YESS!!! Fukui is being replaced!!

Yeah hard to tell sometimes. This one seems legit at$41k

So pricing has gone up just slightly for spring but it still seems reasonable to get ffom a dealer for high $30's.

Any idea what auction is?

No idea about auction, but mid 30's could be possible.

The 06 only had the 3 year powertrain warranty, the 07 had 5 Year, so that could hurt resale on the 06's.

I wish I had some money... I would get a used Z06.
Z06's are HOT ... that interior can be fixed easy!

What do you mean by fixed?

Here is what I would do. New leather covered armrest.. the stock one is Awful. New arm pads for the doors from the LT4 package. So $300 and it makes the interior look a lot nicer.

Of course if you have the LT4 package, you don't really need to change anything.
What do you mean by fixed?

Here is what I would do. New leather covered armrest.. the stock one is Awful. New arm pads for the doors from the LT4 package. So $300 and it makes the interior look a lot nicer.

Of course if you have the LT4 package, you don't really need to change anything.

exactly, although, even @ the LT4 package the seats still a bit weird ... i would come with Recaros there and there you have it, the perfect monster!
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I am happy to see Fukui gone, but I doubt we'll see anything different from Honda in terms of a renewed performance-focus. This is the worst auto market in a generation and even well-run companies like Honda and Toyota are posting losses. The last thing any manager will do when his company is hemmoraging dollars (or yen) is roll out a low volume, high cost product. Instead, he will seek to trim the fat and focus 100% of available resources on only the most profitable product lines in order to save the company. For Honda, that means Civic, Accord and Fit. I'm ok with that, because it is just good business.

While I am ok with Honda's strategy while times are bad, I am not ok with Fukui's strategic direction for Honda, which is the plan for when times are good. Fukui wanted to transform Honda from a perpetual #2 or 3 maker of sporty, lightweight cars to a #1 mass-producer of reliable, bland people-movers. Sort of like Toyota is now. :) Thus, I'm glad to see him go, as I like Honda cars just as they are.

As the new chief comes from the NSX program, maybe he will maintain a focus on Honda's sporting heritage when times improve and revive the sports-oriented product lines. They do have a dedicated, albeit small following of customers who will buy the cars. They just need to make sure the cash is rolling in from Civic and Accord first. I remain hopeful...and would love to see and HSC-derived design with a 9000rpm 3.8L J-series powerplant. :D
I am happy to see Fukui gone, but I doubt we'll see anything different from Honda in terms of a renewed performance-focus. This is the worst auto market in a generation and even well-run companies like Honda and Toyota are posting losses. The last thing any manager will do when his company is hemmoraging dollars (or yen) is roll out a low volume, high cost product. Instead, he will seek to trim the fat and focus 100% of available resources on only the most profitable product lines in order to save the company. For Honda, that means Civic, Accord and Fit. I'm ok with that, because it is just good business.

While I am ok with Honda's strategy while times are bad, I am not ok with Fukui's strategic direction for Honda, which is the plan for when times are good. Fukui wanted to transform Honda from a perpetual #2 or 3 maker of sporty, lightweight cars to a #1 mass-producer of reliable, bland people-movers. Sort of like Toyota is now. :) Thus, I'm glad to see him go, as I like Honda cars just as they are.

As the new chief comes from the NSX program, maybe he will maintain a focus on Honda's sporting heritage when times improve and revive the sports-oriented product lines. They do have a dedicated, albeit small following of customers who will buy the cars. They just need to make sure the cash is rolling in from Civic and Accord first. I remain hopeful...and would love to see and HSC-derived design with a 9000rpm 3.8L J-series powerplant. :D

I agree with you. It would not make sense right now to worry about the extreme performance. Hopefully in the upcoming years, things will pick up and the new CEO with NSX heritage will find new direction for the Halo car that actually has some balls and just not a long engine, lol.
I agree with you. It would not make sense right now to worry about the extreme performance. Hopefully in the upcoming years, things will pick up and the new CEO with NSX heritage will find new direction for the Halo car that actually has some balls and just not a long engine, lol.

