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  1. White92

    New 9th gen Accord - disappointing

    For now, but a new TL should be out next year.
  2. White92

    and so I'm getting married on saturday...

    After the honeymoon, be sure to change your name to "The Man".
  3. White92

    Is this a scam? JH4NA2167VT000065

    This car is on Manheim right now by this dealer with a starting bid of $46k. I'm guessing this ad is a typo.
  4. White92

    4500mi NSX Roadtrip through the Western States - Suggestions for roads/must see's!

    I 2nd St George, UT. Plus you can hit up Zion not far from there. I would be careful with higher elevations at Zion or any of the other places you visit. Some of the higher/scenic places are already getting snow. If you do stay the night in St George, I'd look into a condo with a garage. Alot...
  5. White92


    If you have almost 2 hours to kill, you can watch an amazing show that aired on NOVA following Lockheed Martin in a contest with Boeing to design this new plane. It's a great watch! <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0"...
  6. White92

    Cyclists harassed by abusive driver

    This is why we can't have nice things.
  7. White92

    Cyclists harassed by abusive driver

    Wow, thanks everyone. :rolleyes: I've never had a thread locked or go so far off track. No, I'm not talking about the open discussion. I'm fine with that. It's the name calling that does it for me.
  8. White92

    Does Jay Leno have an NSX?

    I thought he bought the last one ever produced in 05? Internet rumor?
  9. White92

    New 9th gen Accord - disappointing

    You drove the sport trim correct? I've read that the eps on that car is tuned a little different than the other trim levels. I haven't driven the new Accord yet, but I'm betting the sport feels like the TSX in turns of steering feel. I'm betting the other trim levels aren't as light feeling.
  10. White92

    opinions on 2010 TL

    I think you did great. I sometimes wonder why they didn't put a power steering column in the car, but honestly, how often do you change it once it's set? I think few people have cars with multiple drivers that need different possitions. Alot of households have his and her cars, no sharing.
  11. White92

    Cyclists harassed by abusive driver

    I can't believe this guy! <script src=""></script> BOULDER COUNTY, Colo. — A video posted on YouTube...
  12. White92


    Love this! I highly recommend anyone go the one of these races if you have not been. The speed and acceleration are just mind blowing! I believe there was a thread on here years ago about how there really isn't anything on earth that accelerates faster than one of these race cars, not even the...
  13. White92

    opinions on 2010 TL

    Good choice and killer deal. Have you seen the owners manual yet? It's ginormous! :eek::biggrin: There's definitely a learning curve with this car. Let me know if you need help.
  14. White92

    opinions on 2010 TL

    That sounds like one heck of a deal. Is this FWD or SH-AWD? What color is it, inside and out?
  15. White92

    iPhone 5

    DOH! I'll ask him when I see him next.
  16. White92

    The Chuck Norris thread

  17. White92

    iPhone 5

    A good friend and neighbor of mine works for the nations largest refrigerated trucking company. They all had RIM too, but after the last few outages they switched to iPhones as well. They have to keep track of 5,000 drivers at any given time. They can't deal with information outages.
  18. White92

    ex RealTime Type R at ITRCA Expo

    You can buy these cars from them?! What happened to the other ITR's? What about the NSX??
  19. White92

    iPhone 5

    Maybe the phone can support it, but Verizon won't allow it?
  20. White92

    iPhone 5

    Right. Some friends and I were talking about this the other day. We probably use our smart phones now more than our car or anything else. I find myself using my phone more than an actual computer anymore. It's a pretty important device in my life between work, social and home.
  21. White92

    Anyone know this 2004 on eBay? JH4NA21644T000071

    :confused: Too high for a wholesale price or too high retail? What do you think is a fair price for this car?
  22. White92

    iPhone 5

    Agreed. I was watching for the release of this phone to see if it would sway me to the Apple side. It looks like I will be getting the Samsung Galaxy S III after all. I was hoping for a bigger screen. I know it doesn't matter to most, but I've got big hands. :wink:
  23. White92

    New 9th gen Accord - disappointing

    I've read multiple reviews on several different sites in the last few days and they all seem to be pretty good. I think they did a great job on this car! There are features that even Acura doesn't offer yet.
  24. White92


    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  25. White92


    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>