Search results

  1. SENNAF1

    92 nsx-r

    What did the early nxs-r have that the normal nsx didnt.I have a 91 and am curious to know.I would like to put mine in a level above the early nsx-r.
  2. SENNAF1

    nsx owners or nsxca members

    Can just a owner go to nsxpo or do you have to be a member of nsxca?
  3. SENNAF1

    Boise owners chime in

    What do you mean keeping my footr in the throttle?I drive it the way it likes to be driven.I guess thats why I dont own a crotch rocket.
  4. SENNAF1

    Plans for NSXpo '08

    When traveling in Oregon you dont want to get a speeding ticket.They hit you hard there.85 in 65 is $ me Ive been hit there hard.
  5. SENNAF1

    Eye Candy for old farts

    They need to bring the Can-am series back.What a great time in
  6. SENNAF1

    Nsxpo 2008

    Lets set a record this year!I will be there.Please let us know what hotel is going to be the "PLACE TO STAY".cant wait:biggrin:
  7. SENNAF1

    Hotel for Portland

  8. SENNAF1

    Hotel for Portland

    Is there a main hotel yet for NSXPO 08.would like to make make reservations.
  9. SENNAF1

    C30-C32 low torque compared to others?

    I have A 95 M3, and A 91 NSX( with bolt on mods).The M3 is a great car,as is the NSX.I would not judge these cars together because they are both great cars ,and in a different class.I like the M3 for getting groceries.My M3 is the best car of that size and class I have ever had .......
  10. SENNAF1

    How is you low compression rebuild holding up?

    Hey Chris, I will be there for the Barret Jackson action in Jan. does that offer go for anyone.I will be there 18th-21st.I plan on coming in to the shop.
  11. SENNAF1

    Centerforce Clutch Or Oem Clutch

    I had a Center force clutch in my car .They are reconditioned factory clutches mine let go costing Big $$$$$ for a new clutch .They dont back up the NSX clutch.Maybe 3000 mile on it.
  12. SENNAF1

    EZ Carlift

    A group of jack stands and floor jack will do $200 . For $1500 you can park a car under it.
  13. SENNAF1

    sell my 1995 for a 2002-2005?

    I take theat back you guy's keep hacking up your cars that will just make mine worthe more in the LONG RUN.:biggrin:
  14. SENNAF1

    sell my 1995 for a 2002-2005?

    Why would you ruin a classic by throwing some after market body parts on it?Everyone has a oipinion ,but I personaly like the early body style better.Spend that $ on real upgrades and leave them in the dust.Just my opinion.
  15. SENNAF1

    How does a NSX turbo track

    Does the car have too much power to be a good track car or is it a perfect match?
  16. SENNAF1

    Swiss event 13.10.

    Its good to see you guys across the pond have some Japonese lust.:biggrin:
  17. SENNAF1

    Boise owners chime in

    I keep seeing NSX's in Boise.If you are on here lets get together.
  18. SENNAF1


    I lose my wife in the malls and stores for a reason ,all I need is for her to find me.
  19. SENNAF1

    e36 M3, your opinions/experiences wanted

    Rear control arm bushings, power steering hoses,and a tranny dougnut.other wise fantastic cars I have one and love it.
  20. SENNAF1

    do you hear it?

    Im all about the DIY car wash a (mit) never touches my car.
  21. SENNAF1

    ICE wash and ICE wax

    Every once in awhile I like to "ICE" my nuts down.I do use the detail spray on wheels and lug NUTS.also the car ,if Im in a hurry.It works well + for the ICE
  22. SENNAF1

    Black NSX not lowered best look?

    Just go ahead and lower it already.JIC magic
  23. SENNAF1

    Lewis Hamilton mistake

    Why have a gravel trap going into the pits? Its not like your doing 195+.cant wait for Brazil:biggrin:
  24. SENNAF1

    zanardi nsx roll call

    Im going with Ayrton Senna
  25. SENNAF1

    Lewis Hamilton mistake

    I cant believe he drove off track. What a race.