Yellow NSX "in progress" PHASE 4 OF 6

Like the dude said in Highlander ,"there can be only one" bumblebee, that is,so no copyrite infringement please! :d
Those wheels I chose when the funding was limited.They are made by Zinnetti with Pirreli
17 inch front 215/40's
18 inch rear 275/35's

Also if you look closely the mesh screens are the same thru-out the car's overhead scoop,front grill,front double scoops,side skirts and factory ducts on the side.The attenion to detail is what the show judges are critical on.
And yes the screens can be done in "any color".Any shape size etc.
Now I know what the hell you guys are talking about w/ the "avatar" term I always see .It's the picture next to your post.I didn't know if I should I never did ,funny huh...
Originally posted by MYNSX:
Those wheels I chose when the funding was limited...

Thanks, MYNSX, but I was asking docjohn about his wheels. They look like the same TSW Revos I have on my car. Any confirmation docjohn?

'91 Black/Black
Those wheels are ssr-comps 17/17 combo I use them for track only,do a search we've discussed these before.Someday I'll get a real digi camera and post some pics of the various mods.
Car looks extremely nice. I think the roof-scoop with the light in it is overkill though. Adds a certain element of "rice" to an otherwise very classy car. Don't take this as a flame, it's an awesome car. Just my opinion.

Oh, and if that's Phase 4, Phase 6 is gonna be sick
Good luck!


2001 QuickSilver Corvette Coupe - Not Stock

2002 Black Acura 3.2 TL/S
I take no offense to your taste.Currently and as is until fully widebodied the roof scoop IMO is slightly out of balance.One things for sure .It catches the show judges eye and has added mega points.If it looks like what they see every day it will be a waste to my efforts.
If it shocks them I've already won.
As I was saying I love the bone stock look too.
I'll probably purchase another one soon.
I've got a deposit on one now if the car is everything the collector is accurate on it's description.

No I never shined it.Maybe it's a new batch.It's my second one (I mangled the 1st').
That lip is being replaced by a carbon fiber one made by my buddy Seth along w/ 4 canards in carbon this week.I am giving him the RM one to offset the cost.

David you can E-MAIL me at [email protected]
If anyone is interested in the wheels that are on the car now you can e-mail me.I just ordered some new ones today to match the widebody in a custom deepdish offset.(the meister S2R's from S.O.S Cris.

Bill, how did you get the RM front spoiler to shine, did you paint it.

Brad I bet if you just clearcoated it that would do it.

The front lip he is making me is "very radical" he also has already made one that was the same as the RM.And another that was the same exept not as low to the ground.
Call him tell him I sent you.
SETH CELL# 602 743-3641

Originally posted by David:
I am installing the same headlights (from SoS) and I have some questions for you. Your e-mail address in your profile does not work - do you have a new one?

Or you can call the guy who installed them here in AZ.
Cliff @ Goins Automotive Group
TEL# shop- 480 894-3434
TEL# cell- 480 570-1984
Tel him I sent you.
Yes,Seth made those canards,I just saw him tonight at the show ,I agreed also to forfiet that lip for a break in the price.
PS>> we just changed them to duel canards on each side and did away w/ the RM lip and built a GT 500 style front splitter it is "jagged edged" VS' the rounded ones you see i n the pictures above.
Thanks for the props on the BADASSNSX...
Stage 4.5 now done!!

I posted the updated pics of Bill's crazy yellow NSX on my website, its looking really good...

I finished Bill's CF front lip and two sets of CF bumper spoilers..Check out the pictures:
<A HREF="">
Click here to go</A>
*if for some reason that link does not work just click the hyperlink to my website below, and the click on the picture of Bill's car....

Stage 4.5 now done!!

Funny Seth !!!LOL
Thanks for your help so far Seth the web page is coming along nicely.

The post you have made has e-mails flooding in "fast".And 5 calls today about parts.
Bill, I like the look of your new front spoiler. I would like to know if it is as easy to drive up or down inclines with the extension on the sides as it was with the RM spoiler or do you get more scraping.
No as a matter in fact there is more cleearance than the rm spoiler (note the car is much lower than factory ,thanks to TIEN coil-overs).

CALL SETH AT 602 743-3641 CELL


Bill, I ordered the same Front Spoiler that Seth built for you. I did not order the Canards and am wondering if I should order the smaller Canards to balance out the spoiler.