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WSTO - Wedssport

SA-60M is available in non-stagger 18" sizing only :frown:

19's coming soon!

Some close up shots on the red accents on the Red/Black Machine SA-55M!

:eek: :eek: :cool:



Is it true that the Black, isn't really "black" it's more Burgundy color like in this picture?
I've seen some posts of these wheels in the sunlight and it looks more like this:
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It is such a unique finish, and hard to capture the color.

Under normal lighting the black portions of the wheel are metallic, gloss black and the inserts are a vivid machined blue/red insert.

Under direct sunlight, the machined blue/red inserts tends to "bleed" onto the entire wheel and changes the entire wheel to a dark maroon, or a gun blue finish.
Not sure about the rest of the models but the SA-55s are actually dark purple, not black. I run a 18/19 combo on my NSX now, not happy :mad:Just warning the Prime society. Good luck, wish I saw them in person BEFORE I ordered them, they "looked cool" in the pics Weds provides.......fail
Not sure about the rest of the models but the SA-55s are actually dark purple, not black. I run a 18/19 combo on my NSX now, not happy :mad:Just warning the Prime society. Good luck, wish I saw them in person BEFORE I ordered them, they "looked cool" in the pics Weds provides.......fail

Yes. WSTO posted about this above as well. Too bad Weds didn't actually post more realistic pics before most people pre-ordered this color.
Not sure about the rest of the models but the SA-55s are actually dark purple, not black. I run a 18/19 combo on my NSX now, not happy :mad:Just warning the Prime society. Good luck, wish I saw them in person BEFORE I ordered them, they "looked cool" in the pics Weds provides.......fail

Do you have pictures? Do you have the Black with Blue inserts?
Haha yea, try taking that picture outside in direct sunlight and see what you get. Don't get me wrong, they're nice wheels, if you leave your NSX parked in the living room of your house. Again, they are nice wheels, just the color is fckd' up. Good luck guys.....
Very accurate photo of the SA-55M in Black / Blue Machining under indoor lighting.
I just picked up a set of SA70 in bronze with blue inserts, I will snap a few pictures as soon as it stops raining :mad:
HERE'S MY NSX WITH THE SA-55Ms in black with the blue "accents", keep in mind the sun is already setting and this is off my iPhone, oh and its the 18/19 combo.
Haha yea, try taking that picture outside in direct sunlight and see what you get. Don't get me wrong, they're nice wheels, if you leave your NSX parked in the living room of your house. Again, they are nice wheels, just the color is fckd' up. Good luck guys.....

Is this accurate?
HERE'S MY NSX WITH THE SA-55Ms in black with the blue "accents", keep in mind the sun is already setting and this is off my iPhone, oh and its the 18/19 combo.

thank you for sharing! :biggrin:

Is this accurate?

the SA55M BBM and BRM finish are produced by doing the following

the black color is done first, and the pockets are machined to reveal the bare aluminum. then a coat of either blue clear coat or red clear coat is applied.

this is why on the Black Blue machining, you get a hint to purple on the sunlight and on the Black Red Machining, you get a hint to magenta / wine color against the sun light.

This is unique to WedsSport and i hope this helps give a clearer picture as to the color of the wheels.
WedsSport Stock Update!

Stock Update!

Weds SA55M
18x8 +35
19x10 +40
MGM - In Stock

Weds TC105N
17x8 +42
18x9.5 +35
TS-TI - In Stock

these are in stock and ready to ship out!