Wow! I was deleted!

PHOEN$X said:
I thought it was 8? Man, are you guys getting more greedy or what! :D
if i wish for 10 and only get 8,i'd still be a happy camper!
We all have a sense of humor(some folks don't express it well)but viperspray was relentless posting on and on.The clownshoe deal has been around long enough ,it's old,which leads me to believe it was just the hook(excuse) for his spam.
randall said:
i think vipersprays post was intended humor,i'm not sure why some of you guys act insecure about our cars?it was just a joke.nobody needs to get their panties in a wad?BTW viperspray your engine is beautiful!:)i wish it would fit in the NSX.a V-10 is on the wish list for the next gen. NSX.
Thanks , your right , I was just having some fun and gathering NSX info. for my buddy. I thought the Clown Shoe thing was humorous and needed somebody to respond from the Viper point of view. I guess it offended the rules makers and they threw the book at me!


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Re: Re: Re: Wow! I was deleted!

AndyVecsey said:
viperspray,sorry you got deleted!

I'm fact it was I that privated Lud an e-mail to can the Clown Shoe business that appeared in viperspray's maiden post. How to fit a V-10 into a Honda? :rolleyes: Afterall, if I wanted a Viper, I would've bought one (or a Vette or a Supra or a yada) over the NSX in the first place.


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Viper or cat spray,I like your stuff,but come clean you remind me of a certain Allen character,,hmmmmm.
viper spray said:
No flame , I was looking for an NSX for my friend and came across some good info. on this forum , but also had to stand up for my cars. (clown shoe thing). He is depending on me to find out how much car he can get for around $45,000. I am the car nut and he builds swimming pools , so he is depending on me for advise.
Then you should have adviced your friend to get a 1972 Barracuda/Challenger and put a blown 440 6-pack and Dana in it. It sure will cost much less, look better, and still blows the doors off the Viper and eats it alive. You don't need an engineer to do that. Just ask you local Safeway bagboy and he will show you all the tricks.

The clown shoe thing was a good natured joke on an *NSX* forum. There was nothing brutal on that thread about the Viper.

Check the sister thread above for the typical Viper crowd reaction. And you say we're touchy???

Oh, and so much for "Viper Spray" the "45 year old salesman from Texas". Right [email protected] from St. Paul MN?

"NSXs are peices of [******]! They can't even beat a vette, plus rice never can beat Detroit Muscule. "

"The Flame wars have begun, im going to attempt to piss them off...and if I don't i'll get a laugh out of it! Help me out and come up with some nsx jokes!"

Some of your quotes Avi? Do you really think that no one here visits other forums? So friggin lame...

I really like this last quote of yours:

"I told them the truth and they scilenced me. "

So much for a good natured guy just joking around and trying to "help a friend find an NSX". Anyone who called troll gets the prize!
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spookyp said:

The clown shoe thing was a good natured joke on an *NSX* forum. There was nothing brutal on that thread about the Viper.

Check the sister thread above for the typical Viper crowd reaction. And you say we're touchy???

Oh, and so much for "Viper Spray" the "45 year old salesman from Texas". Right [email protected] from St. Paul MN?

"NSXs are peices of [******]! They can't even beat a vette, plus rice never can beat Detroit Muscule. "

"The Flame wars have begun, im going to attempt to piss them off...and if I don't i'll get a laugh out of it! Help me out and come up with some nsx jokes!"

Some of your quotes Avi? Do you really think that no one here visits other forums? So friggin lame...

I really like this last quote of yours:

"I told them the truth and they scilenced me. "

So much for a good natured guy just joking around and trying to "help a friend find an NSX". Anyone who called troll gets the prize!
Are you nuts? ST. Paul Mn.? I have never set foot in that area of the country., tell you what why don't you call me at home here in Austin (512)835-5167 or have an NSX contact from Austin come by and check out my Vipers and meet me and shoot the breeze over a couple of beers , then ask him what kind of person I am. Or give John Schmidt at David McDavid Acura on 13553 Research Blvd. here in Austin a call , he is a friend of mine and he sells new NSX's and is the sales manager. He has been bugging me to put my RT-10 on their web site! Go back to detective school.


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spookyp said:

The clown shoe thing was a good natured joke on an *NSX* forum. There was nothing brutal on that thread about the Viper.

Check the sister thread above for the typical Viper crowd reaction. And you say we're touchy???

Oh, and so much for "Viper Spray" the "45 year old salesman from Texas". Right [email protected] from St. Paul MN?

"NSXs are peices of [******]! They can't even beat a vette, plus rice never can beat Detroit Muscule. "

"The Flame wars have begun, im going to attempt to piss them off...and if I don't i'll get a laugh out of it! Help me out and come up with some nsx jokes!"

Some of your quotes Avi? Do you really think that no one here visits other forums? So friggin lame...

I really like this last quote of yours:

"I told them the truth and they scilenced me. "

So much for a good natured guy just joking around and trying to "help a friend find an NSX". Anyone who called troll gets the prize!
I just read that link at, none of those posts are me, your St. Paul buddy said that he was silenced here , so I guess you assumed that was me. That guy also drives a DeLoren, he does not even own a Viper , so he is Really not me!!None of those quotes are mine , so just let it go, or call me and we can talk man to man Texas style. Mike
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Over the years we have intruders from many forums coming to flame the NSXs. These include the Supra, Vette, Viper, and I think even the Ferrari. This kind of behavior all stems from inferiority complex. These people cannot stand the fact that we did not choose their cars and they feel rejected. So they feel that they have so much to prove to the NSX community and ultimately bash the car. Deep down inside, they know how inadequate they are( either it is the upbringing, the car, the occupation, penis size, and you name it.) We just need to understand their "shortcoming" better. Peace.
I'm glad Viper Spray likes his Viper - happy for him, but don't care to hear any opinions about Vipers, good , bad or indifferent.
I happen to like my NSX & discussions about NSX's - even debates about which wax is best!
Until now, this has been an NSX Forum - I really don't want to hear or discuss Vipers any more.
If you truly want to learn about NSX's, then Welcome Viper Spray - let's just not hear any more about Vipers. For those who wish to discuss Vipers, a link to that forum has been provided.
Hopefully, the end ............. please lets get back to NSX's.
viper spray said:
I just read that link at, none of those posts are me, your St. Paul buddy said that he was silenced here , so I guess you assumed that was me. That guy also drives a DeLoren, he does not even own a Viper , so he is Really not me!!None of those quotes are mine , so just let it go, or call me and we can talk man to man Texas style. Mike

Fair enough then, my apologies... The coincidence in timing seemed big, but I take your word for it. I still say the Viper guys are way more touchy than us though! :p

D'Ecosse said:
If you truly want to learn about NSX's, then Welcome Viper Spray - let's just not hear any more about Vipers. For those who wish to discuss Vipers, a link to that forum has been provided.
Hopefully, the end ............. please lets get back to NSX's.

I think D`Ecosse summed it up really well... Let's put this one to bed!
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