Z8 Discontinued next year.

31 January 2002
There is an article in today's autonews that says that next year is the last year for the Z8 with a special model.

That model has never sold well and I for one won't miss it. I've seen them on the road and there is nothing that really draws my attention to those cars.
The last Z8 was made already. The only similiar car you can buy new is the Alpina Z8 which is an automatic transmission version of the Z8. All the Z8 made were sold or sunk in transit.
I saw one on E/B I-10 last Friday, heading toward DT L.A. Call me weird, I find Z8's bulbous styling quite appealing, esp. in Silver. But for 120 large, uh...I don't think so.
Originally posted by sabashioyaki:
The last Z8s were among the BMWs sunk? What other cars were sunk? I heard it was 50 million worth of Volvos, Saabs, and BMWs, but I didn't get any details on what models.

General details, no info on specific models though:


'91 black/black

[This message has been edited by Russ (edited 16 December 2002).]
Originally posted by sabashioyaki:
The last Z8s were among the BMWs sunk? What other cars were sunk? I heard it was 50 million worth of Volvos, Saabs, and BMWs, but I didn't get any details on what models.

Sorry to mislead you sabashioyaki. My last sentence was a small joke. I know that the last Z8s are sold and are probably in their owners garage safe and sound. I made the joke because of the recent sinking.
The cars were mostly 5-series from what I read on the BMW boards. Some of everything though I am sure. At least one M3. Probably an Alpina Z8 but no Z8 as they ended production some few months ago.
It is a lose for as small manufacturer like BMW as they must now replace the customer cars before making cars for new customers who are waiting. It means overtime as they crank up the production.
Also some people with ED, not that ED European delivery, have lost their cars to the sea. That would be an insurance nightmare.
New info from the M3 board is that most of the cars on the Tricolor ship were Volvos.
There were 300 BMWs heading to California and a few dozen Euro delivery BMWs.

[This message has been edited by Tony Montoya (edited 17 December 2002).]
I guess I'll be the lone dissenter and say that I think the Z8 is an absolutely stunning automobile.

Granted, the ergonomics of the cockpit aren't spot on the way those of say the NSX are but the materials, fit, finish, textures, etc. are stunning. I don't know that I could justify kicking up that much coin for the Z8 but it is a beautiful car, IMO. Still, If I were movie star rich, I can see doing what Nicholas Cage (an auto freak) is rumored to have done. He bought two. He drives one and he has another one parked in his living room. That's right, his living room.

BMW never intended this car to be a long run car. In fact, it went out of its way to guarantee purchasers of the car that parts would be available going out something like 20 years even though the car would only have a short run.

Finally, I'm not sure I'd agree with the assertion that the Z8 never sold well. People were paying way, way, way over list when they first came out and the first and second year were damn near sold out the instant they were available. I think that's seriously slowed lately (the sheen has worn off, the economy has taken a big crap, and there's a lot of very cool alternatives).
Bestmotoring Video did a favorable review of the Z8 in their recent 12-02 issue. Although it lost to NSX-R and the 996 S4 by a considerable margin in their timed handling test on dry and wet surface, the reviewer/tester, Akihiko Nakaya, felt that the Z8's loss of rear end traction (i.e.,oversteer) was more manageable than the other two and believe that anyone, regardless of skill level, can learn to power-steer the Z8 skillfully with minimal seat time, even without T/C on(that's right, all 3 cars were tested with traction control disabled--NSX-R comes std. with NO available T/C of course).

.....Too bad to see it gone forever though.

[This message has been edited by Zanardi 50 (edited 20 December 2002).]
The Z8 is a very good car, stunning in looks and backed by a manufacturer with a very good reputation.

It's biggest problem - simply overpriced.

That large problem (remember it is a 5 series), combined with Da Hapa's comments about the economy in "poor shape", AND "so many current automotive choices" says all that remains to be said.