Would/when will you desert the U.S.A.??

I'm a natural born U.S. citizen and I...

  • ...would never, ever leave the U.S. permanently.

    Votes: 43 45.3%
  • ...might leave the U.S. if things got bad enough (but think that's unlikely)

    Votes: 28 29.5%
  • ...kind of expect to leave in the next 10-20 years (taxes!)

    Votes: 9 9.5%
  • ...kind of expect to leave in the next 1-10 years b/c the U.S. is crumbling

    Votes: 15 15.8%

  • Total voters
LOL have you guys seen the new banner add,I think Red and ski got to Lud:tongue: http://pagead2.googlesyndication.co...paign=GC1&client=ca-pub-8661409808422660&nm=2

If you guys come up here to live you can come to Est Fest, and get your car detailed at Mikey's, get free health care, never be wiretapped, get great discounts at Erin Mills Acura on service, and never finance a useless "war".

Care to elaborate more? Links?

Just read some non-American news! (any non-American news) Sadly, criticizing the Government, the war, etc. has somehow become unpatriotic (its changing I know) but the press forgets issues the next day - so its hard to read bad stuff about what's going on in america or outside america in the US press.
I am starting to worry about you Red.

No one follows Canadian world news as I am not sure they have any?

Am joking! But seriously you should lighten up & dont believe everything you read. A great deal of it is written out of envy.

There, that should stir things up..................
A great deal of it is written out of envy.

There, that should stir things up..................

Yeah, I do envy the USA - all our hottest girls and funniest comics go there and become the hottest american girls and hottest american comics.

Besides, we figure you guys have some envy of us too!

You seem to like our girls, beers and oil - what more is there?:tongue:
Red man they leave so they can be rich,and not have to wash toilets in between gigs.
Red man they leave so they can be rich,and not have to wash toilets in between gigs.

We take the hotties so for granted here - its 'cuz they practically grow on trees!!

Shania Twain was working at McDonalds in Sudbury (4-5 hrs north of Toronto) before she made it big - I think she actually lived in Toronto and had to drive to Sudbury everyday to work - she wasn't hot enough to be hired by a McD's in Toronto!:wink:
Gotta agree with the Canucks they do seem to be producing some babes of late.

My thing is what's the catch? Everything pretty much has a price.
Gotta agree with the Canucks they do seem to be producing some babes of late.

My thing is what's the catch? Everything pretty much has a price.

Canuck Crabs! Hard to treat and the itching oh the itching:tongue:
Canuck Crabs! Hard to treat and the itching oh the itching:tongue:

Thats ONLY in the Maritimes, and they generally put elastic bands around their claws and cook them - I don't understand the itching, are you anaphylactic, or did you stick some in your pants?:eek:

Can't breathe!

Why would it?
Anyone has been able to leave at any time since the beginning.

Unlike some countries, our borders are to see who is coming in, rather than keeping us from leaving.

So we have always had a "there's the door" policy.

I just wish more folks would use it.
Gotta agree with the Canucks they do seem to be producing some babes of late.

My thing is what's the catch? Everything pretty much has a price.

Yea man I dont think I have ever met an ugly canadian woman that has come to the states... pretty impressive stuff! :P
Give me a friggin' break.

I've been lucky enough to travel abroad and live abroad. Moreover, my mother legally immigrated to the US and my father's father also legally immigrated. So I am truly a product of immigrants.

I am proud of my heritage, proud of being American but have travelled enough to know that we aren't perfect. We don't do everything right and we could stand to learn from other countries and other cultures.

But this is still the best damned country that the world has ever seen. Period.

Same story with me and I 100% agree with you.
Same story with me and I 100% agree with you.

Not quite the same story for me. I'm a product of illegal immigrants. My parents came here illegally 3 decades ago. They have long since gotten their legal status, and have worked hard and payed their taxes like they should.

A few here have the belief that they should kick them all out if they came here illegally, and their children, even if they were born here. I can't remember who it was, but they felt strongly about this, I asked him if I should be stripped of my citizenship, and get sent to Mexico, even though I wasn't born, raised, or lived there. I never got a reply.

I am American and I love my Country and my beloved Corps. I don't tell people I'm Mexican, Chicano, etc.. I don't even like all that Brown Pride/La Raza/Aztlan/"This was our land first"-talk. I'm coming up on almost a decade of service in the military, and plan on retiring from the Marine Corps.

Having said that, I will never desert the U.S.A. even if there are people that don't want me here and would rather have me "deported". I'll stay here and fight for my country.
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I didn't notice this thread until now.

Funny how four years ago it was the Lib's wanting to leave, and now it's the Republicans turn to act like wimps. Just like Barbara Streisand, Sean Penn, Susan Sarandon and God-knows-how-many-others all stayed here through the last 4 Bush years, none of the conservatives will have the guts to leave now either. It sucks that they never follow through, I always hoped we'd get rid of our domestic fascists like Limbaugh, Coulter, Michael Moore, Nancy Pelosi and Hannity, among many more.

This shows how deep inside, many of our "countrymen" only care much for this country when it's convenient or profitable to like it. Everyone needs to meet a soldier or two and get a grip on reality.

PS... I'm not a Natural Born Citizen
You can love something and still lose faith in it. I love my country, but I hate the people that run it.

Well, yes, they are called politicians and that's what they do. Majority of this country doesn't vote because the choices from both parties are generally exactly the same and we are gonna hate the elected winner either way.

At least we only give them only 4 years and if they fail, we replace them, whereas in many other countries, you get power hungry people who try to hang on as long as they can (Russia, for example).

I've been everywhere. US is a good place to be.
Freedom isn't free.
Tens of thousands have died so you can leave any time you like.
So, just do it. & Keep us posted.
The economy would not be in the state its in if we were not the worlds police.
So, I say screw 'em. Let someone else foot the bill for a while.
Maybe Canada could step up.................:smile:

As a former Canadian Troop, I have to say that this is quite the ignorant comment.

Tens of thousands of our own have died for the same reasons that your troops have. We've been involved in every major war since Canada has been a country, and for both World Wars, we were there long before you guys.

Over 110 Canadian Soldiers have died in Afghanistan since we began combat ops there in 2002. We've fought and won some of the hardest fought battles over there.

So we are "footing the bill". :mad: