenue makers.