Would Steve Jobs have released apple maps?

Best information ever on adding the link to the iphone through Google.

I for one really hate the new mapping system. When I type in coffee all it does is bring up starbucks and it leaves out the little local drive through expresso guy and some coffee bean and tea leaf. THERE IS SO STREET VIEW!!! I used this all the time.
The routing is better and the 3d maps are kick ass. The data base is just no where near as extensive as google and it shows ... bad.

Interestingly there are numerous articles online from PCworld, Bloomberg, and the like that state that the Apple iOS6 Maps app has over 100 million business listings compared to 80 million for the old Google based Maps app...

Perhaps in your example they have been sponsored by Starbucks to "remove" certain listings...

Or the extra 20 million listings are all in Antarctica?
You can still use Safari to access Google Maps if needed. It works nicely and with iOS 6 you can save an icon to the home screen too. iOS maps will get better and I'm sure Google will release a standalone app too. I found iOS maps to be fine for turn-by-turn navigation.

You can still use Safari to access Google Maps if needed. It works nicely and with iOS 6 you can save an icon to the home screen too. iOS maps will get better and I'm sure Google will release a standalone app too. I found iOS maps to be fine for turn-by-turn navigation.


Yep. I posted the "how to" and the photos in this very thread post number 21 above!

I think the new OS6 app is very useable for voice turn-by-turn navi. Something that the previous version didn't do AT ALL!
Yep. I posted the "how to" and the photos in this very thread post number 21 above!

I think the new OS6 app is very useable for voice turn-by-turn navi. Something that the previous version didn't do AT ALL!

Duh. Yes you did. I missed that somehow.

Jobs did release Ping. And the Mac Cube.

You beat me to it. He actually released a ton of failures. The Maps app is definitely inferior, but with some polishing I believe they'll be on the right path. Google is suppose to release the google maps app soon anyway.
I've used google maps on a razr maxx before, and it's not all that great, specially compared to other nav apps. I never even bothered using Maps on iOS5 once I got TomTom. I know iOS5 google maps is not the same as on Android, but iOS6 maps is WAY better than the old google maps.

So far, I'm liking the new Maps, even though it's not as good as TomTom, it gets the job done for me.
Interestingly there are numerous articles online from PCworld, Bloomberg, and the like that state that the Apple iOS6 Maps app has over 100 million business listings compared to 80 million for the old Google based Maps app...

Perhaps in your example they have been sponsored by Starbucks to "remove" certain listings...

Or the extra 20 million listings are all in Antarctica?

Maybe. Don't know why it doesnt show the local coffee guys ... next time your next to a couple different ones see if it does the same for you. Maybe they just skipped Sacramento because of the CA state budget :biggrin:
Apple bought their own mapping company in 2009, while Steve Jobs was still at the helm, and purchased subsequent companies just before his death, so I'd say that this is part of his master plan all along. They're just adopting Google's strategy of using end users as beta testers, because they either lack sufficient manpower to do so, or are reluctant to let pre-production products leave the labs (especially after the iPhone4/Gizmodo fiasco).

It's amazing that Google employs so many people for its maps product. If it wasn't for its core search engine business, it could not afford to give stuff like maps and Android away for free.
Apple bought their own mapping company in 2009, while Steve Jobs was still at the helm, and purchased subsequent companies just before his death, so I'd say that this is part of his master plan all along. They're just adopting Google's strategy of using end users as beta testers, because they either lack sufficient manpower to do so, or are reluctant to let pre-production products leave the labs (especially after the iPhone4/Gizmodo fiasco).

It's amazing that Google employs so many people for its maps product. If it wasn't for its core search engine business, it could not afford to give stuff like maps and Android away for free.

Nothing is free, and that's what bothers me the most about Google. They make people think they are giving away products and services for free.
Before all the haters ... I'm an iPhone 5 owner and yes I was a fruitball that stayed up till midnight to per-order.


learn how to embed brah.
Funny video though, I was gonna post it yesterday but got lazy. :p

<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/XNBP18nrRdw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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I doubt that Apple or anyone will EVER catch up to Google maps.

Does anyone know that Google is the ONLY private company that is allowed usage and fueling from Moffett AFB?

Defense Dept and Google are pretty dam tight with their maps and GPS goods.

Well that sucks. This business of private companies getting a direct line to the government (without competitive bidding or check/balance mechanism) has to end.
