'05 JH4NA21665S000094 in OH

Thank you "hot dude" for that really meaty tidbit. I'm really glad you chose this post to come out on since we haven't heard from you on these forums for so long. Great and I am sure others are getting a lot out of your posts as they are always so informative. Thank you for your great contribution to this post. Just wonderful and so very helpful too.

Well I guess since I have an '05 Tim I can speak from experience- regardless if I purchased new or used.

You on the other hand just speak.
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I'm just here to tell you that "times they are a changin" and hey just see if you can sell your blue one, Kryas, for anything near what you paid for it.

I am happy that I don't have to see if I can sell it for what I paid for it. Heck, I never said I got a good deal to begin with. To the contrary, I was saying that I thought $55K was a good deal because I paid more.
I am happy that I don't have to see if I can sell it for what I paid for it. Heck, I never said I got a good deal to begin with. To the contrary, I was saying that I thought $55K was a good deal because I paid more.

Kyras...Bromley is hanging himself with his own rope. Consider the source.
Thread hijack alert ... :redface:

I guess I'm trying to understand why you're hatin' on Tim? I've met him in person and he's as genuinely nice as the day is long. I don't think he professed to being the final word on NSX pricing, he was merely trying to state that, in his opinion, prices have generally dropped and he proceeded to back up his opinion with my situation.

As far as my purchase was concerned, I purposely have not listed the price I paid for my 2004 Suzuka-built piece of artistry since doing so will undoubtedly upset others who might've paid more for their particular purchase. It's akin to discussing salaries at work -- you just don't do it because someone is going to get offended. You want to ask me in person, I'll tell you, otherwise, not for broadcast in a public forum.

I will tell you that what Tim stated was 100% accurate. I can add a few other facts ... the battery was replaced while I was awaiting my test drive since the previous owner had not started the car for 2+ months; the clutch was replaced by the dealership 140 miles before my test drive ($3596.79 parts + $1440.88 labor). I had a PPI performed by Autowave and their list of items that needed my attention was all of 4 things -- all very manageable items. The car had 23,624 miles on it, it was one owner, no accidents, and only had paintwork due to a Hummer door opening up into the right front fender in a mall parking lot. This was repaired at a very reputable autobody shop in SoCal and you could never tell it happened. The car is 100% stock. I have all maintenance records. Interior & exterior are 9.0/10 and I'm being critical due to some curbing rash on the rims.

Now, with all of that said, I was shocked at the price I paid because I expected to pay much more for such an example. I even paid full price for the car given its condition. In fact, offering less would've been an insult to the previous owner. As it turns out, he gave me $500 off to help defer the cost of shipping it back to Georgia. He is a great guy and we still keep in touch.

My point is this, everyone has a threshold where they're willing to plop down their hard-earned money for the car they desire. Everybody's budget is different. Supply is short with the NSX and demand is reasonable -- thus they hold their value much better than many comparable models. But many folks today can't justify purchasing a relatively expensive used car and that's why many are for sale and few are actually selling at the asking price. All Tim was trying to say was this: the price point on these cars has dropped quite a bit in the past year or two, so much so that newer models have become much more affordable to many potential buyers. That was certainly true in my case. But, I'll admit, I considered myself (and still do) very fortunate and blessed to find this vehicle at the price I was comfortable with. I'm convinced there are other values out there too.

So, don't be hatin' on Tim because he expresses his opinion and follows that up with an example. I thought this forum was above that sort of behavior.
i don't see anyone hating on tim... what i see is for some unknown reason Tim speaking on authority on 05's which he has no first had experience with and i see him calling hothonda "hot dude" because he called Tim out on it. (hot honda has first hand experience with first ownership of zanardi, 05 and other new nsx's)

I like both tim and hothonda and have never met either. However i did exchange pm's with Tim before he bough his car in an effort to him him and i feel like i know hot honda as he has owned several nsx's and have i first hand experience buying multiple na2s including an 05.

Regardless. I live where something like 40% of the nsx's reside and i have looked at several 05's and i have a database of some of the 05's. (not as complete as ben.)

