WOW Interview with the three designers

30 April 2005
Adelaide, Australia
WOW Interview with the three designers (Stooges)

Great incite to what they were thinking when they began design concepts and development for the Advanced Sports Car Concept 18mths ago.

They mention though that they love following the forums to get feed back. I wonder if they will listen to the overwhelming views posted here.
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After hearing directly from the horses mouth's, I don't blame the design team. I blame Honda. It sounds like they did a good job with the direction and instructions provided by Honda. I heard them discuss a little about 2+2. I personally wouldn't mind them making this a totally new car (Having nothing to do with the NSX), making it a 2+2, and selling it as something like an RL Coupe, or a class step above the RL. I would like them to undercut the M6 in price. The one direction I don't like is having the super car looking like the rest of the companies cars. The one thing I loved about the NSX is it looked like no other Honda/Acura. It looked like a true exotic. I don't like the fact that this AASCC car has design cues similar to the MDX and RDX as the designers refered to. Too me, nothing is worse then having your super car look like your SUV.
They should bring back the Legend name and apply it to the AASCC and sell it as an Acura. Bring back the HSC, preferably with a V10, keep the MR layout, name it NSX, and sell it as a Honda ala Nissan with their GTR(skyline). Keep all the true sports cars as Honda, and luxury cars with Acura.
Good find. Thanks for posting that!! It just seems like they weren't exceptionally passionate about their design. It sounded like three guys in high school that were talking about their lame science fair project. I'm sure they're great guys and great designers, but I would have liked to have seen someone just ecstatic about the project. I would have liked to have known if they had ever driven an NSX.

We were told by Honda prez that this car would be as ground breaking and earth shattering as the original NSX. I know there are people here who like this silver suppository, but does anyone feel as crazy excited about this as the original? I don't care if it has 800 HP and runs on water, it still stirs no emotion like the original NSX. The Audi R8, Lexus LF-A are going to invigorate their respective companies, while the ASC is the latest in yawns (like the RL) from Acura. Bring on Chris Bangle. His designs are just as crappy, but at least he's passionate about them. Maybe they at least kept the 8 foot long telescoping antenna of the original NSX!!:smile:
They should bring back the Legend name and apply it to the AASCC and sell it as an Acura. Bring back the HSC, preferably with a V10, keep the MR layout, name it NSX, and sell it as a Honda ala Nissan with their GTR(skyline). Keep all the true sports cars as Honda, and luxury cars with Acura.

ABSOFREAKINLUTELY!!!!Or, call it the CL. I still vote for the Legend nameplate as you said. Also agree with ChrisK about the SUV/sportscar similarity. Why would they point that out in that interview?? I was waiting for them to mention towing capacity and 2" receiver hitch mounting points!
Good find. Thanks for posting that!! It just seems like they weren't exceptionally passionate about their design. It sounded like three guys in high school that were talking about their lame science fair project.

That was my exact thought, kids making up lame excuses why they didn't get their project finished in time. Right off the bat they sound like they are making excuses for the poor design because they know it sucks. They to not seem to have any confidence at all in their design. "I guess I'm responsible for the shapes on the car". The guy sound like he's accepting blame for this monstrosity! This is all we had time to make. Well, we made it this way because we were told what to make it look like. We took the styling cues from the other Acura Minivans (agh!). We were restricted by the parameters. Sure, we would have rather made the HSC, but aren't you impressed that this car will have a V10? It will be AWD!

Honda Japan must be just shaking their head. They let the american studio design a Japanese car. Guess what? It looks like a Firebird. Surprise, surprise. What the hell were they thinking?

It came up in another thread that 13yr old kids with photoshop are making feasible car designs that look 10x better than this. These designers should be shown the door, enmasse.

We need Trump to move in and clear house. You're all FIRED!
Good find. Thanks for posting that!! It just seems like they weren't exceptionally passionate about their design. It sounded like three guys in high school that were talking about their lame science fair project. I'm sure they're great guys and great designers, but I would have liked to have seen someone just ecstatic about the project. I would have liked to have known if they had ever driven an NSX.

