You are invited to a July 9th Hosted BBQ at Acura of Stockton

Bobolinski said:
Can you please tell me what to do to open this slideshow I get error 80040240 file type not recognized

What version of WMP are you using? You may need to download certain codecs to play this .mpg file or upgrade to the latest version of the WMP.
ryan1926 said:
I forgot to mention that I also needed to "right-click" on the link and "save target as" to my desktop in order for it to work. :smile:
still did not work... :redface:
error: not avil or not found.... :redface:
I think I got some pics of your #1191. I need to clean up the my pics before posting. I will get them posted this month. I will email yours to you directly. As usual, if anyone sees their car in my upcoming picture post, please PM and I'll email yours to you directly. Man, its almost mid-July already. I still have over 100 pics from the June Hooters meet I need to clean up. I'll post some of those this month too, after I clean my garage. My NSX is coming home this week and I want to have the garage spotless before she gets here. :biggrin:
Even though I was able to view your earlier version, it was a bit jumpy. Your fixed one plays much smoother... almost like watching a different slide show. Great job, thanks... I enjoy watching it over and over again... :D
Come on now - I know a lot of people were taking pictures......please post them for all to enjoy. Thanks in advance -
Since I was late in the last minute registration, I spent my time at MotoGP instead.



Can someone lease post a link to the right codecs to download to play steves slideshow. All I get is audio. I have Media player 10 installed
I viewed the slideshow via the Windows Media Player on my Windows XP... Just make sure you have the latest version....
I've prepared over 100 photos for uploading (though I'll probably load about 20 or so), but Prime was down last night. I'll try to upload tonight. I also have over 100 photos from the Hooters meet. I'll post about 20 of those in another thread.

If anyone wants a compiled CD of my photos from the 1. Napa Drive 2. Hooters Meet & Drive and 3. Acura of Stockton Meet, shoot me a PM with your home address and I'll mail one out to you (its nothing fancy - no slideshow. Just .jpg files). Don't worry about the postage - I'll cover that - that's minimal. You can buy me coffee next time you see me.

For Ron - I already have your address. I'll mail yours this week.
For Ken - D'ecosse - I still need to edit your photos. They turned out pretty nice. Will email to you soon. Might need to snail mail them - files are large.

BTW - I think Steve did a nice slideshow. Steve, PM me with your address. I'll send you my pics.

Bay Area crew - An idea - If someone with slideshow skills wants to help me, I think it would be cool if we created an annual CD with the years events and made them available to NSXCA members. We could do this each year and archive them.

I'll try to post some pics tonight if Prime is up.
mickeylex said:
I've prepared over 100 photos for uploading (though I'll probably load about 20 or so), but Prime was down last night. I'll try to upload tonight. I also have over 100 photos from the Hooters meet. I'll post about 20 of those in another thread.

If anyone wants a compiled CD of my photos from the 1. Napa Drive 2. Hooters Meet & Drive and 3. Acura of Stockton Meet, shoot me a PM with your home address and I'll mail one out to you (its nothing fancy - no slideshow. Just .jpg files). Don't worry about the postage - I'll cover that - that's minimal. You can buy me coffee next time you see me.

For Ron - I already have your address. I'll mail yours this week.
For Ken - D'ecosse - I still need to edit your photos. They turned out pretty nice. Will email to you soon. Might need to snail mail them - files are large.

BTW - I think Steve did a nice slideshow. Steve, PM me with your address. I'll send you my pics.

Bay Area crew - An idea - If someone with slideshow skills wants to help me, I think it would be cool if we created an annual CD with the years events and made them available to NSXCA members. We could do this each year and archive them.

I'll try to post some pics tonight if Prime is up.
Please don't do slide show. After downloading all of the above Codecs, it still does not work for me. :confused:
WAS: You are invited to... NOW: photo cd for region?

mickeylex said:
Bay Area crew - An idea - If someone with slideshow skills wants to help me, I think it would be cool if we created an annual CD with the years events and made them available to NSXCA members. We could do this each year and archive them.
this seems like a pretty good idea :) a variation that might make it easier for folks to use might be:

* create cd (disc mfg time/cost/distribution involved
* create download jpg, png, etc (needs to be hosted somewhere - gonna be huge :( (depending on the size/frequency of downloads, i may be able to stuff it on one of my servers)

* end-user can use picasa/photoshop album <lite, i think>

* import the photos into the tool (picasa/photoshop) and use it' built in slideshow

this is but one option, i'm sure there are others. pm me if you'd like my involvement. also might want to begin a new thread devoted to this theme.

final thought: it seems to me that there is probably some very good material to create a NSX NW Calendar and distribute electronically... should be straightforward and given a bit of time, could be cranked out (as a hobby) over the next month or so. if there's *genuine* interest in this, i could give it a go in a few weeks.

Steve.. i'll make you a cd :wink:

btw, i'll be removing the file from my server tonight.... trail shows that it causes too many problems d/l'ing and viewing.... hope that all that had a chance to view it enjoyed it...

whiteNSXs said:
Please don't do slide show. After downloading all of the above Codecs, it still does not work for me. :confused:
The two downloads from randomharmony in post 342 was what worked for me; the others did not.

Nice video. Just curious where did you get that song/tune from? It is perfect for the theme.

Now if we can have some sounds/video form the exhaust show off :wink:
Steve - Thanks for posting the video; I saw it and enjoyed the music as well. I even caught a quick shot of my car. Thanks again - Michael
Just now finally got video to play. It requires Media Player 10 and the two links posted by Randomharmony above. Slideshow is awesome and thank you for the shots of my 05 blue.