True; however the process of a new idea has to start today in order for it to become reality in the future.

Another thing to consider is that in sales, you need to keep your customer base that you have worked extremely hard to win over in the first place. Otherwise, the customer will switch brands. One does not just turn off the tap. How can other companies produce sports cars? R&D + costs fall under one big Honda umbrella. If Honda can build an airplane and a robot, I'm sure they can build the right type of sports cars. This change in leadership was probably in the works for a long time. Now the new guy can get them back on track.
True; however the process of a new idea has to start today in order for it to become reality in the future.

Another thing to consider is that in sales, you need to keep your customer base that you have worked extremely hard to win over in the first place. Otherwise, the customer will switch brands. One does not just turn off the tap. How can other companies produce sports cars? R&D + costs fall under one big Honda umbrella. If Honda can build an airplane and a robot, I'm sure they can build the right type of sports cars. This change in leadership was probably in the works for a long time. Now the new guy can get them back on track.

I agree. He doesnt officially take office until June though so we might not see change for a while.
Now the new guy can get them back on track.

Well they're doing better than just about everybody so why would they think they're off track? New guy is supposed to come in and push sportscars and the rest of the board says "hey all they do is lose money"

They've grown so they're not losing their core base. Plus they picked up market share. It's pretty apparent that the next sports/sporty model we're going to see from Honda is the CRZ. They're pretty Gung Ho over that one.

It's unfortunate but nothing else makes sense as this economy is still contracting and affecting the world over. All the GTRs and ZR1s are sitting on lots and the companies that made them have acclaim from enthusiasts but that just doesn't pay the bills.
Well, I hope the new man in charge will bring back some sporting spirit of the old Honda back. I understand the time is bad, but not everyone is financially irresponsible. Something to compete with 370Z should do well as long as it is not underpowered. If they can move an overpriced Accord V6, they should have no problem selling a sports car with a more attractive overall package than 370Z.

Honda is well diversified, a lot of their revenue come from the motorcycle devision. My bother in law even has a Honda HRX lawn mower, and I used to have a CBR250 back in high school.

Motorcycle drive Honda's profit:

A 1-yen gain against the dollar cuts Toyota's annual operating profit by 35 billion yen ($330 million) and Honda's by 20 billion yen, the two automakers told Bloomberg. Source

Most of Japanese car makers are hurt by the exchange rate. Honda had to raise the price of CR-V by 30% in India.

Yeah I was thinking that as well.

Nissan makes really heavy but fast sport coupes but they're in trouble so we don't know how long that will last.

Even though Honda is still barely profitable, they are badly hurt as well. Don't discount other automaker so easily. Nissan had 1st yearly loss in 9 years. But Like Honda, Nissan also took dramatic measures and they are well diversified into China, Spain, India, Vietnam, etc. Nissan, Toyota, and Honda will all survive.

GTR while heavy at 3800lbs, is it really that heavy? To put things in perspective, a NSX-T is 3164lbs without the 20inch wheels, run flat tires, huge monster brakes, back seat, real sound system, awd system, etc. Not to mention it can run lap times that NSX-R can never dream of.

As an enthusiast I'm not happy to say it but it the hp wars are over and with them maybe some after effect are sports car offerings.
I hope not and don't think so. I personally will never want to drive a car that feels sluggish. I hope there will be some car maker continue to make cars with decent hp. Once you experience power, you never settle for less.

Every single cars made by Honda that I have ever driven are fun, but all are sluggish to a point almost laughable and takes a lot of fun away. To be fair every single Nissan I have driven so far including G37 are sluggish as well.

I love Honda, but I am no biased Honda cheerleader. I understand they got to do what they got to do to be profitable. But man, not even 1 real performance car? At least something that competes with 370Z. No wonder Honda enthusiast rant, they have every reason to rant.

