Wow!!! What a joke!!! NFL refs just...

19 May 2003
Temecula, CA
made most embarrassing call to end a game in the history of the NFL...They will be talking about that for years...I'm not a Packers fan, but I am pissed at the competence of the replacement officials just cost them the win...
Just an embarrassment to the game of football. That's all I can say.
This is literally the topic for every form of communication in America. What a pathetic display out there. I guess the reviewers are not replacements which makes it worse. Maybe they were worried about a riot and people getting hurt.
I'm sure Vegas called it in ,
If they had said, "After further review, the runner foot faulted and did not touch second base....touchdown Lakers..." would have made more sense.
If they had said, "After further review, the runner foot faulted and did not touch second base....touchdown Lakers..." would have made more sense.

So true!!
With 10 minutes to review the tape, how can they still get it wrong.

They could not review who had the ball since one ref called a touchdown on the field (Giving credit to the offensive player). The fact tha the other ref called touchback is a moot point. The replay booth cannot change who has control of the ball. They can only confirm if, by the ruling on the field, if the criteria was met for a touchdown. Offensive player had 'control' of the ball, that it never touched the ground, and they came down in the field of play.

The ref who botched the call was the near side-line judge who signaled touchdown a fraction of a second before the back-of-the-endzone judge called it a touchback.

still a horribly called game, as with most games this season.
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Wouldn't it be wonderful if Americans cared this much about something that really mattered?

You mean like 6 year old kids being tortured in Syria or the creepy appearance of the corona virus? Maybe the 350 trillion U.S. dollars manipulated by the British Bankers Association for self profit? Why would we want to know that...
They could not review who had the ball since one ref called a touchdown on the field (Giving credit to the offensive player). The fact tha the other ref called touchback is a moot point. The replay booth cannot change who has control of the ball. They can only confirm if, by the ruling on the field, if the criteria was met for a touchdown. Offensive player had 'control' of the ball, that it never touched the ground, and they came down in the field of play.

The ref who botched the call was the near side-line judge who signaled touchdown a fraction of a second before the back-of-the-endzone judge called it a touchback.

still a horribly called game, as with most games this season.

I suppose if control of the ball means just being in bounds and touching it then yes, if it means anything else in any way shape or form the reviewers got it wrong.
All of this controversy about integrity of the games being played, not to mention jeopardizing player safety (supposedly high on the NFLs priority list)

All of it is happening because the Owners / NFL will not approve a 3.5 million dollar deal for ref pensions.

3.5 million dollars- a lot of money to me, but on the spending scale of the NFL that's a drop in the bucket.

Sad really.
You mean like 6 year old kids being tortured in Syria or the creepy appearance of the corona virus? Maybe the 350 trillion U.S. dollars manipulated by the British Bankers Association for self profit? Why would we want to know that...

The weird hero worship of celebs and sports is baffling. What is that causes people to identify so strongly with something that at the end of the day makes absolutely no difference in their lives while being indifferent to things that have an enormous effect on their lives? Escapism? Voyeurism? Projection?

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I suppose if control of the ball means just being in bounds and touching it then yes, if it means anything else in any way shape or form the reviewers got it wrong.

The point is that you cannot review who had control of the ball. Since a ref signaled that there was a touchdown on the field the reviewers could only then make sure that the receiver was actually in bounds, didn't drop the ball etc. They can't review the play and say that Jennings actually made an interception.

Not saying that this is a good rule..I'm just saying that this is the rule. Also, I'm from Seattle, big Seahawks fan, and I can tell you that all of us up here in the PNW are just as baffled by the call.

The whole game was full of pathetic calls though, a non-existent pass interference call is what led to the Packers being able to continue their drive and get up on points anyway. Just like a horrible pass interference call led to our guys being able to make that hail mary pass. Weirdness all around.
The weird hero worship of celebs and sports is baffling. What is that causes people to identify so strongly with something that at the end of the day makes absolutely no difference in their lives while being indifferent to things that have an enormous effect on their lives? Escapism? Voyeurism? Projection?

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Truthfully? Ego. Association with a particular team, "your team", somehow when they win there is a small satisfaction of saying you are better than the other guy because "his team" lost. Winning a championship makes you "the best" even though all you did was press the power button on your TV remote. Ego even gets offended when others "jump on the bandwagon" when you are somehow better because you've been a true fan. They try to rob you of your glory or take part in it when they didn't "deserve" it. From a psychological perspective all the signs are there... Euphoria, jealousy, even severe anger. To the point where a fan hurts another fan or throws something at a player. It's all for a small ego boost at the end of the day when you win. It's a human condition.

The other half is escapism as you pointed out. You are more intensely in a moment of action so much of your problems are in temporary suspension. It most certainly does occupy your brain with frivolous shit, and at times that can certainly benefit a party who would not benefit if you were more aware. Much of politics has turned into the same thing. Gone are science, facts, truth, replaced by tabloid type stuff presented as facts or truths. When a liberal hates the conservatives and the conservative hates the liberals, basically other human beings, you've made yourself right and the other person wrong, therefore yourself superior, and achieved the small ego boost that loves to consistently be in your life.

But hey... This is off topic and irelavent so I will zip it because at the end of the day, egos don't even like being told they are egos, and will quickly take offense. When you point things like this out you can quickly anger someone, even when we all, including I, suffer from the same condition.
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Truthfully? Ego. Association with a particular team, "your team", somehow when they win there is a small satisfaction of saying you are better than the other guy because "his team" lost. Winning a championship makes you "the best" even though all you did was press the power button on your TV remote. Ego even gets offended when others "jump on the bandwagon" when you are somehow better because you've been a true fan. They try to rob you of your glory or take part in it when they didn't "deserve" it. From a psychological perspective all the signs are there... Euphoria, jealousy, even severe anger. To the point where a fan hurts another fan or throws something at a player. It's all for a small ego boost at the end of the day when you win. It's a human condition.

The other half is escapism as you pointed out. You are more intensely in a moment of action so much of your problems are in temporary suspension. It most certainly does occupy your brain with frivolous shit, and at times that can certainly benefit a party who would not benefit if you were more aware. Much of politics has turned into the same thing. Gone are science, facts, truth, replaced by tabloid type stuff presented as facts or truths. When a liberal hates the conservatives and the conservative hates the liberals, basically other human beings, you've made yourself right and the other person wrong, therefore yourself superior, and achieved the small ego boost that loves to consistently be in your life.

But hey... This is off topic and irelavent so I will zip it because at the end of the day, egos don't even like being told they are egos, and will quickly take offense. When you point things like this out you can quickly anger someone, even when we all, including I, suffer from the same condition.

So much truth here...
So much truth here...

Honestly Phil it's why I like humor. It seems the antethesis of ego. It has a funny way of counteracting every negative effect it seems to have on humans. You can even make your "enemy" laugh and suddenly you are not such enemies. I'm middle aged now so as steven allyn pointed out in a thread, once you lose your youth you become more aware of your own mortality. And if you think about it, the ego stuff doesn't matter so much. No one will care how nice your NSX was or how many championships your team won. But if you laughed, or made someone else laugh, it makes that brief period of time more valuable. Like how I was just laughing here: