
I mean it's a Ferrari, meant to look as God and Maranello intended. Same with our cars. Other aftermarket pieces are just someone elses efforts to ride a designer's coat tails. (IMO):)
On the Top End topic, one thing I remember is that one of those madmen actually has a full sequential racing tranny in his NSX... Now THAT is cool... :D
While the large wings and some other cosmetic mods are not my taste, there isn't a car on the planet that I wouldn't modify to my own taste in some way. Most of the time it would be some rims that I personally like, but for me, there hasn't been a single car produced that is asthetically pleasing to me in every single aspect of its design. Even the beautiful NSX have some things I would change. I would even mod an Enzo in some way if I were ever so lucky to afford one;)
ChrisK said:
I would even mod an Enzo in some way if I were ever so lucky to afford one;)

Hey now...there are a FEW cars you can't touch!! Mclaren F1, Enzo, Murcielago, F50, and that Koeneisg however u spell it should remain stock!!! :) They're soooo beautiful and perfect stock!
Brian2by2 said:
Hey now...there are a FEW cars you can't touch!! Mclaren F1, Enzo, Murcielago, F50, and that Koeneisg however u spell it should remain stock!!! :) They're soooo beautiful and perfect stock!

Heck, if I could afford a million dollar car, you can bet I'll do whatever the heck I feel like doing to it:D But in all seriousness, I may not touch the engine or body, but I'll probably add some rims. There is no way I'm spending millions on a car only to have another person have the exact same car as me, even if it would only be a handful of people. I just have to have something on the car that is different than those other people. On the other hand, if I could afford one of those cars, maybe I'll buy two of them. One to modify and keep one stock in showroom condition:D :p
To mod or not to mod...that is the question. To preserve the purity and integrity of the design, or add our own expressions into the mix to own something unique. But aren't our cars unique already (outside of California:D )? And if that arguement can be made, then an Enzo has to be sacrosanct. Even if price was no object, you could buy however many whatevers, would you mod any one of the six 962 Dauer Porsches? Put a mega-wing on it and a 3-stage chamealeon paint job? That'd be slick...
I think the top End NSX's are very schmick! and an inspiration during my NSX purchases.. Red NSX with BBS LM rims.. also IMHO and some others as well NSX is prob the only that actually a GT wing looks stockish or doesn't look ricey but still a shopping trolley will never pass..
Or some high-end modable shopping trolleys, not those cruddy domestic carts with the wobbley same-dimension-all-around wheels...