My point on the subject is undamaged / low mileage 05's (or -02-05's) are not a dime a dozen. Consider that honda only shipped roughly 1000 02-05's to the us in the first place and a good percentage of the 03-05's where originally bought under the smoking hot lease deal that honda offered at the time. this means that a lot of these few cars where bought to be used as daily drivers. As daily drivers they received bumps and bruises and mileage from use and a more of them then you would think were involved in minor and major incidents. The point is it is by no means easy to find an unmolested 04-05 and if you are trying to find the perfect car for under 55K i don't think it is going to happen that often. If you do, consider yourself very lucky in light of the number of these cars that were bought and used as daily drivers.

the end
I think that a few years from now there will be a large price difference between 2004 and 2005. I just sold my 2003 few months ago and i said to myself that when i will be buying a NSX it will be an overpriced 2005 with low miles and no stories. If i already had certain things accomplished and there would be a mint, one owner 2005 Silverstone or LBBP on black interior with less than 10 000 miles with service records and no mods / stories i will pay $65 000 right away before someone else would buy it.

I think that the biggest reason for the NSX value to depreciate is owners listing/selling them too cheap. I belive that the only factor that would have direct influence on the car's value should be milage, not year of production since Acura does not make them anymore.

just my .02

Kyras - Congrats on your purchase, i was also looking at the car but at that time when it was for sale it was too early for me to buy it.
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Thank you, Brylek. I'm happy to have it. :smile:

Kyras you should be!

I sold my 2002 Imola Orange Pearl for $65k in April if that makes you feel better. You paying $65k for the LBBP is a good deal in my books especially last year.

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Well I guess since I have an '05 Tim I can speak from experience- regardless if I purchased new or used.

You on the other hand just speak.

Glad you have all this experience buying new cars Hot. So what does that have to do with used ones? I speak from years of buying and selling sports cars of all makes. I've had plenty of them and it's the used ones and my experience and the facts that I turn up that made me chime in to bolster Chic for the search ahead. Somehow you and others have turned this into an 05 issue only. Never part of my original comment - my post was to say that there are other options on the 02 thru 05 - they all look the same after all now don't they.

Obviously if you narrow things down to the few special orange or blue colors they might see higher prices - but just as folks find buyers for them there are others that are not so unusual that fall within the 02 to 05 range that will surely sell for less as Bethemortgage mentioned. So if you have some real information to share with Chic I'm sure he'd be more than happy to listen or if you want to help him locate another 02 to 05 I bet he'd really appreciate your help. I think we'd all commend you for that.

As for just taking shots at me - well that makes you look small and I care not cause all I ever try and do is offer ideas and assistance to others. Did you happen to notice that Chic wrote here and said thanks to me? I don't know about you but I'd sure like it if we could get away from personal attacks. You want to discuss some particular point - hey I'm here. Otherwise I think it would be nice of you to save the personal attacks unless you want to back em up with something we can actually learn from. You say you have experience cause you have an 05 - well give Chic the benefit of some of that - help him out. Ridiculing me isn't helping anyone and it doesn't add to the the family atmosphere that most of us are here on Prime to enjoy. At least that's my take. :smile:
Glad you have all this experience buying new cars Hot. So what does that have to do with used ones? I speak from years of buying and selling sports cars of all makes. I've had plenty of them and it's the used ones and my experience and the facts that I turn up that made me chime in to bolster Chic for the search ahead. Somehow you and others have turned this into an 05 issue only. Never part of my original comment - my post was to say that there are other options on the 02 thru 05 - they all look the same after all now don't they.

Obviously if you narrow things down to the few special orange or blue colors they might see higher prices - but just as folks find buyers for them there are others that are not so unusual that fall within the 02 to 05 range that will surely sell for less as Bethemortgage mentioned. So if you have some real information to share with Chic I'm sure he'd be more than happy to listen or if you want to help him locate another 02 to 05 I bet he'd really appreciate your help. I think we'd all commend you for that.

