YIPEE 1500 for me

Congratulations! You are in the top 8.

Unfortunately, there's a lot more time for posting when you can't drive your NSX... :(
nsxtasy said:
Congratulations! You are in the top 8.

Unfortunately, there's a lot more time for posting when you can't drive your NSX... :(

Dito that - I hope things work out well for you and you have a lot more time to enjoy and a lot less time to post!

Joel said:
Is Ken's car in the shop?

No, mine is not in the shop... (although it did recently have some open-heart surgery by Dr. Vasos). I was referring to someone else's. :( I hear that we will find out the whole story in due time...
92NSX said:
Has your car ever been in the shop for repairs other than maybe maintenance?


I now have ~54K miles on my '91, including almost 9K actual track miles (~60 track events). I've been tracking it ever since I bought it in December 1990.

I've had some of the most common NSX problems happen to mine - had the Bose amps sent out and fixed, had the aspirator fan replaced, had the trunk struts and the engine hatch struts replaced. Had the Dali Racing window fix-it thingies installed before the regulators had a chance to fail.

Replaced some items that typically wear out over time and/or miles. Had the battery die the first winter I just let it sit, before getting a charger. (Replaced the battery again six years later as a preventive measure.) Replaced all four shocks last year. The starter ring gear came off the flywheel when the car had only 800 miles on it (replaced the entire clutch under warranty), then had the clutch replaced again at ~38K when one of the springs broke. Recently had the tranny opened up (that "open heart surgery" I mentioned) because of third gear crunching, and they replaced the hub selector and a few other things as long as they were in there. Replaced the coolant tank cap.

Had the usual things associated with heavy track usage repaired - have changed front brake pads 19 times and rear pads 10 times, front rotors 10 times, rear tires 11 times, front tires 4 times, front calipers rebuilt twice, one wheel bearing replaced, and an axle nut replaced (recently).

All in all, I consider that par for the course - average for an NSX, and better than I would expect with any other car that saw so much track usage. Many of these items are things that just wear out, especially with the track miles. I've been conscientious enough about scheduled maintenance and the thingie preventive to avoid some problems. I also am probably more sensitive to problems when they arise, and whenever anything does show up, I like to have it fixed as soon as possible. That probably accounts for some of the repairs, things that other folks might not notice or might be willing to just live with.

I'm also fortunate enough to have, within a reasonable distance, three different dealers that do a lot of NSX service and are able to identify the cause of problems and fix them right the first time.
Wow, that is a lot of brake stuff. :eek: But I'm sure you had fun using them though.
Not very many miles on yours considering the age though. I have 48k on mine currently.
92NSX said:
Wow, that is a lot of brake stuff. :eek: But I'm sure you had fun using them though.

Yup. Track miles are hard on brakes - but things like pads and rotors are made to be replaced easily - and, if you go to the track a lot, frequently.

The braking system is by far the part of the car that is most affected by track usage. I'm partway through writing an article for NSX Driver about how to maintain an NSX that is sometimes driven on the racetrack. I wrote so much about brakes that I'm making it a two-part series, and almost the entire first article is about brakes. You'll see it in the next issue, scheduled to be mailed towards the end of the summer.

92NSX said:
Not very many miles on yours considering the age though. I have 48k on mine currently.

Same miles per year average...
I look forward to reading the article. I read the newest one front to back. Took personal interest in one article in particular. Very good reading all around though.
nsxtasy said:
front calipers rebuilt twice


What lead you to rebuild the calipers? Was it preventitive, scheduled (every x years), or did you notice something wrong with the performance/parts?
92NSX said:
Alright, I finally got to 1500 posts. 2K can't be to far behind ! :D

Congrats 92NSX!!! :D

It's no fun at the top though... I would feel so guilty if my post count passed Lud :eek: ...and after that is NSXTASY who keeps speeding off towards 100,000 posts... I give up... :D
matteni said:
What lead you to rebuild the calipers?

The piston boots melted.

And when I say "rebuild", I am referring to the replacement of the piston boots. I think they actually replaced the brake pistons, too. (All four pistons in the front calipers? I'm not sure, but I think so...)