They did it already with RDX. Why not just use turbo on other cars in their line up? It is more fuel efficient and gives the Honda cars the real grunt it always have been missing. Imagine Turbo TSX, Turbo RL, Turbo TL-S, Turbo Civic-R, turbo S3K. That will rock so hard.
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Well, I hope the new man in charge will bring back some sporting spirit of the old Honda back. I understand the time is bad, but not everyone is financially irresponsible. Something to compete with 370Z should do well as long as it is not underpowered. If they can move an overpriced Accord V6, they should have no problem selling a sports car with a more attractive overall package than 370Z.

Honda is well diversified, a lot of their revenue come from the motorcycle devision. My bother in law even has a Honda HRX lawn mower, and I used to have a CBR250 back in high school.

Motorcycle drive Honda's profit:

A 1-yen gain against the dollar cuts Toyota's annual operating profit by 35 billion yen ($330 million) and Honda's by 20 billion yen, the two automakers told Bloomberg. Source

Most of Japanese car makers are hurt by the exchange rate. Honda had to raise the price of CR-V by 30% in India.


Even though Honda is still barely profitable, they are badly hurt as well. Don't discount other automaker so easily. Nissan had 1st yearly loss in 9 years. But Like Honda, Nissan also took dramatic measures and they are well diversified into China, Spain, India, Vietnam, etc. Nissan, Toyota, and Honda will all survive.

GTR while heavy at 3800lbs, is it really that heavy? To put things in perspective, a NSX-T is 3164lbs without the 20inch wheels, run flat tires, huge monster brakes, back seat, real sound system, awd system, etc. Not to mention it can run lap times that NSX-R can never dream of.

Yes that really is heavy. I love the new M3 and while it's lighter than the GTR yes it really is that heavy. I was a Nissan fan for a long time and they got into so much trouble they had the embarrassment of having to be bought by another company. Nissan is laying off Japanese workers and moving product to Mexico. I bought a Spec V and it was made in Mexico ..not a well made car.

I should hope it could out run the NSX-R if it couldn't that would've been an embarrassment. I would've bought the ASCC as I just prefer NA to turbos. My first ,second ,fifth ,sixth and seventh cars were all turbos. Modded 300ZX to be exact. 3 Z31's and two Z32's. The last two modded pretty heavily.

I actually still had one of my Z32's when I bought my first S2K. My Z had pretty close to twice the power but I had no problem getting rid of it as the S2000 was just so much fun.

Lighter weight in the corners is just more fun to me than just blistering forward that got old. Plus getting 150-200 miles to tank got old really fast and this was before gas got super pricey

I hope not and don't think so. I personally will never want to drive a car that feels sluggish. I hope there will be some car maker continue to make cars with decent hp. Once you experience power, you never settle for less.

LOL I feel about handling how you feel about power. Plenty of people take less after experiencing power. I'll actually say the majority of people.

Every single cars made by Honda that I have ever driven are fun, but all are sluggish to a point almost laughable and takes a lot of fun away. To be fair every single Nissan I have driven so far including G37 are sluggish as well.

Well fun changes for everyone. Some people need a high powered car to feel like they're having a good time and some don't. Power costs and the majority either can't afford or don't want to spend a lot of money on that.

Everyone is different and for those that like power ( very small group in comparison ) their are aftermarket tuners and companies that focus on just these products.

I love Honda, but I am no biased Honda cheerleader. I understand they got to do what they got to do to be profitable. But man, not even 1 real performance car? At least something that competes with 370Z. No wonder Honda enthusiast rant, they have every reason to rant.

Why would you love Honda they don't make high power screaming fast cars:confused:

A 370Z competitor would be nice but Honda enthusiast fans would complain no matter what Honda builds. They've ( Honda enthusiasts ) become pscho ex girlfriends. For the life of me I can't understand why people would waste time b*tching about the same thing over and over again and not just move on.

