Would/when will you desert the U.S.A.??

I'm a natural born U.S. citizen and I...

  • ...would never, ever leave the U.S. permanently.

    Votes: 43 45.3%
  • ...might leave the U.S. if things got bad enough (but think that's unlikely)

    Votes: 28 29.5%
  • ...kind of expect to leave in the next 10-20 years (taxes!)

    Votes: 9 9.5%
  • ...kind of expect to leave in the next 1-10 years b/c the U.S. is crumbling

    Votes: 15 15.8%

  • Total voters
I take no offense at all. Means one thing when I say it, another when you do.
You're on the "look out" for that suggestion and innuendo.:tongue: It's natural for you. :biggrin:

As for Ms. Theron, looking at your avatar it's hard to believe this is the same woman.


Now, do you think with McCain the economy will more likely improve than with the Democratic nominee?

Haha, Pbassjo you're the one spotting trannies amongst Charlize Theron mugshots. That takes "confused" to a whole new level! :tongue:

For pretty much anyone on NSX Prime, the economy will improve with McCain vs. Hillary or Obama. Now, I don't have much faith in any of them, because "the economy" is much bigger than one numbnut representing a political party. But, relative to the alternative, McCain is as good as it gets for anything that has to do with your wallet. By a longshot.
For pretty much anyone on NSX Prime, the economy will improve with McCain vs. Hillary or Obama. Now, I don't have much faith in any of them, because "the economy" is much bigger than one numbnut representing a political party. But, relative to the alternative, McCain is as good as it gets for anything that has to do with your wallet. By a longshot.

I disagree - I think the USA's economy is so tied to world opinion that only through a sea change will there be the possibility of a differing financial outcome.

McCain looks like 4 more years of Bush:rolleyes: :frown:
I disagree - I think the USA's economy is so tied to world opinion that only through a sea change will there be the possibility of a differing financial outcome.

McCain looks like 4 more years of Bush:rolleyes: :frown:

No. Our alternative, from an economic perspective, will be increasing levels of socialism and protectionist trade (Hillary or Obama).

Since I'm not a farmer, welfare recipient, or municipal-level politician, I'm not too enthused about the protectionist measures on the horizon.
Haha, Pbassjo you're the one spotting trannies amongst Charlize Theron mugshots.

I don't like the pic. She looks rough in that one. A mugshot, like you said.

I'm in agreement with your take on the socialistic slant from the Democrats.
No. Our alternative, from an economic perspective, will be increasing levels of socialism and protectionist trade (Hillary or Obama).

Since I'm not a farmer, welfare recipient, or municipal-level politician, I'm not too enthused about the protectionist measures on the horizon.


Watch all 29 parts (I know its a long one) But these are the kinds of questions I have about 9/11 and other mysterious 'attacks' that have happened around the world... This is why I have no faith in the US Government.... Thats all I'll say about that before I get burned at the stake. :rolleyes:

(Btw i havent seen all of it yet only the first few parts and no i dont agree with everything she says...)
I would be in the foxhole with a gun and a laptop with aircard so I could trade.

BWAHAHAHAHA....okay, i'm sitting here in class contemplating my untimely death and that just made my day! :biggrin:

Watch all 29 parts (I know its a long one) But these are the kinds of questions I have about 9/11 and other mysterious 'attacks' that have happened around the world... This is why I have no faith in the US Government.... Thats all I'll say about that before I get burned at the stake. :rolleyes:

(Btw i havent seen all of it yet only the first few parts and no i dont agree with everything she says...)

This stuff is complete SH1T - it was actually produced with Palestinian money (you know, the money that the west supplies thats supposed to go to feed people?)

They are taking non-truths and, but presenting them as "shown on TV" they make you think their facts are actual facts - but they are not - then they start swinging against the Jews, Catholics and Americans!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

Its so convenient to blame 9/11 on everyone BUT Muslims!!!

What really happened was a small group of people did something stupid - the Republicans wanted to curtail civil liberties (and have for years, there were wiretap bills under Regan) - so people took the opportunity to exploit a situation - period - it wasn't the Jews, Catholics or any large group's goal.
This thread sucks, Ski just likes to start shit and get people going. Look at the past 10 threads he started they all say USA sucks, if it sucks and you know it stop posting about it unless you need that pat on the back or some retards to jump in and say you are right. Revoke your citizenship and never come back.
This thread sucks, Ski just likes to start shit and get people going. Look at the past 10 threads he started they all say USA sucks, if it sucks and you know it stop posting about it unless you need that pat on the back or some retards to jump in and say you are right. Revoke your citizenship and never come back.

This thread sucks, Ski just likes to start shit and get people going. Look at the past 10 threads he started they all say USA sucks, if it sucks and you know it stop posting about it unless you need that pat on the back or some retards to jump in and say you are right. Revoke your citizenship and never come back.

Actually, dumbshit, the last few threads I've posted have had absolutely nothing to do with the U.S. In fact, only this one has really.

REM thread
Unofficial Ashley Dupre :tongue:
Aussies are cool

Why are you so angry at me? Other than calling you out as a fool on some of your posts (not that some of mine aren't quite stupid too...), why are you so bitter at this thread? How about you NSX Rebel?

