You know you're a GEEK when...

2 December 2003
San Francisco
When you are watching HEROS season 1...
and George Takei (Sulu on Star Trek) gets in a car with the plate
NCC 1701

...and you also know what that means.:rolleyes:
When your name is "John@Microsoft" :tongue:

When you know the answer to this Cranium question, like I did this weekend..

What 2 items are NOT related to Apple Computer

Ok.. not really hard but you do have to be quite a cs geek to know...
Pfft I have grown to accept my geekness. :biggrin: Denial was just too hard. I even attempted to get my license plate to say the same thing (NCC1701), I thought it would make my Honda Fit look like one of the shuttle crafts. :biggrin: But apparently another geek beat me to it because its not available at this time.

Oh well back to the geek closet I go. :biggrin:
Pfft I have grown to accept my geekness. :biggrin: Denial was just too hard. I even attempted to get my license plate to say the same thing (NCC1701),

the guy down the street from my house has:
NCG1701 :rolleyes:

if you can't get NCC1701, and you gotta be a geek..go the next letter up, until you find a available letter:tongue:
I guess some other geek got D, E, F
BTW his Silver Chrysler Pacifica does look like a shuttle craft
i'm thinking of getting ALT F4 on the nsx tags.
i believe its fuji and spartan. The Lisa was a computer that never really took off after the Apple IIc, the Newton was apples first pda style system. The mac is a given
Kudos! You win a cookie, and a post point :)
BTW: Witchita Kansas hunh? Isn't that the city with one stop light...I knew someone from there a long time ago. :rollseyes:
Kudos! You win a cookie, and a post point :)
BTW: Witchita Kansas hunh? Isn't that the city with one stop light...I knew someone from there a long time ago. :rollseyes:

thanks, and actually wichita is the largest city in the state, we're over 300k people now. But the city itself is pretty well spread out. I've lived all over the world being a military brat, but wichita is probably one of the bigger places i've lived.
When you are watching HEROS season 1...
and George Takei (Sulu on Star Trek) gets in a car with the plate
NCC 1701

...and you also know what that means.:rolleyes:

I too noticed that when it first aired. I got all excited and told my wife. She rolled her eyes and said "you damn Trekie"! I use to have the poster of the Enterprise firing it's phasers on my wall as a teen and still have a Starship Enterpise necklace. Thank God I haven't worn it in over 30 years...I swear!
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