It's a car company they sell a product if you no longer like what they sell you buy from another car company. It's one thing to post your moving on and why and say good bye but to stay and just b*tch is maladjusted. These things are barely boards for someone who likes Honda products anymore.

I use to be on the Z boards and when I left I stopped posting on those boards . I didn't stay and b*tch about problems I thought Nissan was having. I spent money elsewhere so I went to Honda boards which are not full of Honda fans.

When I was on the M3 boards or Z boards people there actually liked what they bought and enjoyed talking about it.

They did it already with RDX. Why not just use turbo on other cars in their line up? It is more fuel efficient and gives the Honda cars the real grunt it always have been missing. Imagine Turbo TSX, Turbo RL, Turbo TL-S, Turbo Civic-R, turbo S3K. That will rock so hard.

Hey that's all you Jason. I've driven the RDX and it's not fuel efficient. Haven't driven the TSX but may test drive the new V6 as it seems kinda cool. Also haven't driven any of those others though as they're kinda big. BMW makes a lot of turbos now do you like any of those? I ask because they make turbos for the 335 and 535 so those are options to fill your needs as the others probably meet the needs of others.

I would love a Civic R but have no interest in a Civic R turbo , but there's the EVO which are fun.

I'm one of the few that doesn't have a problem with the S2K's powerband so not really interested in a turbo on that platform either. It could be lighter though:biggrin:
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Fukui's career at Honda:

* Honda Motor Company, 1969–1979, engineer;
* Honda R&D Company, 1979–1982, chief engineer;
* Honda Racing Corporation, 1982–1983, chief engineer; 1983–1985, director; 1985–1987, executive vice president;
* Honda R&D Company, 1987–1988, managing director;
* Honda Racing Corporation, 1987–1988, president;
* Honda Motor Company, 1988–1990, director;
* Honda R&D Company, 1990–1991, senior managing director;
* Honda Motor Company, 1991–1992, general manager of Motorcycle Development; 1992–1994, general manager of Hamamatsu Factory, Motorcycle Operations;
* Honda of America Manufacturing, 1994–1996, executive vice president and director;
* Honda Motor Company, 1996–1998, managing director;
* Honda of America Manufacturing, 1996–1998, president and director;
* Honda R&D Company, 1998–2003, president;
* Honda Motor Company, 1999–2003, senior managing and representative director; 2003–2009, president and CEO.

I really don't see anything to suggest that Takanobu Ito will be substantially different than Mr Fukui except for being 9 years younger (55 vs 64.) I see this as more of a controlled succession of power due to a CEO hitting retirement age than a "ZOMG we're failing and must change everything we do!!1!" action.
Fukui's career at Honda:

* Honda Motor Company, 1969–1979, engineer;
* Honda R&D Company, 1979–1982, chief engineer;
* Honda Racing Corporation, 1982–1983, chief engineer; 1983–1985, director; 1985–1987, executive vice president;
* Honda R&D Company, 1987–1988, managing director;
* Honda Racing Corporation, 1987–1988, president;
* Honda Motor Company, 1988–1990, director;
* Honda R&D Company, 1990–1991, senior managing director;
* Honda Motor Company, 1991–1992, general manager of Motorcycle Development; 1992–1994, general manager of Hamamatsu Factory, Motorcycle Operations;
* Honda of America Manufacturing, 1994–1996, executive vice president and director;
* Honda Motor Company, 1996–1998, managing director;
* Honda of America Manufacturing, 1996–1998, president and director;
* Honda R&D Company, 1998–2003, president;
* Honda Motor Company, 1999–2003, senior managing and representative director; 2003–2009, president and CEO.

I really don't see anything to suggest that Takanobu Ito will be substantially different than Mr Fukui except for being 9 years younger (55 vs 64.) I see this as more of a controlled succession of power due to a CEO hitting retirement age than a "ZOMG we're failing and must change everything we do!!1!" action.

