Wounded Warrior/Operation Kindness Event - Saturday, May 22nd

3 October 2007

As a result of the overwhelming positive reaction received from last years event, I've been asked to invite those that are interested to attend the Wounded Warrior/Operation Kindness event again this year! The troops truly enjoyed seeing some wonderful cars come out as well as meeting the drivers. In fact, it was such a success, that they are making additional spaces available for the car portion of the event. In talking with some of the drivers that attended last year I know the event had a profound effect on them as well. If your schedule permits, please come out and support these brave men and women.

The event will be held on Saturday, May 22nd from 1:00pm to 4:00pm at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. If you have an interest in attending the event please post to this thread or send me a pm. There are certain rules and restrictions that I will discuss with you once I've been notified of your interest.

Thanks very much,
Hey Court.. as a disabled vet myself, I'm very interested in showing my support and bringing the NSX. :)
Hey Court.. as a disabled vet myself, I'm very interested in showing my support and bringing the NSX. :)

Hey Steve! I look forward to seeing you there and checking out your car up close and in person :biggrin: If you happen to know of other NSX or exotic car owners who might be interested please have them contact me via the thread or by PM.

Thanks my friend!
I'm interested, but I don't know if I'll be back from a business trip by then. I've done this before with another group, and it's great to see the wounded and recovering smile... We have so much to be thankful for, that it's good to give some cheer back.
I'm interested, but I don't know if I'll be back from a business trip by then. I've done this before with another group, and it's great to see the wounded and recovering smile... We have so much to be thankful for, that it's good to give some cheer back.

My sincere apologies for the slow response time, I've been swamped with work and personal matters. Hopefully you can join us if your travel schedule permits. Since you've attended in the past you know how rewarding this can be for both the drivers and the Vets. If you find that Saturday the 22nd works for your schedule please let me know via the thread or PM me as soon as possible and I will provide you with further instructions.

Kind regards,
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i can probally attend also. a chance that i could be out of town.

Great! If you are still planning to attend please let me know via the thread or by way of PM and I will provide you with additional information and details regarding the event.

Thanks again for your interest!

The Wounded Warrior Event for tomorrow is completely booked :smile:

Thank you for supporting the troops!