As for just taking shots at me - well that makes you look small and I care not cause all I ever try and do is offer ideas and assistance to others. Did you happen to notice that Chic wrote here and said thanks to me? I don't know about you but I'd sure like it if we could get away from personal attacks. You want to discuss some particular point - hey I'm here. Otherwise I think it would be nice of you to save the personal attacks unless you want to back em up with something we can actually learn from. You say you have experience cause you have an 05 - well give Chic the benefit of some of that - help him out. Ridiculing me isn't helping anyone and it doesn't add to the the family atmosphere that most of us are here on Prime to enjoy. At least that's my take. :smile:

Tim you have reached ad nauseum...congratulations!
Just remember you were the one that started the nausia with your personal issues with me. If you want more of it just keep on writing. I got all the time in the world. Maybe the moderator will do us all a favor and close this thread.
I followed this thread since it opened. I tried to stay away, but here I am. I am the new owner of this 05. I don't agree nor disagree with Tim, but I must say that, people like Tim are sure assets of this forum. I received lots of help during my 2 years of searching, and I am grateful for it. Did Tim use an extreme example? I think so. Did he mean harm? No way. Is his advises and commends in this thread helpful for future NSX owners? Absolutely!

What Tim may miss is that, the 05 NSX sellers and buyers are definitely an unique group of people. I've camped on Autotrader.com, cars.com, and ebay for the past 20 months, and there were no mint condition, under 20k miles 05 NSX sold for under 55k. During my search, I've offered serveral 2005 NSXs with 9k, 12k, 14k miles with up to $63k. Two of them rejected my offers, and I backed out of the other two due to suspicions of the vehicle condition. Most of those current 05 sellers do NOT need to sell their NSX. They're NOT the folks you see in the for sale section, who lowers the price 5 times in 3 months for their 199x NSXs. Most of them are only selling their NSX because they are buying a F-car, Lambo, or a 60 ft boat. But if they don't sell it, they'll still get the darn boat!! On the other hand, the 05 owner-wanna-be, are usually having cash in their hands for the right car. Seriously, with the budget, some of us are really gunning for the 2012 HSV, if we don't get the right car we want, and if the HSV does hit the street. Everyone has their own color combination in mind, but there are only a few of each out there. So, never be surprised that you see people spend 65k for a 2005. Why? Because they know if they miss this one they may have to wait another two years. If I saw a red/black 05 with 15k miles, would I pay more for it? You bet I will!!

I was also surprised that nobody pointed out the example given by Tim. I am sure Tim will appreciate more if we discuss what we disagree with him than just flame him with no given reason. There are two obvious issues I see in the 2004 NSX with 23k miles and was sold for under $50k. If we review the facts, we know that it was sold under 50k. Let's say 48.5k. The previous owner spent 5k on a clutch job and gave $500 back, so his net take was somewhere around $43k. A 2004 mint condition NSX with 23k miles for $43000? In my opinion, either the seller knows something we don't, or the seller knows nothing about cars at all. He could've easily gone into a dealership and got way more than that out of the cheapest sales manager in the world. A year ago, the KKB value for a 2004 NSX in that condition was over 70k. Or he could've posted here and easily walked away with 55k+, unless there is something wrong about this car that he does not want public attention from a forum like this one. (Prime for sale section had a 03 silver with 50k miles sold last year for $53k, the ad is still here). Also, a well-maintained NSX should have no reason to replace the clutch at 23k miles. I sold my S2000 in 04. It had 18k miles on it, and at least 6k miles was on track or autocross. I did not have to replace the clutch. To me, that clutch replacement is a show-stopper.

I thought people will ask, so here is a picture from the inspection:
I followed this thread since it opened. I tried to stay away, but here I am. I am the new owner of this 05. I don't agree nor disagree with Tim, but I must say that, people like Tim are sure assets of this forum. I received lots of help during my 2 years of searching, and I am grateful for it. Did Tim use an extreme example? I think so. Did he mean harm? No way. Is his advises and commends in this thread helpful for future NSX owners? Absolutely!