For all you die-hard, long live the stars 'n stripes folks -- what did you do to earn your citizenship? What makes you so special? That's right. You were lucky enough to have parents that weren't living in Kenya or Tibet or Mexico.
Ski, I was actually just agreeing to the part where Ryan said this thread sucks. Should have highlighted that. And my parents did live in another country. What did I do to earn my citizenship? I hope my continuing service in our armed forces should be enough. If not, maybe my plans into getting in LE will be. I don't think it makes me special. It makes me American.
Ski, I was actually just agreeing to the part where Ryan said this thread sucks. Should have highlighted that. And my parents did live in another country. What did I do to earn my citizenship? I hope my continuing service in our armed forces should be enough. If not, maybe my plans into getting in LE will be. I don't think it makes me special. It makes me American.

Here's a question. (and I wouldn't ask it if I didn't have the utmost respect for servicemen) anyways...

As a dedicated serviceman (whether cop, HP, Navy, MC, Army, Air, or Guard) -- what WOULD it take for you to change your mind. For you to say, "ok, something is broken and I'm not going to be able to fix it" I don't ask to sound defeatist, only because that's how a smart investor would approach this dilemma.
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"That's right. You were lucky enough to have parents that weren't living in Kenya or Tibet or Mexico"

Right, but we were not lucky enough that you were not born there....

Just give it a rest. Move on if you like as no here is trying to stop you.
What more do you want? Not many from the US are agreeing with you here.
Sorry that I have a great life. Sorry that you don't.
Good luck & Good bye.:wink:
Here's a question. (and I wouldn't ask it if I didn't have the utmost respect for servicemen, even those that were "only" infantry and not distinguished like moi ;) ) anyways...

As a dedicated serviceman (whether cop, HP, Navy, MC, Army, Air, or Guard) -- what WOULD it take for you to change your mind. For you to say, "ok, something is broken and I'm not going to be able to fix it" I don't ask to sound defeatist, only because that's how a smart investor would approach this dilemma.

I know our country is not perfect, but it's far from being the shittiest, by a long shot. I wouldn't leave the US ever, at least not permanently. I honestly believe in order to make any real changes to our Govt, we would need something radical. Maybe something like a revolution, which I don't think will happen unless it got really bad, aka shit hits the fan.

First thing I would change, would be to do away with the Federal Reserve. I hope someday we'll get a President with the balls to do it. Very few people know that it's run by private bank/ers.
I know our country is not perfect, but it's far from being the shittiest, by a long shot. I wouldn't leave the US ever, at least not permanently. I honestly believe in order to make any real changes to our Govt, we would need something radical. Maybe something like a revolution, which I don't think will happen unless it got really bad, aka shit hits the fan.
Changes are being made to our government. Under Bush, we have moved toward more secrecy, away from rule of law, away from accountability in government, and away from checks and balances (the executive branch becoming more powerful). And the USA has less moral standing in the world now that it is known for torture, abductions, secret prisons, and the like. These are real changes.

But I agree that the country isn't the shittiest by a longshot.
Changes are being made to our government. Under Bush, we have moved toward more secrecy, away from rule of law, away from accountability in government, and away from checks and balances (the executive branch becoming more powerful). And the USA has less moral standing in the world now that it is known for torture, abductions, secret prisons, and the like. These are real changes.

But I agree that the country isn't the shittiest by a longshot.

Care to elaborate more? Links?
Care to elaborate more? Links?
The Vice President refuses to cooperate when Congress tries to exercise their oversight responsibilities; Cheney made the bold claim that he is not part of the executive branch of government and therefore doesn't have to cooperate as if he were. See http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=3316434

The Bush administration has advanced the idea of a "unitary executive", i.e. less control of and less accountability for the President. From one of the memos administration lawyer David Addington wrote to justify torture: "In light of the president's complete authority over the conduct of war, without a clear statement otherwise, criminal statutes are not read as infringing on the president's ultimate authority in these areas." In other words, the President is above the law. See http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A22665-2004Oct10.html

That's just a couple examples, I don't have a lot of time this morning. Later today or tomorrow I'll give some references about abductions, torture, and so on.
Care to elaborate more? Links?
OK, I have a few more minutes.

In 2005, an Italian Judge issued arrest warrants against 13 people associated with the CIA after US agents kidnapped a suspect in Italy. See http://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/26/international/europe/26milan.htm

About the USA having set up secret prisons in other countries, see http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/11/01/AR2005110101644.html

The USA detained a Canadian citizen at JFK airport in 2002 and sent him to Syria for torture. He was ultimately released, and cleared of any links to terrorism. How often did you hear about this kind of thing going on before Bush? See http://www.voanews.com/english/archive/2007-10/2007-10-18-voa71.cfm?CFID=221748980&CFTOKEN=79223594

What is in fact torture goes by names like "enhanced interrogation techniques" so that Bush can continue to claim there's no torture when in fact there is. See http://www.salon.com/opinion/feature/2007/07/23/torture/index.html
Actually, dumbshit, the last few threads I've posted have had absolutely nothing to do with the U.S. In fact, only this one has really.

REM thread
Unofficial Ashley Dupre :tongue:
Aussies are cool

Why are you so angry at me? Other than calling you out as a fool on some of your posts (not that some of mine aren't quite stupid too...), why are you so bitter at this thread? How about you NSX Rebel?

For all you die-hard, long live the stars 'n stripes folks -- what did you do to earn your citizenship? What makes you so special? That's right. You were lucky enough to have parents that weren't living in Kenya or Tibet or Mexico.

I like the US a lot, sure I pay a lot in taxes but I can really do whatever I want to do. Things are screwed up everywhere I am just sick of people saying america sucks and have nothing to back it up. Also I love your tagline lol good stuff I trade longer times now because I dont have to watch the charts when I am away from home or on the lake :)