Sidney is right - backroads to Stockton could be confusing. Lets just take the fwy.
Hrant's post says we should be there around 11:30am. I would like to get there a little early if possible (say 11 or 11:15). Lets take 580 East to 5 North. Nice and easy freeway route.
The final caravan meet-up spot will be Dublin. From Dublin, lets all head to Stockton together.
Exact location for Dublin sync up:
Best Buy parking lot
Dublin CA (Store 134)
4820 Dublin Blvd.
Dublin, CA 94568
Directions from all Bay Area locations:
1. Get from where you are to I-580 East (heading to Stockton)
2. In Dublin/Pleasanton exit Hacienda Blvd
3. Go left (north) over the freeway. You are now on Hacienda.
4. Make right at the gas station (Shell, I think) into the shopping center/entrance toward movie theater. If you pass it, no biggie, just make the next right and head in the back entrance.
5. Go straight back to the end of the road. You will see Best Buy.
6. I will be waiting in the BB parking lot to the left of the store.
It takes about an hour to get to Stockton Acura from that location. We should leave Best Buy by 10am to be safe.
Those of you coordinating other caravan locations, please PM me with your cell phone number. I will PM you back with mine. That way, if one of the groups is missiing at Best Buy at 10am, I can call you.