1st Annual NSX Shootout Update June 3rd-6th

92NSX said:
It says that while all of the other FI builders/installers/customers say how they have this and they have that, I have bigger dyno #'s than you do yada yada. Well when it comes time for everyone to get together and settle it, nobody shows up. :confused:

We are lucky to have people like you to point out all the wrong goings on in this place. I know I sleep better ever night knowing you keep a watchful eye in the FI community, even though you are no longer a member :) :eek:

MiamieNeSeX said:
Neither do I
Sorry, I thought you started a thread stating as such.


Guess I was wrong.

Either way, I didn't post what I did with the intentions of you taking the opportunity of take a cheap shot at me without provocation.
In the future if I attack you then you have the right to retaliate but until then please leave me alone.
MiamieNeSeX said:
I know I sleep better ever night knowing you keep a watchful eye in the FI community, even though you are no longer a member :) :eek:


Thanks. :D
BTW, how do you know that I'm not anymore? Might not know as much about me as you think you do.:confused:
MiamieNeSeX said:
I guess you were, but I never said it was a problem, just pointing out a situation, down time on the car was 10 minutes.

Oh, I guess your pulley not staying on the drive shaft isn't a problem. Ok fine.
Honestly I'm glad you got it fixed.
BTW, while your's was down, mine wasn't.:D
92NSX said:
Thanks. :D
BTW, how do you know that I'm not anymore? Might not know as much about me as you think you do.:confused:

If you are then good for you, bad for whoevers system you put in. Is this the same guy who was complaining about a $15.00 buffet? :D
92NSX said:
Oh, I guess your pulley not staying on the drive shaft isn't a problem. Ok fine.
Honestly I'm glad you got it fixed.
BTW, while your's was down, mine wasn't.:D

Agreed but with 240 RWHP, you need all the road time you can get

MiamieNeSeX said:
If you are then good for you, bad for whoevers system you put in. Is this the same guy who was complaining about a $15.00 buffet? :D
Only bad if it came from AZ. :D
Yeah, the same guy that complained about the 'buffet'. The one with a total of 5 items. WOOHOO, big buffet. :D
MiamieNeSeX said:
Agreed but with 240 RWHP, you need all the road time you can get


You are right about that. Then again, I'm not in a hurry to get anywhere when I'm driving it either. I like to enjoy the drive. :cool:
Me too.:cool:

Anyway, back on topic about the Shootout.
It does sound like quite a number of other nice cars came out and had some good runs.
Were there any other cars put on the dyno that day?
uh, this thread is certanly entertaining, and not in the least because of the FX shootout discussion.

I would have gone (Excuses are like rectums, as the saying goes...) but working today, and can't justify (to my wife) driving that far without her and the kid, which makes it tough to take the nsx on long family type trips....I knew i would certainly not post the highest ## of the days, and had no intentions of tracking my car, but wanted to meet and greet, and show off my bbsc in all its 6.4 psi of glory!!!:D
KGP said:
A few things I recall from the phone conversation with Sig:

1)The in-car camera man might just have a black eye. :eek: :D I guess he asked Mikey to short-shift going from 1st to 2nd, and still caught a good impact from the camera eye piece. That was the 129 trap.

2) That it is damn dissapointing no other FI systems were there to dyno. Would have given us a good look at true comparisons of systems (for power), being that all dyno's would have been done on the same day, same dyno. When FX's dyno broke down on the way to XPO, there sure was some talk then.

3) that someone took some footage with a camcorder. Maybe that will show-up soon.

Ha, wonder how the Vette forums would defend that one. :D

1) Mikey said the guy let out a loud groan as a result of the force from the 1-2 shift. Hopefully they don't edit it out.. it will certainly be good for a laugh.

2) Sure would have been nice to have some of the other guys out.

3) Panda got the first run on tape.... if my Vegas impaired brain cells remember correctly, it was about an 11.5 at 126 or so.

About the vette, I think it was a mid-80's model. Sounded like it had some serious work done. It launched like rocket with those slicks.
Sounds like the weekend was a bust. I feel bad for factor X who spent the time to put an event together and have very little participation.
92NSX said:

As for the fact that NO other NSX sellers/installers of FI systems showed up says a little something. :o

Lets cut the guys a little slack here. Its a bit of a tall order to get the other vendors to drop everything for a few days to go to someone else's turf to defend their product. The fact that it was their show in their town of course means they have an easier time of making it to the show
paladin said:
Lets cut the guys a little slack here. Its a bit of a tall order to get the other vendors to drop everything for a few days to go to someone else's turf to defend their product. The fact that it was their show in their town of course means they have an easier time of making it to the show

Well said. Just as an fyi, we were hoping to have this done at NSXPO 2003 and had high expectations and commitments from most vendors - but it did not pan out.

As much as we all love to see this test done one day, here is some info perhaps many missed. I am not offering any excuses or even assume that these were the reasons why the others did not show, just observations.

1. Basch/SoS just relocated their shop so I am sure their immediate priorities are elsewhere.

2. Comptech's trailer and Shad were at Infineon racing. Two of their other crew were at the annual S2000 gathering in Elk Grove (south Sacramento). Elk Grove is their turf.

3. If you checked DaliRacing's website, he was on his annual pilgrimage visiting the Oracle for several days.

4. Gery Johnson? Well, I don't know about his details ..... last I read he was flying around the country doing custom instalations/tuning.

Did I leave anyone else out? ;)

Like many of you, I too am patiently waiting to see this day come, and hopefully without any excuses as to whose tuning was not right, whose fuel management malfunctioned, that the local gas is not the same as the one near the shop when the car was tested in the shop, and the clutch was slipping but with a different clutch/plate or whatever the results will be different, who was expecting what part to arrive but the supplier did not send it on time, and the car was setup for this altitude but not that latitude, or the black box developed an unexplainable gremlin on the way ......... Personally, I think half the fun is reading the excuses :D

But after all the numbers, and Dyno numbers are only numbers, what are we really measuring, what are the bragging rights for?

