Search results

  1. luke-44

    What should I do with a 49 miles NSX?

    Agreed, stunning combination.
  2. luke-44

    Pic request: Girls and NSX's :D

    Keepin' it alive...
  3. luke-44

    Transport Carrier Suggestion & Inspecting NSX before purchase

    I used DAS (open carrier) a few summers ago for a far less expensive car, was generally happy with them but it was some time ago. DAS are a broker, it's a total crap shoot as to the driver they get (low bidder) to take their (your) load. DAS, if they have "enclosed" will not also not likely be a...
  4. luke-44

    Transport Carrier Suggestion & Inspecting NSX before purchase

    Thomas reason your'e getting such price variation is open vs closed, and then there is soft enclosed (canvas type) and hard enclosed. Sunday is very reasonable in the world of the fully hard enclosed carriers. Other full enclosed carriers to consider are Horseless, Intercity, &...
  5. luke-44

    Six Figure NSXs

    That's my entire point. As an NSX enthusiast you maybe don't see why they are going up, nor the "crazy" prices the cars are bringing. As for early 911's, I'm very familiar with that market and the exact same thing happened. Enthusiasts who owned them for a long time could not understand why all...
  6. luke-44

    Six Figure NSXs

    Gotta disagree here. The NSX is going up because other collectables are going up even more. When you do the research and look around you realize what a bargain the NSX really is, and just how low the production numbers really were, especially the later cars. Expect prices to remain very strong...
  7. luke-44

    NSX Barn find?

    No, central Ohio. Update 02/15. Trying to track down owner but not getting return calls. The mystery continues as does the unknown story on the early Corvette in the garage.
  8. luke-44

    Late Gen NSX Retractable License Plate

    I hope this helps someone after me, I couldn't find the "how to" so had to wing it. This may not be the only way but it's fairly simple and after a lot of trial and error, I got the SOS remote license plate kit to work with my late model car. The problem with the later cars is the AC sensor...
  9. luke-44

    What on EARTH is going on with NSX prices right meow?

    I sold 2 classics and cancelled my related coverage with Hagerty late last year. To my surprise not a single question as to the selling price. Very disappointing, as this was always one of their supposed reasons for having such a good data base of prices. Not sure how much I trust the Hagerty...
  10. luke-44

    OBD II plug missing

    Problem solved after a bit of googling, and of course ending up back here at Prime - see post 12 - Not sure when it changed, but on the '03 it's actually driver side under the fuse box cover. There is a cover under the...
  11. luke-44

    OBD II plug missing

    Can someone confirm this? My Cali car just "failed" NJ inspection because they couldn't find the plug in. :mad:
  12. luke-44

    NSX Prices - Going Rate

    Hmmm, may be a day late - the 32000 mile car is showing "sale pending". No wonder - a great buy. There is a 37000 mile all stock '05 s/n 119 just bumped ttt today at a more market correct $70k.
  13. luke-44

    Smokin hot deal on an 03 LBBP

    According to my digging it's one of 6 built in '03 with that color combo. Six. That's an incredibly small number. Makes my '03 silver/silver at 24 produced look absolutely high volume. Not sure I agree there is necessarily a color premium as there isn't a bad color to be had in an NSX, and the...
  14. luke-44

    Does Jay Leno have an NSX?

    Jay is a great guy, a real advocate for the hobby. And I think he is a an NSX fan...I love Jerry's reaction at +-53 seconds and again at 1:13 And then Jay comes in here around the 1:30 mark of this one...
  15. luke-44

    NSX Barn find?

    You're exactly correct. :wink: We're trying to track the owner of the barn down. More to come as I find out the rest of the story.
  16. luke-44

    Valentine V1 Custom bracket and Remote Display Solutions for NSX owners, Option A / B

    Can you post the pic of the bracket installed in a targa? Thanks PS - really like the clock mod, thanks!
  17. luke-44

    Valentine One Custom Install

    OK, pardon my newbiness here, but I'm not getting the entire bracket thing. Why not just velcro the V1 onto the Tagra cover and wire it up? Easy peasy, no? I just bought a new V1 and got a Euro Boutique clock conversion so I'm quite interested in this topic. Look fwd to the replies, thanks in...
  18. luke-44

    My worst day ever.

    No words can possibly express the depth of the loss I can only imagine you are feeling. Take care, my thoughts are with you.
  19. luke-44

    Don't buy this 2005 nsx on ebay.. JH4NA21695S000025

    Congrats Olie on the purchase, good to hear you went in eyes open and knew what you we're doing. I think salvage gets such a knock because it's meaning can be so variable. Seems in this case the front end damage was a) known and you were able to uncover the event behind it, and b) enough to...
  20. luke-44

    NSX Barn find?

    You know the NSX is starting to approach collector car status when they start turning up as barn finds. I'm trying to get the full story on this poor car, but what I do know so far is it's been there for quite some time...
  21. luke-44

    Most Asked Question

    I was at cars N coffee in South Jersey this weekend. seemed most people knew what is was, but everyone wanted to know what I paid. "By 2003 the original sticker was just a touch over $100k" seemed to answer the question for most people.
  22. luke-44

    My visit to SoS

    Well it's funny how life sometimes serves up a perfect fit. I had to be in Chandler AZ today for business, so after my work was done I stopped in at SoS. I bought a few bits and pieces (license plate bracket and manifold cover) and saved a few bucks on freight. And the quality is everything I...
  23. luke-44

    "NSX" emblem

    Given all the humorous stories about the NSX being mistaken for a Corvette or Ferrari or whatever I think we should really keep 'em guessing and all replace our badges with something like this: or this?
  24. luke-44

    auto transporter recommentation

    See picture #3 in my recent thread, give them a call, small customer focused operation, they really care about the cars. Tell 'em Bruce from NJ who just moved the NSX from CA says hi.