What Tim may miss is that, the 05 NSX sellers and buyers are definitely an unique group of people. I've camped on Autotrader.com, cars.com, and ebay for the past 20 months, and there were no mint condition, under 20k miles 05 NSX sold for under 55k. During my search, I've offered serveral 2005 NSXs with 9k, 12k, 14k miles with up to $63k. Two of them rejected my offers, and I backed out of the other two due to suspicions of the vehicle condition. Most of those current 05 sellers do NOT need to sell their NSX. They're NOT the folks you see in the for sale section, who lowers the price 5 times in 3 months for their 199x NSXs. Most of them are only selling their NSX because they are buying a F-car, Lambo, or a 60 ft boat. But if they don't sell it, they'll still get the darn boat!! On the other hand, the 05 owner-wanna-be, are usually having cash in their hands for the right car. Seriously, with the budget, some of us are really gunning for the 2012 HSV, if we don't get the right car we want, and if the HSV does hit the street. Everyone has their own color combination in mind, but there are only a few of each out there. So, never be surprised that you see people spend 65k for a 2005. Why? Because they know if they miss this one they may have to wait another two years. If I saw a red/black 05 with 15k miles, would I pay more for it? You bet I will!!

I was also surprised that nobody pointed out the example given by Tim. I am sure Tim will appreciate more if we discuss what we disagree with him than just flame him with no given reason. There are two obvious issues I see in the 2004 NSX with 23k miles and was sold for under $50k. If we review the facts, we know that it was sold under 50k. Let's say 48.5k. The previous owner spent 5k on a clutch job and gave $500 back, so his net take was somewhere around $43k. A 2004 mint condition NSX with 23k miles for $43000? In my opinion, either the seller knows something we don't, or the seller knows nothing about cars at all. He could've easily gone into a dealership and got way more than that out of the cheapest sales manager in the world. A year ago, the KKB value for a 2004 NSX in that condition was over 70k. Or he could've posted here and easily walked away with 55k+, unless there is something wrong about this car that he does not want public attention from a forum like this one. (Prime for sale section had a 03 silver with 50k miles sold last year for $53k, the ad is still here). Also, a well-maintained NSX should have no reason to replace the clutch at 23k miles. I sold my S2000 in 04. It had 18k miles on it, and at least 6k miles was on track or autocross. I did not have to replace the clutch. To me, that clutch replacement is a show-stopper.

I thought people will ask, so here is a picture from the inspection:

Jas303 ... see my PM to you.
I followed this thread since it opened. I tried to stay away, but here I am. I am the new owner of this 05.
I thought people will ask, so here is a picture from the inspection:

Nice looking car! The fastest color for sure!

Good points in your post.
I followed this thread since it opened. I tried to stay away, but here I am. I am the new owner of this 05. I don't agree nor disagree with Tim, but I must say that, people like Tim are sure assets of this forum. I received lots of help during my 2 years of searching, and I am grateful for it. Did Tim use an extreme example? I think so. Did he mean harm? No way. Is his advises and commends in this thread helpful for future NSX owners? Absolutely!

What Tim may miss is that, the 05 NSX sellers and buyers are definitely an unique group of people. I've camped on Autotrader.com, cars.com, and ebay for the past 20 months, and there were no mint condition, under 20k miles 05 NSX sold for under 55k. During my search, I've offered serveral 2005 NSXs with 9k, 12k, 14k miles with up to $63k. Two of them rejected my offers, and I backed out of the other two due to suspicions of the vehicle condition. Most of those current 05 sellers do NOT need to sell their NSX. They're NOT the folks you see in the for sale section, who lowers the price 5 times in 3 months for their 199x NSXs. Most of them are only selling their NSX because they are buying a F-car, Lambo, or a 60 ft boat. But if they don't sell it, they'll still get the darn boat!! On the other hand, the 05 owner-wanna-be, are usually having cash in their hands for the right car. Seriously, with the budget, some of us are really gunning for the 2012 HSV, if we don't get the right car we want, and if the HSV does hit the street. Everyone has their own color combination in mind, but there are only a few of each out there. So, never be surprised that you see people spend 65k for a 2005. Why? Because they know if they miss this one they may have to wait another two years. If I saw a red/black 05 with 15k miles, would I pay more for it? You bet I will!!