We were told by Honda prez that this car would be as ground breaking and earth shattering as the original NSX. I know there are people here who like this silver suppository, but does anyone feel as crazy excited about this as the original? I don't care if it has 800 HP and runs on water, it still stirs no emotion like the original NSX. The Audi R8, Lexus LF-A are going to invigorate their respective companies, while the ASC is the latest in yawns (like the RL) from Acura. Bring on Chris Bangle. His designs are just as crappy, but at least he's passionate about them. Maybe they at least kept the 8 foot long telescoping antenna of the original NSX!!:smile:

Probably the best summary of the ACSC to date if they are not enthusiastic about their design then how in the hell are we to be
Maybe the Title to this thread shoud have been "WOW Interview with the three Stooges"
Zero Enthusiasm and Confidence in their presentation. But what do expect, engineers and designers aren't salesmen. The interview Just made me more upset, because I don't feel their passion. *sign* But still a good video just to here the designers blab. I just feel Form = Function, not what you FEEL it should look like!

Im a mechanical engineer at Cal State LA and I work with Catia 3D Modeling software. I could of done a better job at the design and presentation.

Those two designers should be put back in the box that the Acura team put them in, in the first place.

“Emotion of car, and what it means” I really don’t know if these clowns know what emotion is an engineer or sales man would still be excited about a ground braking development in which this is not!

Rear lights being reference to heritage the center being open?

“Well why not” was the response to the reasoning behind the platform change and concept altogether.

Well it is just a show car Phew…:eek: :eek:
I like the side profile more now, the rear is good for me also.
The front needs work IMO.
The cool thing is I am sure it will be ground breaking in technology as the President stated some time ago, (I hope).
It is only the "connection" to the NSX that is making you guys angry. If you listen to this again, you'll probably notice that the only connection to NSXs these guys are claiming is some of the treatment around the lights; that is it. I dont believe that any of those three are claiming that this is a NSX replacement.

The NSX is DEAD. DEAD DEAD DEAD. Its done.

Honda is taking the next high end car in a totally different direction.

I was also left with the impression that this is totally a show car. That this is going to change a ton. I find it hillarious that the design guy is talking about aerodynamics! They also said that the dimensions are going to change.

I bet that Honda/Acura comes out with a kick ass 2+2 who's only relation to the NSX is through marketing. I bet it will be awesome.
they didnt have much time, not something i would tell people. tail lights are okay , rear centre crease not so nice. The rear flank side sharp crease doesnt merge well. the side front fender vents look like those cheap weld in ones for civics.

its supposedly a successor, not "nsx 2", still the hsc was a much nicer idea. looking forward to the tokyo version and the evolution of it all.
I was also left with the impression that this is totally a show car. QUOTE]

I was just at the show and it's clearly a studio model cut out of clay or wood. The cut lines are fingernail deep.

And the rest of the public showed as little interest in the design as the forum. I for one would not consider it for purchase.

Maybe Honda will get the hint and put the engine where it's supposed to be instead of trying to cut corners.
I like when they ask them about why front engine and they reply "Why not?"

Yea, um, there were plenty of reasons to go mid engine in the NSX, so why not is a poor response.

I personally think the HSC was one of the nicest designs I have ever seen for a car.
It is only the "connection" to the NSX that is making you guys angry. If you listen to this again, you'll probably notice that the only connection to NSXs these guys are claiming is some of the treatment around the lights; that is it. I dont believe that any of those three are claiming that this is a NSX replacement.

The NSX is DEAD. DEAD DEAD DEAD. Its done.

Honda is taking the next high end car in a totally different direction.

I was also left with the impression that this is totally a show car. That this is going to change a ton. I find it hillarious that the design guy is talking about aerodynamics! They also said that the dimensions are going to change.

I bet that Honda/Acura comes out with a kick ass 2+2 who's only relation to the NSX is through marketing. I bet it will be awesome.

You noticed people here are getting bent out of shape as well huh:biggrin:
I can't believe everybody is acting so shocked I mean how many times did we hear that Honda's next performance car would be front engined with the SH-AWD and a V10:rolleyes:

Even if it had been MR configuration the majority would be like "can't wait to get one used" which doesn't help Honda so why all the fuss. Whatever configuration Honda uses it will still be the most reliable V10 engine car that you can take to the track and have a good time with w/o engine lights coming on or a bunch of high priced maintenance! Doing your thing Honda you got my business!
The cool thing is I am sure it will be ground breaking in technology as the President stated some time ago, (I hope).

