Worst Drivers In America


i have family in atlanta and used to there almost every year for thanksgiving/christmas, and i would have to agree with you. there, if you're not doing 90mph, you're in the way... and they're are not afraid to tell you either. i guess i was always lucky... i had those out-of-town plates, which seems to give you the right to be a dumbass. i feel for you, bacon. good luck keepin' the bad ones off the roads for us good ones.



Sorry bacon, but we take that crown. Dipshits that poke around in the left lane (despite law stating otherwise) with their big PU trucks piss me off to no end. I used to flash my lights to get them to move over. Half of them are oblivious to my desire, so I just go around. As much as I love Texas (lived here all my life) the drivers are moronic idiotis.
You are all wrong... Monroe, La. The Worst Drivers EVER. Everyone had a giant Truck, pays no attention.. runs reds.. have giant confederate flags on their windows...

Its like hell!
florida is the worst that I have seen. Throw a little snow in the mix and you might as well walk.
jlindy said:
florida is the worst that I have seen.
Especially in the retirement areas. Nothing against getting old (we all will), but 60% of the traffic in these areas is comprised of a hair net and set of kuckles doing 25mph in a 50mph.
KGP said:
Especially in the retirement areas. Nothing against getting old (we all will), but 60% of the traffic in these areas is comprised of a hair net and set of kuckles doing 25mph in a 50mph.

Beware old male drivers wearing hats! That group has my vote for the worst driving demographic.
I concur, Sun City drivers are the worst IMO. However, according to one study, teens/doctors/lawyers are at the top of the worst drivers list. It's also interesting that politicians are near the bottom of that list, but near the top of the speeding tickets list. Hmm....:confused: OTOH, studends are uniformly the worst across the board. :D
Well judging by these comments, you folks have not driven in California. (See my post on jerk drivers in the Genereal Message forum) Not only are these drivers nuts, but they flip you off when THEY do stupid stuff!

Fast lane? There is no such thing here in California. The slow lane is almost always faster because EVERYONE is in the fast lane. They are terrible drivers, coupled with the fact they drive fast and talegate.

I was speaking with a CHP officer the other day about the crazy people here. I suggested that for one week, rather then giviing people tickets for the dumb things they do, just have the CHP shoot them. I figure it would only take a few days to clear up things.
I agree. ATL is bad. I've seen people stop in the middle of a highway(6 lane), wait for the traffic to clear then make an exit to the off ramp he/she missed. I've also seen people going in reverse on highway to get on the off ramp they missed. Pretty much daily occurence.
I hate the classic "stop on the on-ramp while trying to merge" display. You know the people who slow down and brake as freeway traffic whizzes by, while you are behind them and you want to get onto the freeway. Don't they know that it gets easier to merge when they go faster?? Ugh!

People who do this are not ready to be behind the wheel.
Dtrigg said:
Well judging by these comments, you folks have not driven in California. (See my post on jerk drivers in the Genereal Message forum) Not only are these drivers nuts, but they flip you off when THEY do stupid stuff!

Fast lane? There is no such thing here in California. The slow lane is almost always faster because EVERYONE is in the fast lane. They are terrible drivers, coupled with the fact they drive fast and talegate.

I was speaking with a CHP officer the other day about the crazy people here. I suggested that for one week, rather then giviing people tickets for the dumb things they do, just have the CHP shoot them. I figure it would only take a few days to clear up things.

I second that. They love to flip you off over here, especially in the NSX. They will also try to pretend that they are going to hit your car by moving so close to you.
Being a pilot who's all over the country a lot, I think that a lot of what you guys are saying is true. I also think that each area of the country has their own type of bad drivers. For instance, I defnitely agree on Atlanta and their fast, agressive drivers. On the flip side, I think that LA takes the prize for drivers with their heads up their asses driving too slow in the fast lanes.

Here in Albuquerque, I think we've got some of the rudest drivers I've ever seen. Everyone here thinks that they deserve that 15-foot slot between you and the car in front of you. And never mind the long line of drivers in a turn lane during rush hour, waiting patiently......these people force themselves into the front of the line by practically jamming their front bumper in between two cars!

Okay, let's put things into persepctive, though. I think that drivers in the USA are pretty decent compared to other countries. I spent three months in Turkey and I swear I should've died over a dozen times. I have never been more scared to be on the road than when in that country.

Despite all of this, I subscribe to the "no, it's always worst in my city" theory. Does anyone live in a city in the USA where they can say that there are mostly good drivers?

Viper Driver --

I have to agree with you. In my last overseas assignment I lived in Scotland, but I also had offices in London, Athens, Milan, Cairo, and Abu Dhabi. I had to visit those offices at least once per month. In Athens, I was not allowed to drive, always had to have a driver. In Cairo, I not only had to have a driver, I was not allowed to sit in the front seat. It was amazing that no one ever stopped for a red light.

Living in Asia was also a kick. Everyone just goes were they want. One big mess. The exception is in Singapore. You get a ticket for driving in the fast lane if people are behind you. No one drives in the fast lane.

