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ztoolmans style cup holders

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OK.... heres what i got so far for the round two orders.....

NMYMIRR Flat Black
350ztoroto Flat Black
MikeT Gloss Black
Hugh Flat Black
Hugh Flat Black
procurer Gunmetal
procurer Gunmetal
Sicarius82 Gloss Black
DocL Flat Black
B-rad Stainless Steel
chippy Stainless Steel
u00mem91 Gunmetal
CDX_NSX Flat Black
CDX_NSX Flat Black
Hondatech Gunmetal
Macready Flat Black
s4play Stainless Steel
mugen_kid Stainless Steel

ordered and pending payment.....

quickslvr Stainless Steel
quickslvr Stainless Steel

Passenger side orders.....

350ztoronto Flat Black

ordered and pending payment......

Stevieray Gunmetal

and those who indicated they wanted one that i have not yet gotten an order from......

NSXAMG996TT Gunmetal
Texas91Brent X2

I am anticipating getting them from the machine shop on monday or tuesday next week and then going to the powder coater on wednesday or thursday....and hopefully ready to ship by Monday July 21st.

i hade and extra 6 of each made in case of any late orders.... however, those that are NOT pre-ordered before they go to the powder coater will NOT have a choice of color.... i intend on have the extras powder coated flat black.

so, let me now asap if you want one..... this might possibly be the last production run.... Dave
Do you have any of the cupholders left?

Thank you, Ned

YES... follow the ordering instuctions in the threads above....thanks...dave
what's the status of the initial orders?
what's the status of the initial orders?

................I am anticipating getting them from the machine shop on monday or tuesday next week and then going to the powder coater on wednesday or thursday....and hopefully ready to ship by Monday July 21st. :rolleyes:
OK.... good news / bad news..... good news is i got the cupholders from the machine shop today (albeit a week late) they had a delay getting them done.....bad news is i am heading off to a training school for the next 3 days, so i wont be able to get them to the powder coater until monday 7-27. i anticipate they will be ready to ship by the end of next week. i am shooting for friday 7-31. i will keep you guys updated....

also, i have a few left to sell as not everyone that said they wanted one ordered one..... so if there any others that want one, let me know..... i also have 9 of the passenger side cupholders to sell also.... i redesigned tham to latch onto the passenger door sill and sit on the fl;oor... i will post a picture on sunday night... i had 10 made and one is for me..... if there is a demand for more, i will get more cut.....

thanks again....dave
Where do these hook onto the car at?? Anyone got a picture???? i'm interested in a center console one.... thanks

i am taking the cupholder to the powder coater on tuesday..... hope to have them done by Friday.....

as posted above, i have re-designed the passenger side cupholders..... they are now made to sit on the floor just in front of the passenger side seat... they hook under the rubber door molding and can sit anywhere in front of the seat... i am posting a few pictures to this post..... I had 10 total made and so far 5 are spoken for..... so if you are interested, please let me know asap so i can powder coat them them your choice of colors....otherwise the remaining 5 will be done in flat black (the most common color choice.... again, if there is more interest in the pasenger side holders, i can have them made again.... i have worked out a deal with the machine shop so i dont have to get 25 next time....

also, i still have a few of the center console cupholders that are left over from the non commited.... again, the extras are going to be powder coated flat black if i do not hear from anyone by tomorrow afternoon...

thanks again....Dave


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OK...all but three (3) of the passenger side cupholderrs i have are spoken for.... i have three (3) left for sale of the 10 i had made .... anyone wanting one after the three are gone will have to wait for the second batch....

those who have paid...

oneadam12 Flat Black
350ztoronto Flat Black
Stevieray Gunmetal
CDX_NSX Flat Black
CDX_NSX Flat Black
Hugh Flat Black
Hugh Flat Black

those who have expressed interest and i am awaiting payments


and finally, those that have said they wanted a center console cupholder and i am awaiting conformation and payments....


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UPDATE.... down to only 1 left of the passenger side cupholders..... and a half dozen of the center console cupholders....
Where do these hook onto the car at?? Anyone got a picture???? i'm interested in a center console one.... thanks

heres a picture for you....


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picked up the cupholders from the powder coater today..... will be boxing them up tonight....shipping on friday....

thanks again....dave
thanks dave
All were shipped out this morning......

Thanks again to everyone !!!!!!!!!!

Thanks Dave! This has got to be one of my top 5 mods. A definite must for any new owner who drinks coffee like me. I've tried the ultimate cup holder and Type S and this is the best by far. Mine got stolen believe it or not from my mechanic shop.

THANKS AGAIN !!!!!! to everyone that ordered...... USPS tracking shows everyone (except thoose shipped out of the US) has received their cupholders.... with the exception of one, which i am working with the USPS to track.....

for those of you that got the PASSANGER side cupholder, i would appriciate it if you would post your comments on them in this thread.... good or bad..... and if anyone else want to get the passanger side holder, i can and will get more made....

thanks again....Dave
Thanks Dave

The nicest guy you can meet, mine was lost in the mail, so told dave and he personally hand delivered the cup holder to my house, awesome service, an all around down to earth nice guy. thanks again

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