Worst Drivers In America

Hey steveny,

I went to Cornell, and I didn't find the drivers in Ithaca to be any worse than those in the metropolitan areas mentioned in this thread. Actually, in Ithaca, it was more relaxing because there were less people = less cars.

However, those turkeys (pun intended) from foreign countries ARE pretty terrible in the drivers seat.... :D
Autophile said:
Hey steveny,

I went to Cornell, and I didn't find the drivers in Ithaca to be any worse than those in the metropolitan areas mentioned in this thread. Actually, in Ithaca, it was more relaxing because there were less people = less cars.

However, those turkeys (pun intended) from foreign countries ARE pretty terrible in the drivers seat.... :D

Did you ever stay here over the summer. If you think it is relaxing here during the semester you would be so relaxed in the summer you may slip into a coma.
Did you live on campus?
I lived in an apartment on Uptown Rd (off campus) for two summers (ChE M. Eng.). I guess I never had enough free time to slip into a coma during the summers there. :D
The worst drivers

It's funny that you guys said there's always certain kinds of bad drivers in the city...

Seattle is very diverse, thus every type of the bad drivers you guys mentioned were here driving around too...
Not to mention the bad Highway system and on-going road construstion...

NewYorkers who would squeeze their cars between two parking spots bumping cars in front and rear in the process. CHECKED.

Californians doing 90mph with one hand holding phones tailgating people at the far right lanes / changing lanes without checking mirrors and signals. CHECKED.

Criminals (must be a lot over at Seattle) cuz everyone basically stop (alright slowed down to 20mph) in busy hours whenever there's a cop parking along side of the Highway.

You might think Seattle rains in 9 months people would know how to drive in the rain... Nope, 9 out of 10 rainy days on major hwy will have some sort of accident creating Cluster...f*** Stop and Go traffic.

Oh Asians... 2 extremes: 1. The Stereotype by the mass population: Slow down when they merge in Hwy, 45 mph on major hwy in the middle lane. Checked. 2. Kids, Young asian drivers sporting their little rice rocket racing everywhere just like the way they played Arcade racing games. (I admit I was one of them.)

Red Neck (most of the time driving a full size pick up) tailed gated you no matter how fast you were driving, but don't ever try to get closer than 25 ft to them, cuz they will get upset: 1. Slamming brakes, 2. Flipping birdies, 3. Rolling down window and Yelled, 4. throwing water bottles and stuff...

Oh and did I mention that people who try to get into one Exit will start lining up 5 miles ahead and sitting in stop and go fashion, while some would try to merge in before they even see the signs, blocking all the traffic from right to left lanes...

Snowdays in Seattle, not too much, usually no more than a week, but when it happened you will not be able to go anywhere.
Silicon Valley has the worst!

My theory:

In Silicon Valley area there are many foreigners working here either on visas or expatriots from China, India, and all other parts of the world. Most countries have never had a car culture like ours and their driving ability is either poor or they drive without confidence. I rather drive alongside drivers who have a lot of confidence in their driving skill instead of someone who is afraid to drive. They are extremely slow and inefficient in parking garages and make extremely dangerous maneuvers on the street and highways. I am constantly dodging cars here in the Bay Area. At the same time, a lot of us NSX owners drive quite a bit faster than your normal person. I don't drive too much faster than the speed limit, but when someone is going 10 mph through a turn which the NSX can take at 40mph, it gets quite annoying fast.
kenjiMR, remember I talked about that general stereotype of the Asians?? You gave a perfect example. Being a Chinese growing up from HK, I'm ashamed of those people...

but when someone is going 10 mph through a turn which the NSX can take at 40mph, it gets quite annoying fast
It'll be interesting that if I'm behind you in my "Bad weather car"(honda accord), I'd be doing 50mph, tailgating your nsx while front tires sprewing white smoke, flashing HID and have you move over for me.....:D

Think about it, now I know why I have the urge to speed ALL THE TIME... I wanted to make up the speed for those stupid asian drivers lost... I'm such a responsible citizen. :p
NYC Drivers

After residing 18 years in New York and having once a pleasure of being a taxi drivier in this lovely city I can assure you that driving in Manhattan is a pure nightmare. I have circled the states twice in the past 20 years and regularly drive from NYC to Mexico at least once every 2 years and nothing compares to the Big Apple. The sad part is that once driving is over and you think you have found a parking spot, there is a very good chance that you can't park there and if you risk it; a $115 and, or tow will await you upon your return. Thank heaven for parking lots where for around $20 they will let you park your baby for an afternoon.