A. Highest peak HP - now we can argue at what RPM .....
B. Highest low end torque - ditto, everone likes a different RPM when they paid for it
C. Both A and B - for those who can't find their wi$h li$t .......
D. Most usable power under/over the curve - whatever this means ...
E. Fastest quarter mile - let's start a clutch war too while we are at it ......
F. Highest top speed ......... let me know where you are testing this, and let's start a speedo calibration day too .........
G. Fastest to the higest top speed ....... some may be delivering so time is of the essence
H. Numbers good for only one Dyno run after which the engine needs a rebuild but numbers don't lie ..........
I. Most streetable power; must have something with the local "curve" as one's streetability needs will be quite different from others ....
J. Most maintenance free - does it run on battery and if so is it rechargable?
K. Most reliable ............. now that should start a mini WW and keep the forum entertained for weeks.

OK, I have done my damage for the day - all in good humor :p
To be perfectly honest the shootout was a complete waste of time! I, along with a few friends flew out to vegas just for the shootout. We arrive at the drag strip friday night and there was only one NSX there(Factor X). I give them credit for being there but there were no other X owners there. That was the first complete bust.

I talked to the guys from Factor X and they said they had already made a few passes in the 11.5 - 11.7 range. I asked what the trap speeds were, they said 125 - 126. Later I witnessed one run by them and it was a 12.5 @ 121mph.

I asked them what the plan was for the next day(saturday) and all I got was a shrug and they said they would open up around 10:30 - 11 ish am. So we show up to the shop around 12:30 pm.... no one. Lights were off no one there. We knocked, we called, we drove around back... nothing.

I just feel that if there is a planned event for the weekend and that they said they would be there.... that they should be. So basically we went to LV, talked to them for five minutes, watched one run on the track and that was the shootout. Needless to say I have much better things to do with my time and $. It was a complete letdown.
Hrant said:
Well said. Just as an fyi, we were hoping to have this done at NSXPO 2003 and had high expectations and commitments from most vendors - but it did not pan out.

As much as we all love to see this test done one day, here is some info perhaps many missed. I am not offering any excuses or even assume that these were the reasons why the others did not show, just observations.

1. Basch/SoS just relocated their shop so I am sure their immediate priorities are elsewhere.

2. Comptech's trailer and Shad were at Infineon racing. Two of their other crew were at the annual S2000 gathering in Elk Grove (south Sacramento). Elk Grove is their turf.

3. If you checked DaliRacing's website, he was on his annual pilgrimage visiting the Oracle for several days.

4. Gery Johnson? Well, I don't know about his details ..... last I read he was flying around the country doing custom instalations/tuning.

Did I leave anyone else out? ;)

Like many of you, I too am patiently waiting to see this day come, and hopefully without any excuses as to whose tuning was not right, whose fuel management malfunctioned, that the local gas is not the same as the one near the shop when the car was tested in the shop, and the clutch was slipping but with a different clutch/plate or whatever the results will be different, who was expecting what part to arrive but the supplier did not send it on time, and the car was setup for this altitude but not that latitude, or the black box developed an unexplainable gremlin on the way ......... Personally, I think half the fun is reading the excuses :D

But after all the numbers, and Dyno numbers are only numbers, what are we really measuring, what are the bragging rights for?

A. Highest peak HP - now we can argue at what RPM .....
B. Highest low end torque - ditto, everone likes a different RPM when they paid for it
C. Both A and B - for those who can't find their wi$h li$t .......
D. Most usable power under/over the curve - whatever this means ...
E. Fastest quarter mile - let's start a clutch war too while we are at it ......
F. Highest top speed ......... let me know where you are testing this, and let's start a speedo calibration day too .........
G. Fastest to the higest top speed ....... some may be delivering so time is of the essence
H. Numbers good for only one Dyno run after which the engine needs a rebuild but numbers don't lie ..........
I. Most streetable power; must have something with the local "curve" as one's streetability needs will be quite different from others ....
J. Most maintenance free - does it run on battery and if so is it rechargable?
K. Most reliable ............. now that should start a mini WW and keep the forum entertained for weeks.

OK, I have done my damage for the day - all in good humor :p

Well done ! Its good to see another member take hold of the ladle and stir the pot a bit. :)

I'm sorry you wasted a trip out there. The wife was telling me to fly back out there so I could watch the event also. Glad I didn't now. :(

As for the other FI guys, I guess I have been a little misleading in my questions. I didn't expect the actual manufacturers to drop what they were doing and send a car from their business/shop to represent them. I'm sorry for the confusion I started.
What I was expecting to see/hear was private owners with different FI systems on their cars to show up and at least have a free dyno done on their cars. Not everyone is willing to track their car and I don't blame them, I wouldn't either.
Miami - seems that in my absence, you are giving 92 his ration. Please govern yourself accordingly. :D

Pulley problem? What pulley problem? Nothing that a wiz-bang machinist can't fix.

HP = crack cocaine = addictive = doing whatever it takes to keep FI on the car. Once you've been to the top of the mountain, I personally don't understand how someone can revert to NA. Problems are meant to be solved. :cool:
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Like 92, I wasn't really expecting other vendors to show, but they each have a customer or three in the area and I was hoping at least a few of them would take advantage of the offer of free dyno time. Oh well, I guess the F-X guys were so let down that they didn't bother on Saturday. Sorry to hear that it was a bust and that Elite was left out in the cold, uh, heat.