Youngest NSX Owner


7 March 2003
Dallas, Tx, USA
How young are NSX owners?
Just wondering..I know there was a thread on this a couple years ago, but I want to see if the average age has dropped at all. I got mine 3 months before my 16th birthday, I think thats pretty young. (Yes, my parents have money, but that doesnt mean I'm a brat) it really possible to be any younger than 16 and own one? If you can't drive it I wouldn't say that counts. If you wanted stats a poll would have been a better idea.
ask his dad :p

Alykhan04 of your 5 posts on this board, 4 of them are about how you are 15/16 and own nsx...we get it, move on.
Originally posted by Alykhan04
How young are NSX owners?
Do a search, sonny, and please don't re-open any of those lame threads.

(Yes, my parents have money, but that doesnt mean I'm a brat)
You're quickly proving otherwise.
The boy is either false posting, or can't get enough attention from his PS2 gameboy school friends...Move on or go to another car forum....thanks
Alykhan04 said:
How young are NSX owners?

Or maybe how immature are some NSX owners would be a better thread!

Just to put this to rest - I just read your post - left my desk - drove to the DMV and registered the car in my 5 year old son's name.

Here he is with his new car 11 years younger then you:


Here he getting ready to turn hot laps at Gateway International Raceway since he can't drive on the street.


OK - satisfied?

The following text is so hopefully this site will get logged with your parent's "net nanny" program and you wont be able to troll around here any more: <edited bad words here>
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matteni, that was a good one! :D

Anyway, who is the older owner? My mom is over 60 and she owns my NSX (:p it is mine but on her name because of insurance --> totaling a NSX 3 years ago...). Does she win? ;)
I personally liked the feeling of working hard and saving up for the car so I could own a dream.

I would get no satisfaction from just being given one because I tured 16.. woohoo:rolleyes:
NetViper said:
I personally liked the feeling of working hard and saving up for the car so I could own a dream.

I would get no satisfaction from just being given one because I tured 16.. woohoo:rolleyes:
Hey, I somewhat agree with you and did buy my cars on my own, but would you seriously refuse to take an NSX at 16 if your 'rents paid for it? I think sometimes we say we wouldn't but in reality, we would take it in a heartbeat. I know I would :D

Alykhan04 said:
sorry, didn't mean it like that. I was just interested in figuring out the average owner's age. Sorry, wont do it again.

No sweat - I was a little harsh but my basketball team got stomped last night and I am still a little sore about it.



Enjoy your NSX but try to figure out a reason to work hard in your life. At your age I couldn't even afford posters of exotic cars and had to cut out and self frame pictures from car magazines. I knew a lot of kids that got awesome cars on their 16th birthdays, had tons of disposable cash, got caught up in drugs, got in trouble with the law, etc. From that experiance I realized that teaching kids the value of money and not giving them the world too young will alow them to save, earn, and respect stuff a little more.

Not saying you don't but you would be the exception IMO.
O-Ace said:
Hey, I somewhat agree with you and did buy my cars on my own, but would you seriously refuse to take an NSX at 16 if your 'rents paid for it? I think sometimes we say we wouldn't but in reality, we would take it in a heartbeat. I know I would :D


Oh I would take it... no question. I wouldn't however brag to people on this site that I am the youngest owner of a NSX when it was just given to me...
NetViper said:
Oh I would take it... no question. I wouldn't however brag to people on this site that I am the youngest owner of a NSX when it was just given to me...
Ditto :)
NeoNSX said:
:rolleyes: The Forums Nazi is gonna love this. :D
Since we're on the topic, how much do the young guys pay for insurance? ;) LOL

Since the question was raised, I'm 27, my wife and I have the X, a modded ford probe, a 2000 civic, 1999 ford expedition and a 24' car trailer (for the probe) and we pay about $1700/yr with Liberty Mutual.:D
Hey, I've got all you suckers beat.
Here's my picture the day I became an NSX owner.

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matteni said:
No sweat - I was a little harsh but my basketball team got stomped last night and I am still a little sore about it.


sorry nick! ;^)

i don't know what to tell you, but, i guess i told you! ;^)

girls tonight!

16 years??? Thats old!!! I was only 16 months when my daddy bought me my NSX!!!

He just drives it for me to keep it running so it wont be all old and dusty when I turn 16;)


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I attended a nice wealthy private highschool where many of the kids got sports cars, sporty bmws, etc as their first car. I can't even count the number of them that smashed their cars within the first year or so. At least 2 flipped their cars and another landed in a tree. There's no way in hell I'm buying my kids a sports car for their first car. I'll get them a used tank maybe. My parents shot me down daily when I'd ask for a sportier car. Now that it's my money there's not much they can do, but my driving is much tamer nowadays.
Responses in this thread surprise me. I thought we as a forum collectively are more mature than that. Isn't that what we pride ourselves to be? How different we are from other forums?

The first post didn't strike me as prideful at all. He simply wanted to know if there were any out there younger than he is.

I have three possibilities that would explain the flaming:

1. You're jealous. If so, get over it.
2. See above.
3. Georgia Tech got the smack down last night.

Which one.
HOw come all the posts regarding age are about young drivers?

I think i am the first 98 year old owner of an nsx. yeah, i'm on my 3rd artifical hip, my pacemaker battery is giving out, i lost my dentures (again!! dammit!), my rheumatism limits me to an automatic, and i need to refill my viagra script, but nothin gets those ho'es like the nsx.. just last week i had a groupie, not an;y older than 72 (yeah i know i am robbing the cradle, but what can you do...) wanted to ride my 'x....

Now i gotta go, i'ts 3pm and time for me to have my dinner.

oh PS, enuf of people soapboxing about "earning it." screw that! i paid for mine with a lot of hard work. I'd rather my old man had given it to me and i spent my cash on a bigger house.
Jealousy is probably part of it.
But say someone you know wins the lottery... u're happy for them. Then imagine they remind you everyday that they won the lottery... you get annoyed.
For me, part of the annoyance is how irresponsible his parents are as you can tell from my above post. Granted I don't know the kid. Maybe he's the most responsible kid ever, but chances are kids will be kids and tool around in their cars. Damn, i sound like an old man...

It is nice that this forum has a very mature crowd, but lets not get to high and mighty on ourselves. We're allowed to be flippant at times =)
LeftLane said:

HAHAHA... I find this thread amusing. For the fact that the age progression is going back in time...

"thinking of the next picture of a clip of a porno" :p

3. Georgia Tech got the smack down last night.
Yeah what a boring game it was too... Both came out sloppy as hell.

As for driving a car at a young age. Yes I agree that if i was presented with a very nice car i would take it no doubt and probably care for it just the same but my level of responcibility would not have been the same because of that lack of maturity... I know I had and every other 16 year old has.

I am now 22 still with my first car at 16... a 97 Subaru Legacy GT (SEDAN no wagon :p). It was the car I wanted... Safe, sporty looking and AWD for the wonderful ohio winters. I come from a extremely well off family that I respect the way i have been brought up... Learning on my own how hard it is to get money and saving up for praticular things. Granted I am spoiled I admit it... but feel very fortunate to live the life I live

I do find that the kids whom get say NSX's or or any other higher cost car don't have as much respect for things...and also expect things to be given to them or be treated differently from other kids among their age group...they seem more materialistic. This is a generalization I know but from my experiences... Many here at college where some students are just handed large amounts of cash from parents that really have no idea where it is going towards... fit into that generalization perfectly.

But all in all it will all pay off in the end to those who work hard and actully challenge themselves instead of going along with just the parents as their crutches.