Ya Im single now

Look at it this way.... there are alot of guys that just lost half their net worth in the market and they still have to live with their wives. You won't have too.
All I can sugest to you is "the best way to get over someone, is to get under someone" I know it sounds like your a pig, but it might help. Good luck.
I went throught a divorce a few years ago.:frown: Couldn't be happier now.:biggrin:

You'll be fine.
Sorry my friend...Take the high road and don't let it bother you at all....I know easier said than done....but this is a great thing she was going to leave regardless... She just finally got around to it... Atleast she didn't waste any more of your time. Look at it like this you saved another 10 years with someone who isnt the best match for you and now you get to start round 2 of your life 10 years sooner.....Think about all the pro's you are looking foward to not the con's... Seriously you get a new life and just like your first one its going to be what you make it...So if you have any regrets about your last life make sure you do don't miss out with your new one...Make your plans and follow them to the dot and see where you end up...
Sucks bro.. it will be hard.. esp for 15 yrs... Stay positive.. Keep yourself busy and keep your head up. Find a good friend to keep you company. It's gonna take some time to heal but be strong.. time to blow more money on your car!
I went throught a divorce a few years ago.:frown: Couldn't be happier now.:biggrin:

You'll be fine.

Amen brother.

I went almost 12 when she ditched me after experiencing every horror that a man could possibly face.

Here it is a year hence, I got the house, the camper, and my sanity....as well as getting started on the road to financial solvency as she took most of the debt she made.

Life doesn't end up for them as rosy as they think. You're in for a hard road ahead, but you'll exist when it's all done, and be just fine. If you ever need to talk, toss me a PM and I'll give you my home phone number.
sorry to hear that dude. Hopefully it's a peaceful seperation, take close look at your credit and bills, make sure you guys have nothing tied together.

Then, you can enjoy single life again. You are at the door steps of the eternal FREEDOM!!!! :biggrin:
That sucks, sorry buddy, :frown:but like others have said...better sooner than later.

If she is/was not happy then you are not going to be either, keep your chin up and when the snow melts come on over to Seattle and we'll all get some beers.

Or maybe we can get some people together to come out there and do some sking :smile:

Don't waste time, start interviewing divorce attornies right away. All you have to do is speak to the biggest and baddest attornies in your county and then your wife can't retain them. :wink:
So sorry to hear that man.........Life sucks some times but things will work out. The sun will come up tomorrow.
p.s. I was at Nsxpo with you so it wasn't me.
that sucks, sorry buddy, :frown:but like others have said...better sooner than later.

If she is/was not happy then you are not going to be either, keep your chin up and when the snow melts come on over to seattle and we'll all get some beers.

Or maybe we can get some people together to come out there and do some sking :smile:


House of Fowler is open again for more therapy, but this time bring a half gallon, a fifth only lasts one night.:biggrin:
Reasons why the nsx is greater then a wife

1.) NSX's always look as good as the day you got it
2.) NSX's never let you down.
3.) NSX's wont complain if you obsess over them
4.) NSX's can take you from 0 - OMFG in less then 4 seconds
5.) When you turn on your nsx, it returns the favor.
Could actually be a blessing in disguise. I hope you enjoy your new found freedom to the fullest!
Thanks for all the support.We have no kids together just dogs and she is taking one of them which sucks.Hes a liitle Jack russle (the fat man).
Things to look forward to:..........
I'm talking about my new side skirts boyz.


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