'05 JH4NA21665S000094 in OH

Don't worry Chic, there are better deals a waitin! That one went for about what you might expect from a dealer and it went high in my opiinion. The dealer is lucky there was someone out there willing to pay that for it.

Did you really want to pay 55k for a 2005? Probably not. Now I know it only had 17k miles on it but my friend here in Atlanta got his for less than 50 and it was an 04 with 23k on it and it had a new battery and CLUTCH- can you say fantastic deal - I thought so.

Point is - do not dispair the right one for you is still out there. Keep the faith. Remember, all comes to he that waits! Never truer words were spoken in the car business! :wink:
Don't worry Chic, there are better deals a waitin! That one went for about what you might expect from a dealer and it went high in my opiinion. The dealer is lucky there was someone out there willing to pay that for it.

Did you really want to pay 55k for a 2005? Probably not. Now I know it only had 17k miles on it but my friend here in Atlanta got his for less than 50 and it was an 04 with 23k on it and it had a new battery and CLUTCH- can you say fantastic deal - I thought so.

Point is - do not dispair the right one for you is still out there. Keep the faith. Remember, all comes to he that waits! Never truer words were spoken in the car business! :wink:

The internet NSX pricing policeman has spoken so it must be true.

Tim's the recent purchaser of 19 year old NSX. Not quite the same atmosphere.
I think 55k for a clean low mileage 05 is a good deal? Am I missing something here? :confused:

Generally quality NSX's sell for exactly what they are worth.

At $55K I would consider it a "good deal" if everything was as advertised.

Here is an 05 that is being driven by the owner of the dealership. He had a small incident. While vehicle was in the possesion of a valet service they managed to back a Hummer receiver hitch into the front end of the NSX. This resulted in a deep crease in the hood which was replaced. I saw the hood that was removed so the story is valid. I would call him up and make an offer all he can do is say no.

Here is an 05 that is being driven by the owner of the dealership. He had a small incident. While vehicle was in the possesion of a valet service they managed to back a Hummer receiver hitch into the front end of the NSX. This resulted in a deep crease in the hood which was replaced. I saw the hood that was removed so the story is valid. I would call him up and make an offer all he can do is say no.

Looks very nice... but I'm looking for a Silverstone/Metallic. Thanks though!
To all you doubting Thomases out there that apparently didn't read my post very clearly - my opinion is not based as "hot dude" mentions on my purchase of a 19 year old car or his own experience on only buying "new" cars but on my friends ability to purchase an 04 for less than 50k with 23k on it and he's here in Atlanta and I've seen it and it's almost perfect. I will let Bethemortgage give you the specifics which you all could find with a little digging of your own. His deal was better than I alluded - the records are there in posts for you all to find. I also qualified my statement that this price you all like is from a dealer and to be expected - not an individual which I recommend.

So put that in your collective pipes and check it out and then pay whatever you want. I'm just here to tell you that "times they are a changin" and hey just see if you can sell your blue one, Kryas, for anything near what you paid for it. I'm not trying to argue or be the bearer of bad news- I just keep my ear to the ground and I unlike "hot dude" at least have an example that is far below this example. Is that the market across the board - well, hell I don't know, but my motto has always been "where there's smoke there's fire" in other words if it was done once it could be done again. These are truly troubled times and things aren't any better right now - have we hit bottom - any one of you want to run out and buy some Chrysler or Delta stock to find out?

I surely wouldn't advise anyone that they are going to pay 55 or 56k for an 05 but hey so what if they do - would you rather have an 05 for 55 or an 04 with 10k more miles for approx. 10k less - hey your call. If it was my money and I was looking for the best deal - my advice is to wait for a better deal and to not get discouraged - that's all I said - so now where is the argument? I qualified all my statements - what about you guys - ya'll watching prices or just hoping that this price is indicitive of what your cars are worth? Nothing negative here - hey the more your late models are worth the more my 91 is worth - I'm hoping for higher prices too -but that doesn't change my feelings about what kind of deal you MIGHT get one bit!

All the best.
To all you doubting Thomases out there that apparently didn't read my post very clearly - my opinion is not based as "hot dude" mentions on my purchase of a 19 year old car or his own experience on only buying "new" cars but on my friends ability to purchase an 04 for less than 50k with 23k on it and he's here in Atlanta and I've seen it and it's almost perfect. I will let Bethemortgage give you the specifics which you all could find with a little digging of your own. His deal was better than I alluded - the records are there in posts for you all to find. I also qualified my statement that this price you all like is from a dealer and to be expected - not an individual which I recommend.

So put that in your collective pipes and check it out and then pay whatever you want. I'm just here to tell you that "times they are a changin" and hey just see if you can sell your blue one, Kryas, for anything near what you paid for it. I'm not trying to argue or be the bearer of bad news- I just keep my ear to the ground and I unlike "hot dude" at least have an example that is far below this example. Is that the market across the board - well, hell I don't know, but my motto has always been "where there's smoke there's fire" in other words if it was done once it could be done again. These are truly troubled times and things aren't any better right now - have we hit bottom - any one of you want to run out and buy some Chrysler or Delta stock to find out?

I surely wouldn't advise anyone that they are going to pay 55 or 56k for an 05 but hey so what if they do - would you rather have an 05 for 55 or an 04 with 10k more miles for approx. 10k less - hey your call. If it was my money and I was looking for the best deal - my advice is to wait for a better deal and to not get discouraged - that's all I said - so now where is the argument? I qualified all my statements - what about you guys - ya'll watching prices or just hoping that this price is indicitive of what your cars are worth? Nothing negative here - hey the more your late models are worth the more my 91 is worth - I'm hoping for higher prices too -but that doesn't change my feelings about what kind of deal you MIGHT get one bit!

All the best.

Well there you have it folks..... adfinitum
Don't worry Chic, there are better deals a waitin! That one went for about what you might expect from a dealer and it went high in my opiinion. The dealer is lucky there was someone out there willing to pay that for it.

Did you really want to pay 55k for a 2005? Probably not. Now I know it only had 17k miles on it but my friend here in Atlanta got his for less than 50 and it was an 04 with 23k on it and it had a new battery and CLUTCH- can you say fantastic deal - I thought so.

Point is - do not dispair the right one for you is still out there. Keep the faith. Remember, all comes to he that waits! Never truer words were spoken in the car business! :wink:

Thanks for the advice!
I feel 55k for that 05 is a very fair price. I wouldnt call it a great deal or anything like that.
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Well there you have it folks..... adfinitum

Thank you "hot dude" for that really meaty tidbit. I'm really glad you chose this post to come out on since we haven't heard from you on these forums for so long. Great and I am sure others are getting a lot out of your posts as they are always so informative. Thank you for your great contribution to this post. Just wonderful and so very helpful too.
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Thank you "hot dude" for that really meaty tidbit. I'm really glad you chose this post to come out on since we haven't heard from you on these forums for so long. Great and I am sure others are getting a lot out of your posts as they are always so informative. Thank you for your great contribution to this post. Just wonderful and so very helpful too.

Tim, the frequency and number of posts does not determine "informative" quota.

Hot has owned more NSXs than you and I combined and has a WEALTH of information.

Can't we all just get along? :cool:
NSXCHIC,, dont worrry we will find you one we are all searching for ya!! gotta help out a Florida Gal!! that Southern Charm Kickin in!