Yay!!! I got an NSX

KulSecHskY said:
WOW that has to be the most ignorant and most rude comment I have ever read on NSXPRIME.com

Or saying your NSX isn't as good as my NSX because yours is old or used.
I agree, most arrogant comment indeed. But..... my dad can kick your dad's butt! ;) j/k

For the paint job comment, actually, I think its just the pixel depth of the digi camera that made it look that way. I'll bet it looks just fine.
Thanks for backing me up on that one... :)

How much can I expect to get for the:

1) hood
2) bumper
3) headlamps

I am trying to subsidize part of the cost for the 02 conversion...:
you want the stock 02' front bumper and hood?

I just read a post about someone who has a 02' who perfers the pre 01 style. It maight have been an older post because I have been doing some searches lately but I would suggest you try to search for it. He has a red NSX in his avatar. I know that doesn't narrow it down but thats teh best I can remember.
Dang Kenny!! Be happy that he GOT an NSX...salvaged or not!!

I applaud you Speed!!! You had the choice from alot of used and some new cars for the money, and you didnt compromise what you wanted!!!
speedyizzy said:
Thanks for backing me up on that one... :)

How much can I expect to get for the:

1) hood
2) bumper
3) headlamps

I am trying to subsidize part of the cost for the 02 conversion...:

Nice car, and the price is not bad (since you also saw the status after the accident) and you had the possibility to judge.

For the parts price, you can either:

- check the forum market section for previous sales

- take the part price diagram (it is somewhere in teh FAQ of NSXPRIME) and substract 50-60% depending on the condition and the fact that new parts can be bought with 20-25% discount.
hey easy there... I am not bashing anyone-- if I was trying to be arrogant read on......

Here's the deal I will let you know why I dislike *not hate* salvaged cars. I once owned a 1994 Acura Vigor with 67k miles that was salvaged. The car looked looked just fine when I looked at it from every angle -- little did I know-- I am no mechanic. Thinking back I should of paid the body shop $100 to check it out. I bought ithe from a private party and the engine was strong. So I paid him $3,500 hundered bucks. Anyways for a month the car ran fine then thereafter is where I had nothing but problems

First thing that happend was-that my window wouldn't roll all the way up. It would roll up my power windows- but it would stop just an inch before going all the way up. So If I rolled my windows up while driving I would hear this annoying hissing sound coming from the wind.

When I lower the window in freezing weather (you get the idea.. The following day it rained hard "just my luck" and I tried to put plastic over the window but the rain was too strong. The following day the rain stopped I opened my door and the car was flooded with water. The car was dripping water inside the car from the roof (sorry, O I know it's not called roof , but I just can't think of the name.) It had leakage in several spots.

Anyways the car was a total disaster, except for the motor.
I know that all salvaged cars are not the same and have the same damages. I know that they vary from car to car -- If I was arrogant ... my bad.--- I just had a flashback basically.

Thanks for reading

:D :D :D :D :p
KennyNsx said:
hey easy there... Here's the deal I will let you know why I dislike *not hate* salvaged cars.
That's the problem, at least as I see it. The person who started the thread didn't asked your opinion. Speed introduced himself, or at least his new NSX, which should be the time for us to say "congrats." Remember how you felt when you picked yours up? Feel free to start a thread on why you dislike salvaged cars, but let Speed have his moment. ;)

Congrats, Speed. :cool:
There's no reason to overpay for a car if you don't need to. If a car has been fixed right it doesn't matter, it's up to the buyer to do his reseaech and make his own opinion.

Who are you people to tell him what kind of car he should buy and how much it should cost? Those are some crappy attitudes. Like "oh wow you got an nsx but it kinda sucks cause it was cheap and on autotrader for awhile. and it's a salvage title so meh meh meh..."

Congratulations on not overpaying for a car.