I was also surprised that nobody pointed out the example given by Tim. I am sure Tim will appreciate more if we discuss what we disagree with him than just flame him with no given reason. There are two obvious issues I see in the 2004 NSX with 23k miles and was sold for under $50k. If we review the facts, we know that it was sold under 50k. Let's say 48.5k. The previous owner spent 5k on a clutch job and gave $500 back, so his net take was somewhere around $43k. A 2004 mint condition NSX with 23k miles for $43000? In my opinion, either the seller knows something we don't, or the seller knows nothing about cars at all. He could've easily gone into a dealership and got way more than that out of the cheapest sales manager in the world. A year ago, the KKB value for a 2004 NSX in that condition was over 70k. Or he could've posted here and easily walked away with 55k+, unless there is something wrong about this car that he does not want public attention from a forum like this one. (Prime for sale section had a 03 silver with 50k miles sold last year for $53k, the ad is still here). Also, a well-maintained NSX should have no reason to replace the clutch at 23k miles. I sold my S2000 in 04. It had 18k miles on it, and at least 6k miles was on track or autocross. I did not have to replace the clutch. To me, that clutch replacement is a show-stopper.

I thought people will ask, so here is a picture from the inspection:

Very nice! Congrats!
jas303 congrats to you!
Of course, we like it better when a midwesterner bangs one on the LEFT coast and brings it to the Heartland.
I'll look forward to your new post up, etc.
Best to you for many happy trouble-free grinning miles :wink:
"prime price police"

Maybe a baby thread hijack, but kinda on the way this thread has gone. I listed my car for sale in the marketplace, and not an hour later , I got a PM from someone here that must be the "Prime Price Police" as well. He said his best friends, brothers, girlfriend got an 04 or 05 for less than $50K with X amount of miles, and there was no way I would get X amount for my car. I just thought, "wow, some people must really have a slow work day." Thanks for the heads up buddy! If you don't like my price, just go visit another car. Don't tell me what I'm asking is too much. Why is it your business?

Sorry rant over, deep breath. I just scrolled through here and saw people talking about the same topic and was just wondering why and how they were the experts on pricing. :rolleyes:
Re: "prime price police"

Maybe a baby thread hijack, but kinda on the way this thread has gone. I listed my car for sale in the marketplace, and not an hour later , I got a PM from someone here that must be the "Prime Price Police" as well. He said his best friends, brothers, girlfriend got an 04 or 05 for less than $50K with X amount of miles, and there was no way I would get X amount for my car. I just thought, "wow, some people must really have a slow work day." Thanks for the heads up buddy! If you don't like my price, just go visit another car. Don't tell me what I'm asking is too much. Why is it your business?

Sorry rant over, deep breath. I just scrolled through here and saw people talking about the same topic and was just wondering why and how they were the experts on pricing. :rolleyes:

I spent 18 long long months looking for a NA1 NSX coast to coast. Spent countless hours of research and working through deals with sellers. I think I became pretty darn good "expert" in pricing a NA1 NSX. I'd say that a buyer should not be commenting to a seller that his car is over priced like you indicated via a PM. That's pretty tacky especially if the person had not seen the car nor aware of maintenance records and nor got a sense of how well the car had be stored (e.g garaged).
That's pretty tacky especially if the person had not seen the car.

This is exactly what I was thinking.

I've seen some pretty beat up 02-05's with low mileage on them. There are deals out there on them. Just find what you like, and can afford, and go get it, don't worry about what my price is without even coming to see my car. If you come look at it, and can point out why it's not worth at or near my price, I may listen.
I followed this thread since it opened. I tried to stay away, but here I am. I am the new owner of this 05. I don't agree nor disagree with Tim, but I must say that, people like Tim are sure assets of this forum. I received lots of help during my 2 years of searching, and I am grateful for it. Did Tim use an extreme example? I think so. Did he mean harm? No way. Is his advises and commends in this thread helpful for future NSX owners? Absolutely!