Generally I don't doubt Honda when it comes to technology, but how ground breaking can it be? They already seemed to have tipped their hat. SH-AWD? Even if it does go RWD bias, or some part time SH-AWD that is not new ground breaking technology. It was in 2004 when they released it in the RL, but not anymore. V10? Well, the competition will also have a V10. Hybrid? Well, we know Toyota/Lexus is the king of hyrbid now. Fuel Cell? Not in a sports car I hope. Anyway, my point is this car will be released in 2009/10 and I'd be very surprised to see Honda come out with something as ground breaking in technology as the NSX was in 1990. Heck we already have Lexus cars that can park itself, night vision, HUD. What else can you add to a car:tongue: Lately it seems like Toyota is trumping Honda and beating them to every punch.
It is only the "connection" to the NSX that is making you guys angry. If you listen to this again, you'll probably notice that the only connection to NSXs these guys are claiming is some of the treatment around the lights; that is it. I dont believe that any of those three are claiming that this is a NSX replacement.

The NSX is DEAD. DEAD DEAD DEAD. Its done.

Honda is taking the next high end car in a totally different direction.


If that is the case so be it. But then Honda shouldn't have strung us along for the last 5 years claiming an NSX replacement to challenge Ferrari was in the works. They should just come out and say there will be no NSX replacement and the model is dead.
With the hopes that these three will read this posting, here are my comments, but first, quick background. I've purchased two NSX's (a '95 which I bought in '99 and loved) and a 2004 which I bought in 2005, still own and love. I would be a likely purchaser of a new NSX when they come out.

- While it is hard to judge a car from pictures, I much preferred the HSC photos to this car. Probably because the HSC had more in common with my NSX than the current line of Acura cars? I bought an MDX for my wife, think it is a great car and will probably buy another when we wear this one out, but see no advantage to have that styling carried over into what is on my side of the garage.

- You appear to have set your sites a bit low -- or at least not as forward thinking as the original NSX design. But then perhaps lovers of that design are not the folks you are trying to please with this one.

- You've probably heard this feedback already, but I guess I really expected to hear more passion from someone unveiling a year of their best work. But maybe this means you aren't quite sure. Are you waiting to hear what people think before you go out on the limb and say this is the greatest thing ever? Is this a trial balloon? Might you go back toward something more like the HSC if enough of us tell you we like that better? Or are current NSX owners not the people you want to hear from? Would you prefer to talk to Corvette or Viper drivers that might be looking for something different? I'm not being flippant, I understand that Acura would like to annually sell more of whatever the new NSX is that the annual sales of the current version.

my two cents.
I didn't get the impression that they weren't enthusiastic about the design.

I wonder what willl become of this concept. The HSC was killed because of negative feedback. This new concept seems to be getting much more negative than the HSC ever did.

I don't blame the designers at all. Designers have to work within set parameters that are completely out of their control that are usually set by penny-pinchers and managers... uninspired folk. I blame the management... not the designers.

The car IS original, has some nice moments on it. We'll see I guess. Show car to production vehicle usually gets some changes even on very successful concepts. This one will get some plastic surgery for sure. I think they'll end up with a great car. It's just a shame we lose the NSX.
NY Times

"Introduced on Sunday: Acura Advanced Sports Car design study

Is it real? The mechanical bits are all present, and the body is metal, not Styrofoam. But Acura’s Advanced Sports Car Concept is strictly a nonrunning prototype, with its doors and hood sealed for the run of the auto show.

What’s the point? The NSX was Acura’s two-seat halo car, an Asian Ferrari that served as a showcase of technology and innovation. Since its demise, Acura’s parent, Honda, has been hard at work on a replacement to keep the performance fires burning.

What they said: “I must tell you that my own passion is performance,” Takeo Fukui, president and chief executive of Honda Motor Company, said.

What they didn’t say: That this is the next NSX, or that Acura is overdue for something more potent than the brand’s current crop of V-6 engines. The next episode in the hunt for NSX V2.0 occurs at the Tokyo auto show, in October 2007.

What makes it tick? The A.S.C.C. has a front-mounted V-10 coupled to sport-tuned version of Acura’s all-wheel drive hardware.

How much, how soon? No one would let us peek under the hood, much less mention anything as vulgar as a price or when to expect this car to be production ready.

How’s it look? The Advanced Sports Car Concept looks familiar — we see a lot of Audi R8, minus the gaping grill, and the Lexus LF-A concept of 2005, in this Acura’s front end. It could probably do with an extra dose of edginess when the second iteration appears in Tokyo."
