World gone crazy.

30 May 2000
Southampton, PA, USA
Columbia Prof Calls for Deaths of American Troops

Friday, March 28, 2003

An academic furor was brewing Friday over a Columbia University professor who told thousands of students and faculty that he would like to see the United States defeated in Iraq and suffer "a million Mogadishus" -- referring to the 1993 ambush in Somalia that killed 18 Americans.

The professor, Nicholas De Genova, told a "teach-in" on Wednesday that "the only true heroes are those who find ways that help defeat the U.S. military." De Genova also asserted Americans who call themselves "patriots" are white supremacists.

De Genova's hopes for the defeat of the United States were cheered by the crowd of 3,000, according to newspaper reports. But his mention of the Somali ambush -- "I personally would like to see a million Mogadishus" -- was largely met with silence.

Amazing. Simply Amazing. Protesting the war is one thing. For a college professor to wish for the death of American troops is something quite different.

I just wrote a letter to President of Columbia University (Lee Bollinger - [email protected]) to let him know my thoughts.


[This message has been edited by Jimbo (edited 29 March 2003).]
I know a few Rangers and a Seal that would love the opportunity to personally discuss the professor's private.

Another case of someone who has the right to say something stupid, and hopefully effect his livelihood for the worse.
Where is that story from? If it is indeed true, that idiot and his followers ought to be rounded up and sent into Iraq since he hates this country so much.


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[This message has been edited by PHOEN$X (edited 29 March 2003).]
Wow, truly unbelievable...I had to read it with my own eyes to believe it. Thanks for the links, Jimbo.

To be against the war is one thing, but to actually wish harm upon our troops is detestable. This guy is obviously a nut job, and not the typical anti-war protestor (most of whom want our troops home safely).

I can't believe the university is protecting him too. Free speech, bullshit. What if he said he wished everyone at Columbia University were dead? Or that he wanted a million Columbines at the school? Would they still be so tolerant of his comments, I wonder. His ass would be in the unemployment line by now (if not booted out of the country) if I had any say in the matter.

Finally, to claim that only white supremacists call themselves patriots is so utterly ridiculous I can't even begin to draft a response. It just proves what a mentally disturbed psycho this guy is, and that he needs some *serious* help.

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[This message has been edited by PHOEN$X (edited 29 March 2003).]
I am generally against the use of special wartime powers by our government, but in this case I believe deportation or incarceration should be the choice given to this guy. That sort of statement represents a threat to our security; far beyond a run of the mill 'protest' which we all have a right to do. How can you wish a massacre upon any of our citizens, let alone our troops? UNbelievable. Especially from this university.
this sort of thing gets me so p***ed off. I think some of us have gotten confused on the difference between free speech and publicly wishing for the deaths of american citizens. Or *CONTRIBUTING* to the deaths of american citizens. We are at war. Deport his ass to whatever country will take him.

As a taxpaying citizen im more than happy to pay for his outbound ticket.
does anybody know if he is an american citizen? or is he here on a visa?

it was really *nice* to see another one of our *guests* on the video of saddam's war cabinet. A missouri chemistry grad. Putting her American education to *good* use.
That's just amazing.

PHOEN$X, you are right on the money. If this guy was standing in front of the class, preaching about how he wishes they would all go home and kill their parents, I doubt that the Univervisty would be standing behind the 'freedom of speech' suit of armor.

It sounds as if this was more of a special lecture than a daily class session, perhaps the students in attendance were aware of the nature of the topic, hence the lack of resistance and opposition by those that were present.

Very poor decision for Columbia not to take a stand against this.
At the very least, Columbia should fire him.

He certainly has the right to speak his mind but he shouldn't be employed by any institute of higher learning.

Let him try to make a living off his writings instead of the money from the uninformed parents of the students.

jimbo, thanks for the links/email address.

i went ahead and sent an email to the columbia u president as well. It is reprehensible that an institution charged with care of our youth should employ a professor calling for deaths of our own troops. or the deaths of anyone for that matter.