What Tim may miss is that, the 05 NSX sellers and buyers are definitely an unique group of people. I've camped on Autotrader.com, cars.com, and ebay for the past 20 months, and there were no mint condition, under 20k miles 05 NSX sold for under 55k. During my search, I've offered serveral 2005 NSXs with 9k, 12k, 14k miles with up to $63k. Two of them rejected my offers, and I backed out of the other two due to suspicions of the vehicle condition. Most of those current 05 sellers do NOT need to sell their NSX. They're NOT the folks you see in the for sale section, who lowers the price 5 times in 3 months for their 199x NSXs. Most of them are only selling their NSX because they are buying a F-car, Lambo, or a 60 ft boat. But if they don't sell it, they'll still get the darn boat!! On the other hand, the 05 owner-wanna-be, are usually having cash in their hands for the right car. Seriously, with the budget, some of us are really gunning for the 2012 HSV, if we don't get the right car we want, and if the HSV does hit the street. Everyone has their own color combination in mind, but there are only a few of each out there. So, never be surprised that you see people spend 65k for a 2005. Why? Because they know if they miss this one they may have to wait another two years. If I saw a red/black 05 with 15k miles, would I pay more for it? You bet I will!!

I was also surprised that nobody pointed out the example given by Tim. I am sure Tim will appreciate more if we discuss what we disagree with him than just flame him with no given reason. There are two obvious issues I see in the 2004 NSX with 23k miles and was sold for under $50k. If we review the facts, we know that it was sold under 50k. Let's say 48.5k. The previous owner spent 5k on a clutch job and gave $500 back, so his net take was somewhere around $43k. A 2004 mint condition NSX with 23k miles for $43000? In my opinion, either the seller knows something we don't, or the seller knows nothing about cars at all. He could've easily gone into a dealership and got way more than that out of the cheapest sales manager in the world. A year ago, the KKB value for a 2004 NSX in that condition was over 70k. Or he could've posted here and easily walked away with 55k+, unless there is something wrong about this car that he does not want public attention from a forum like this one. (Prime for sale section had a 03 silver with 50k miles sold last year for $53k, the ad is still here). Also, a well-maintained NSX should have no reason to replace the clutch at 23k miles. I sold my S2000 in 04. It had 18k miles on it, and at least 6k miles was on track or autocross. I did not have to replace the clutch. To me, that clutch replacement is a show-stopper.

I thought people will ask, so here is a picture from the inspection:

Hey Jas,

Man I am so happy for you. I didn't think you wanted a silver one? Now I remember our PMs together. It took me a bit as it has been a while and now I know you've been busy behind the scenes looking for beauties like this one. Actually now that I've been educated here about the 05s by you- I am going to have to say that it appears that you got a very good deal here! That is wonderful and I know you are happy as heck with this new baby as anyone would be. I know I would be ....

I see too that Bethemortgage PM'd you with the real info on his car and now you know what a totally smokin' deal he got! I mean. You talk about fate ....that was a real case. SimsG was involved as well - many of you may remember his story of his wife's wrecked Silver beauty. I talk with Gary regularly - fine fellow and he's got a new toy ...but that's another story.

I am very glad you posted Jas, if for no other reason than to know who bought this beautiful 05 - as you know I'm partial to silver- but otherwise I want to thank you for your kind words on my behalf. My only wish here is to be of help to others. I'm glad you understand the spirit behind my posts.

Good luck to you and happy trails and now since you have this "baby" don't be a stranger here - it always nice to have new owners post and tell us of their excitement with the NSX. We all love these cars or we wouldn't have them and I am still hoping to hook up with my buddy Keith/Bethemortgage to rally with him here in Atlanta on our awesome mountain roads north of the city about 1 hour. Wish you could join us! and on that note - let me know if you ever get this way and we'll get together for some NSX fun/conversation.

Thanks again for your post!
In the beginning he says:

Don't worry Chic, there are better deals a waitin! That one went for about what you might expect from a dealer and it went high in my opiinion. The dealer is lucky there was someone out there willing to pay that for it. Did you really want to pay 55k for a 2005?

Then he says:

Actually now that I've been educated here about the 05s by you- I am going to have to say that it appears that you got a very good deal here!

What will he say next?