Honda ...uh "fans" don't wish to hear this and place the sole blame of Honda on his shoulders.
I really don't see anything to suggest that Takanobu Ito will be substantially different than Mr Fukui except for being 9 years younger (55 vs 64.) I see this as more of a controlled succession of power due to a CEO hitting retirement age than a "ZOMG we're failing and must change everything we do!!1!" action.

Bingo!!! Fukui is last old school Honda.

You will find the new guy more of a push over by the board of directors.

It's about Profit, share holders, and again profit!!!

I have no seen the passion of Honda since the S2000, that was 10 years ago.

Than again, what other Japanese manufactures are doing things different?

Jason will argue with me on this one, but Nissan is no longer Japanese. The R35 is a fast car, but it's not a driver's car.

NSX/S2k are the last driver's car from big manufactures.
Bingo!!! Fukui is last old school Honda.

You will find the new guy more of a push over by the board of directors.

It's about Profit, share holders, and again profit!!!

I have no seen the passion of Honda since the S2000, that was 10 years ago.

Than again, what other Japanese manufactures are doing things different?

Jason will argue with me on this one, but Nissan is no longer Japanese. The R35 is a fast car, but it's not a driver's car.

NSX/S2k are the last driver's car from big manufactures.


I respect and acknowledge the passion you and Vance have for Honda. I love Honda too, my passion for NSX had never decreased one bit.

I understand everyone is entitled to their opinions. IMO just that sometimes one sided cheerleading and other car maker bashing can be tone down slightly, at very least give credit where it is due once a while.

You guys are my friends, and you can't blame me for not cheering for Honda more. They don't have anything to get me excited right now. If they make something groundbreaking like NSX or S2K again, I be all over it.

BMW makes a lot of turbos now do you like any of those? I ask because they make turbos for the 335 and 535 so those are options to fill your needs as the others probably meet the needs of others.

I'm one of the few that doesn't have a problem with the S2K's powerband so not really interested in a turbo on that platform either. It could be lighter though:biggrin:

I too have not yet driven the RDX. Please correct me if I am wrong, I think it should get better fuel mileage than similar sized SUVs with a V6. The 335i I have gets better gas mileage than the S2K I had in my first hand experience and per

The 335i is just a daily driver for me, I like it but I like the my NSX or E92 M3 or GTR more. The power band on the 335i is quite a bit different and more responsive than the 300ZX turbo and Supra Turbo I had. The Supra I had was like I could seriously hurt myself fast, but it was perhaps the least responsive car I had ever owned.

Driving the 335i is similar to driving an NA car, if I don't tell you, you wouldn't now it is turbocharged. For example, stock or chipped there is more low end torque down low than V8 M3. You only have to tap 5~10% of throttle to get the kick. It is also a bit different than EVO X due to larger displacement V6 motor. It does need at least a chip, otherwise, the power is ok.

Because I know how great turbos would for Honda cars, that is why I wish Honda expand turbo to other lines. The newer turbos really have improved dramatically, NA like power band with insane responds is possible. It would be best of both world if Honda offer both NA and Turbo version. They can use the same motor on multi-platforms. Not to mention, the power can be greatly increased with just a plug and play chip like EVO X, GTR, 335i, 535i, and STI. Honda also need to offer lighting fast shifting F1 like auto-manual or 6spd~7spd automatic as an option.

As for GTR, what more do I need to say for a car that won virtually every car of year award, first Japanese sport car to be in hyper performance category. I understand Vance and some don't like it, I would never like or dislike a car just because someone agree or disagree, but that doesn't mean I am not allowed to like it. Come on now, don't hate just because it is badass :biggrin:

Everyone is entitle to their own opinion. One sided bashing is not really necessary to get ones points across. As car enthusiast we all know each car have its advantage and disadvantages.
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I dont have anything against turbo's like some of you here do. In fact i love them!! I currently have a turbo car and i love everything about it and the little bit of lag doesnt bother me either. The 335 on the other hand....doesnt even feel turbo pulls like a v8 with zero lag. BMW definitely designed that engine well.