Youngest NSX Owner

Will you guys cut the kid some slack?

You flamed him to mars and back, hell, I think that he is right now in his garage with a gas tank ready to torch that damn NSX.

The guy meant no harm, he's just happy with the car he just got and of course he would jump around about how young he is. Didn't we all do that when we were that young?

But now, about this subject. I do agree that it's a bad idea to have a super car at such a young age. You just started to learn how to drive. And driving isn't something you just read in a book or learn during lunch break. You need years to become familiar with the level of concentration driving demeaned. You have to be able to judge whether you're going too fast or to slow and you can't tell by looking at the speed needle alone. You have to judge the on going traffic. You also have to be keen enough to tell if the driver ahead of you or to your side are going to change lanes without signaling. This happens all the time and we usually avoid it because of our long experience in driving but we never notice it until we need to give a driving lesson to someone and see how he can't read other cars movement pattern. And being at such an age, believe me you're going to be driving a lot faster than you should, I think hormones are to do with it, and being in an NSX ( small car) you wont have much protection if anything should happen. You can probably buy a thousand NSX's in your live time but all it takes is one fatal accident to end your only life. It doesn’t matter how mature you are, you're still vulnerable due to your lack of experience in driving. And if you're not mature enough, well, it's been nice reading your late posts. I bet peiserg will live longer than you. ( Sorry Peiserg I couldn't resist).

My advice, get a Toyota Celica, it's slow enough to keep you out of trouble and fun enough for you to learn so you can upgrade in a year or two to a fully fledged monster like the NSX.
I have to agree you guys are being way to harsh on the newbie. If I got a NSX or a porsche/Ferrari from my parents, I would be thrilled and excited too. What's the harm in him showing a little joy about his new NSX.
I know he feels flamed right now, but bragging seems to hit a tender spot with a lot of people. Even though I don't think that was your intention, it sure read that way.

If your dad wants to buy you an NSX at 16, I say go for it. I had a friend that got the NSX the first year they came out at a ripe age of 18. (wanted one ever since) Can you really claim that you are the owner though? Wouldn't that be your dad? :D

Use it wisely. I don't want to hear of stupid accidents, drinking and driving, and all that other immature crap that many adolescents and some adults can't seem to get away from. Respect the gift you have been given and it will go a long way. Show you have the maturity to own such a mature vehicle. Don't get cocky and go have some fun.
jlindy said:
Can you really claim that you are the owner though? Wouldn't that be your dad? :D

I remember the first time I understood that there was a difference between my parents money and my own money.

Just because your parents have money doesn't necessarily mean you have money, and that reality can be difficult to swallow if you are used to thinking you are 'rich' when you are a teenager.
I didn't see any flaming - just calling a troll a troll. I don't see any proof of an NSX. Heck - we have a very active community of NSX owners in Dallas that should be able to see if this is a 12 year old trolling on the NSX forum or a real owner (regardless of where he got it).

If a 16 year old want to participate in the forum - all the better. Look at Midnight Raven for instance. No one flames him. He comes across as intelligent, respectful, and honest. He is working hard in school and without a doubt will have an NSX before most of us.

This person comes to show off what his parents bought him (in almost all of his posts) and states he already saw the past stupid thread and how divisive it was! How could you want to resurrect one of the lamest threads in NSX Prime history?!?

Only if you are a troll who probably doesn't have an NSX and is looking for gullible people on this board to take the hook.

You want to impress people? Tell us about the things YOU have done or purchased with your hard earned money. Otherwise please move allong if you are just looking to stir people up and see if people recognize your act.
pixelhaus said:
sorry nick! ;^)

i don't know what to tell you, but, i guess i told you! ;^)

girls tonight!

Wow - girls won too!

I guess the boys and girls should now play to see who is really number 1!!!

matteni said:
Look at Midnight Raven for instance. No one flames him.

Actually, I remember Raven's earlier posts. He got flamed. So did Brian2by2 (or something like that).

But they kept a stiff upper lip and are now respected. :cool:
The only reason I was annoyed was that the kid was on the board before and made posts 10 MONTHS AGO and all he had to say then was 'hey I'm 15 and I'm getting an nsx' and now it's 10 months later and he's still saying the same thing. You would think one would develop more to talk about in that span of time.