The irony of any war protester arguing against war by wishing for killing is simply beyond belief. Id be embarassed to think my university employed such a feeble-minded nut as a janitor, let alone put the guy in a position to teach. Critical thinking at its finest, from a prestigious university professor.

I'd hoped it was a hoax. apparently not.
Thanks for pointing out this under-reported idiocy, Jimbo. Another example of our tax dollars at work. I would love to know, other than "teaching" what kind of job this moron could possibly the "real" world that most of the rest of us inhabit.

I suggest that everyone take some time out and, as I did, send him an e-mail and let him know what a moron he is. His e-mail address is: [email protected]
I sent the following note to Columbia's president (Lee Bollinger) as well, but I doubt it'll do any good since his biography states that his teaching and professional interests were on free speech and the First Amendment.

Dear President Bollinger,

I fail to understand how you can condone professor De Genova's comments-wishing death upon our American troops-under the guise of free speech. What if he had publicly preached that he wished death upon his own students, or fellow staff members? Would you still be so willing to let his comments slide? De Genova went way over the line of free speech in this case. His statements were inappropriate at best, and threatening at the worst.

I am all for free speech, but this matter is about much more than that. De Genova actually wished physical harm upon fellow Americans, and who knows--maybe there are nut jobs out there that will take his comments seriously simply because of his credentials. If he wants to make such appalling statements, let him do it as what he is--a misguided, extremist lunatic-but please, do not let him do it as a representative of an institution of higher education.

I am embarrassed for both the Prof and Columbia University. Furthermore, Im quite confident the president and board members of Columbia will do the right thing here- let the process of natural selection take care of his a$$ from there on. Thanks for the dean/presidents email Jimbo.
Originally posted by huckster:
I am generally against the use of special wartime powers by our government, but in this case I believe deportation or incarceration should be the choice given to this guy.

I hope this a**hole realizes how lucky he is to be living in the U.S. Can you imagine if he were in Iraq and making these kinds of comments about the Iraqi government? He (and his family) would probably have wound up in Saddam's human shredder by now..

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[This message has been edited by PHOEN$X (edited 29 March 2003).]
What an idiot - yet he's a professor?

I've always wondered this: have the people who burn US flags and chant "death to america" etc. ever tried to imagine the world WITHOUT the USA as a superpower?

The last 50 years have seen a great deal of peace and stability in the many parts of the world BECAUSE of the stability of the USA.

When people openly express "death the american" it shows the true state of their heart -- hatred.
The real sick thing here is that this guy actually teaches higher education and to some degree people just like him have come to this country and taken advantage of our system. To some extent I would imagine this idiot has recieved tax payer funding and/or Columbia U. has for education purposes.

As a parent you must be aware of what is being taught to our kids as most levels, especially when the enter upper levels of education. This type of behavior cannot go without correction.

On a positive note, a vast majority of people are realizing the foolishness of the so-called scholars/anti-war crowd/media. They are showing themselves for what they really are. The grave they dig gets deeper and while we stand in the majority, we are discouraged by what we hear, those that opposed will be proven wrong. I fired off a letter to CU as well. It remains to be seen what actions will be taken by CU, in the mean time my flags will stand and these people can live in their own misery and self professed knowledge.
Originally posted by PHOEN$X:
Hey Neon
I hadn't realized it was an aussie web site, thanks for pointing it out! You guys rock!

thanx... but actually u American's rock (esp. baghdad at the moment

BTW, neon makes me sound like a flurolight... MY NAME IS NEO!

[This message has been edited by NeoNSX (edited 30 March 2003).]
There have been people fired from prominent positions for far less! Remember that golf sports announcer who lost his job for a comment about women's golf and that women's breasts must get in the way of their swing?
Or Jimmy the Greek's infamous words regarding black atheletes: "During the slave period, the slave owner would breed his big black with his big woman so that he would have a big black kid–that's where it all started."

By comparison, these are pretty mild statements and both those tv guys lost their career over it. I say he should be fired.