Ignorance is not a defense...........ever.
Thats a problem - because being young and being ignorant go hand in hand. Until recently, that was always believed to be true. Somehow, now, society seems more willing to try young people as adults.
To take an example to the extreme to prove a point, my six year old doesn't fully understand death yet - like "gone forever, never coming back" - it doesn't completely equate in his mind. It seems around 7 is when it clicks in, knowing lots of kids, having run a summer camp in my youth.
Now if my 6 yr old son finds my gun and decides to shoot a neighborhood kid who intimidates him and his buddies every day after school - is it reasonable to assume he understands the consequences of his actions?
If you said "yes" you not only don't have kids but you haven't spent much time with any
These girls did a terrible thing - but should they be forced to forfeit their futures for it?
I'm not sure that truly understood what they were doing - I also think that if you think they should go to jail for years and years we're not far away from the death penalty for their actions.
Society will pay to incarcerate them (around $30k a year!) and it will not have any effect of the future behavior of others since they are ignorant, a new crop of 15 year olds are created every year - not many understand the criminal code.
The only solution to ignorance is education - so ignorance isn't an excuse, but not providing education to young people is undoubtedly contributory negligence!:frown: