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  1. DrVolkl

    Health Reform Bill.........

    I have a slight problem with this however... it's kinda like buying a warranty for your car once you find out you have a major engine issue. "Hey my NSX needs a new $15k engine... good thing I can buy this insurance for $650 and have them pay for it... then I can go back to not having any!"...
  2. DrVolkl

    Health Reform Bill.........

    Well, if I remember my history correctly, income tax was created to help pay for WWII. Last time I checked that war is long over and paid for.... Our Gov't needs to shrink big time, that includes military spending... and this whole health care mess is just another step to us working into...
  3. DrVolkl

    Health Reform Bill.........

    To be fair, the gov't is selling it's Citibank bailout stock for a nice $7-8bil profit. Sounds like good economics to me. Lets see if they can profit off GM.... and btw- if GM had failed (or citibank) we'd (imo) be in a whole lot worse mess. I think we were under some special circumstances a...
  4. DrVolkl

    Show us your STMPO and win prizes

    Finish my tank so I can post more pics! :smile::tongue:
  5. DrVolkl

    My new shoes, Matte black Advan RS-D's "modified"

    Just ordered myself a set. Thanks Chris/Brian/SOS and S4play! I may or may not do that pinstripe... I'll see how they look on the car first. I went with black center caps/bronze lugs.
  6. DrVolkl

    My new shoes, Matte black Advan RS-D's "modified"

    Really? I think that's the best part... :smile:
  7. DrVolkl

    Health Reform Bill.........

    Oh don't worry about that... I'm sure they'll make it law that we have to accept the new plan soon enough... just like it's going to be mandatory to HAVE health insurance now. They'll be more than happy to throw doc's in jail. Awesome! :rolleyes:
  8. DrVolkl

    Audi S5 and S4??

    Recent road and track comparo: The S4 dominated... over a second faster on the track... and check this out: BMW 335i 13.3 @ 105.7 mph Acura TL SH-AWD Tech HPT 13.7 @ 102.3 mph Audi S4 Quattro acceleration 12.9 @ 108.6...
  9. DrVolkl

    My new shoes, Matte black Advan RS-D's "modified"

    Yeah, I'm about to order em for my S4. Thanks for doing all the homework! This will also be my first set of Advans... I've always run Volks before.
  10. DrVolkl

    Driving the NSX: are you guys getting boxed in on freeways?

    Every time I stop the car now I get swarmed by teenage boys. Not exactly what I was looking for. It's flattering... lots of cell phone pics, etc etc, but... yeah, can be unsettling at times. I had two tatted up guys approach me at a starbucks parking lot in a crappy part of town over the...
  11. DrVolkl

    My new shoes, Matte black Advan RS-D's "modified"

    What are the specs on those rims? I wonder how'd they look on my S4.... I was going to do some Volks, but that might look even better. I imagine I could do a yellow or aluminum ring to match my car as well. Are those 19's? Also.. they look titanium in the first pic and black in the rest. Is...
  12. DrVolkl

    Crashed my NSX...

    SC on a Viper? Jesus... set aside some extra $$ for tires! See you in a year or two Bat! :wink:
  13. DrVolkl

    PAWS Charity event show April 11th U.W Red Square

    Shit, if it was only 100 miles I would have picked Boise. 4th of July Party at my house... if it's not sold.
  14. DrVolkl

    Health Reform Bill.........

  15. DrVolkl

    Rootbeer/NWMotoring Spring Fling March 28th, 2010

    How's the weather looking? I'd consider going...
  16. DrVolkl

    PAWS Charity event show April 11th U.W Red Square

    It's ok, I just spent over $3k for plane tickets for the family to Japan this summer... minus me. I'll have about 6 weeks to do whatever! I promise to be your friend Fowler. :smile:
  17. DrVolkl

    PAWS Charity event show April 11th U.W Red Square

    I already have a hotel booked in Portland that weekend... doing some shopping south of the border.
  18. DrVolkl

    PAWS Charity event show April 11th U.W Red Square

    I did this last year... it was cool.
  19. DrVolkl

    are na1 and na2 air stock box the same?

    I think that is a correct statement... at least the top/bottoms bolt onto each other. Never physically had the bottom out to check both.
  20. DrVolkl

    are na1 and na2 air stock box the same?

    I think that's the case. I have an NA2 bottom and an NA1 top (in CF) and it fits fine since I have the CT engine cover. The NA2 top is different since it has an indent to fit the stock targa cover.
  21. DrVolkl

    This Can't be Good!?!

    The NSX was probably still moving and hopefully continued to spin out of the way.... or the GTR used it's super powers and jumped over it. :smile:
  22. DrVolkl

    Cars and Coffe every Sat. 8-10:30

    I'm kinda bummed.. the only way I'll ever make one of these is if I take a day off work, which probably won't happen.
  23. DrVolkl

    WA Sighting thread.

    I saw a yellow NSX buzz past my office in West Seattle on Friday... cool car with black rims. Looked like a '97ish
  24. DrVolkl

    random stuff

    It's March in Seattle... what are you expecting? From November to May it goes dead around here. I'm driving my car to Ocean shores tomorrow... does that make you feel better? (with the top off even!) :smile: