Woody - your car is up for sale on ebay jh4na2166vt000140

Re: Woody - your car is up for sale on ePay

"front is not too bad"

Yeah, that'll buff right out. If that's not too bad, I'm not sure what is.
wow , that was quick, i just sold it a week ago! Now i get to see how much money I left on the table!
Damn. I was looking to aquire an NSX shell that didn't have a motor or tranny so that I could do a project with a Stage II Buick powerplant. It would be best to note have one that was missing a front end, but I could have worked with it.
WOODY said:
wow , that was quick, i just sold it a week ago! Now i get to see how much money I left on the table!
Hugh said:
How much did you sell it for Woody?

Unless you and Glenn (yes, two "n" in his name) are close friends, his financial transactions are none of your business. And if you were friends, I doubt he would share that information in public.
I guess I'll have to try the kinder and gentler approach, huh Rosie? :)
(sorry mod)

I didn't see anything wrong with asking the selling price since this information is often disclosed here and makes this site a trusted resource for used car values.
Well it sold quick enough so the price must have been right.