While we all have lots of gripes, U.S. driver are not too bad after all. It's just those jerks that follow me around when I am driving...
In general, I don't find drivers in Los Angeles any worse than in the other major cities I've driven in...UNLESS IT IS RAINING. People here simply can't handle wet pavement.
Well, I've been to ATL, as I'd said before. I've also been to Dallas, Florida, Louisiana, amonst others. But most recently, I used to live in Memphis, TN - home of fast lane cruisers - ex. I drive a '77 lincoln, that's got more primer on it than not, missing a headlight and rear bumper, so I'm going to lower it within an inch of the ground, go find the nearest interstate and cruise in the fast lane at 45, then aim to be totally oblivious to what's going on around me. I live in CA now, and I was warned when I first moved here about how bad the traffic was. I didn't and still don't think that the traffic is THAT bad here(consider a population of 33 million and damn near everyone's got at least one car), but at least they seem like they know what they're doing, even if they're not concerned about what you're doing. They do drive faster here than most places I've lived, but like so many before have said, they are all in the fast lane at once effectively eliminating the opportunity to have a fast lane. You can't pass on the right because that's where everyone's merging onto the freeway and you're asking to get hit, you're only choice is to make a good friend that likes to ride with you everywhere you go, so you can use the carpool lane or get one of those blow-up dolls (for the car, you sick bastards :) ) to ride shotgun w/ you. Any other suggestions? Maybe buy a used BigFoot to navigate the 405 in rush hour? And as for the way the people here act when it rains, well I thought Memphis was bad when it snowed. These people damn near come to a stop on the freeway, as if they've never seen this strange liquid falling from the sky? You know folks, it doesn't matter how slow you drive, it's going to continue raining anyway. In the end, I agree w/ Viper Driver -
Despite all of this, I subscribe to the "no, it's always worst in my city" theory.
Seems to hold true everytime I move.
NetViper said:
You are all wrong... Monroe, La. The Worst Drivers EVER. Everyone had a giant Truck, pays no attention.. runs reds.. have giant confederate flags on their windows...

Its like hell!

No way. I lived in Monroe (West Monroe, actually) for 8 years, and Atlanta for 10. ATL has them beat hands down. Although like someone else said, every place has their own worst drivers- at least the ones in ATL are fast and agressive.... when traffic is moving...
I went to college in Atlanta but spent most summers in Boston. Furthermore I was on an assignment where I had to travel to the top 32 cities and spent a lot of time driving all over the country.

Anyway - Boston has Atlanta beat hands down! Scared the heck out of me every time. It was amazing how many families had people killed in car wrecks and how many body shops would advertise that they don't need the business and to drive safely.

Seriously scary stuff. That's why I usually take the T!
Sorry, I think Hawaii has the worst drivers. Mosty because they are ignorant and would never be able to survive on the mainland freeways, but they are also clueless drivers who think they are being safe by going 5MPH below the speed limit in the left lane:mad:
I live in a VERY tourist-y area. The population here will go up 3-4 times during the summer months, and it is mostly the retired from Florida coming to their summer home, and the "fudgies". It is very typical for the drivers to become confused here, as they are often seen doing 55 in a 35, and 35 in a 55. Also, we get a good number of people from Ohio here (why I don't know), and they just can't seem to drive here. I suppose they say the same about us if we go down there, but personally that never happens.

I'm not saying our drivers are the worst, just that come summertime, the roads around here become much more dangerous. And, for some reason, almost all of the people who live here year round still don't know how to drive in the winter conditions. Go figure.
I would have to say the worst drivers in any one place is here in Ithaca NY. I have always wondered if being a bad driver is a prerequisite of applying to Cornell University. Without fail every year when the students come back traffic (for a small town) is a mess. All summer long traveling is a breeze.
I have a friend who is a police officer that I ride with every now and then. One night we were driving and chatting I noticed headlights across his face and knew someone was driving very close from behind. I did not say anything as I do not want to be the deciding factor if anyone gets pulled over. I was thinking however, why is this guy following so close to a full dressed POLICE car, what an idiot. Right then my friend pulled over very quickly and the car sped around us. We pulled back out turned the emergency light on and pulled over the brand new VR6 VW. Turns out the guy is from Turkey studying at Cornell. He states that in Turkey we drive much closer. Well apparently in Turkey they just buy a car and drive it off the lot too. He had no insurance, no plates, no registration, no inspection, and not even a driving license for Turkey or America. Several tickets and a tow.
I actually think our city has not to many bad drivers but I do know that Boston is full of idiots. One time we went to Boston, there was a huge amount of traffic in the highway, we were on. When we get to the end there are like 4-5 cars parked on the side of the highway may I add there is no breakdown lane in this part of the highway since it is at the end of a bridge which enters into boston. I assumed what the idiots were doing because right next to the highway there is some outdoor food market thing which is always full of people. So yeah basically they cause a huge amount of traffic for fruits and vegtables.
steveny said:
We pulled back out turned the emergency light on and pulled over the brand new VR6 VW...He had no insurance, no plates, no registration, no inspection, and not even a driving license for Turkey or America.
You can buy a car in NY w/o a valid driver's license? :eek:

Or was he driving someone else's car? If so, that person's an idiot for handing him the keys!
PHOEN$X said:
You can buy a car in NY w/o a valid driver's license? :eek:

Or was he driving someone else's car? If so, that person's an idiot for handing him the keys!

He stated it was his car, given to him by his father. I do not know if a drivers license is necessary to purchase a car here in NY.