Women & Love : Illusionment or BS?

What Line Have your received the Most

  • "Let's Just be Friends"

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • "I'm too busy with my career/study/etc"

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • "You're a great guy BUT..."

    Votes: 12 38.7%
  • No excuse provided

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • "It's another guy"

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • "I met someone with a better NSX"? :-P

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • Other (plz share)

    Votes: 2 6.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Neo, you forgot what is probably the number 1 excuse, especially popularized in a Seinfeld episode
"It's not you, it's me ........."

Have also used this one personally after a blind-date - "just broke up from a long term relationship & not ready for that again right now - still hurting. "

p.s. Did you just get dumped? :(
What line do you think this guy used?


  • x_girl friend.jpg
    x_girl friend.jpg
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I'm going through a really rough break up right now. I was with this girl for a little less than a year, which isn't as long as my previous two year relationship, but she meant more to me than the world.

Unfortunately, she was very religious and I didn't cater to that in the beginning and ruined all the potential we have. I told her that I would make it up to her for as long as it takes, but she's convinced that I'm just one way....

Really frustrating. I know this post was meant to be in humor, but man, this girl was amazing. I would give up anything to be with her...and I've never said that before...even after an unexpected break-up with the girl I dated very seriously for 2 years.

I wrote her a song called "Lets Just Be Friends"...can't wait to put out my CD and mail it to her (almost every song is about her actually)

Sorry guys...needed to vent
Brian2by2 said:

Unfortunately, she was very religious and I didn't cater to that in the beginning and ruined all the potential we have


Why do you feel you need to cater to her because of her religious beliefs? If I were her, I would find it insulting if you pretended to be something you're not for the sake of keeping the relationship. If you feel that you needed to 'cater' to anything, then the 'potential' that you are talking about is close to non-existent.

I knew someone who just started to date a religious girl and asked a mutual friend this question: "Do you think I played Christian long enough so she can start sleeping with me now?"

(I'm not saying your intentions are similar or not. I just thought you'd get the gist of the message here.)
Getting back to the topic, in my experience, I've realized the following:

Women hate hearing from men: "I think of you like a sister."
Men hate hearing from women: "I think of you as a friend."

I hate that " f " word.
ajnsx said:
maybe; "my wife said i cant play with you anymore" ;)

My ex-wife wanted me to say that also ... about my NSX.
That's why she's my ex-. :D

Mr.Brian2by2, would your lady be so amazing if she had not been "religious"? I ask this as true religion effects a persons beliefs, which in turn influences their values & character. If you admire these attributes in her, why shouldn't you look further into the very thing that makes her different? (and which she values)

In all, be honest & sincere if you look into her religion : a lady will see through an act to win her back.

And finally if you really cannot accept it, you must accept the relationship will never work. Belief's make the core of each person, and if you do not share the same belief's you will never be truly happy.

Does she know you would give up anything to be with her?
I think she does.

As far as me acting religous...its not that. I'm catholic and she's just plain on non-denom christian.

The problem comes from not me "playing christian long enough to sleep with her" but not playing christian and sleeping with her. Now that i see the effects its had on her, i can't stand to look at myself. Thats why I was willing to give up everything to be with her because she means so much more to me than anything like that.

Now unfortunately, she moved 300 miles away and probably won't remember me much longer.
Ouch! Long distance relationship sucks; but give it sometime, and you will forget about her. I know time fixed any emotion dilemma for me in the past.
NSXSAN said:
Ouch! Long distance relationship sucks; but give it sometime, and you will forget about her. I know time fixed any emotion dilemma for me in the past.

You are right but in the beginning of that phase it still truly hurts very bad.:(
<B>Brian2by2</B> : This wasn't meant to be a humour thread, so I'm glad someone is able to vent and get some comfort/sympathy.

This wont comfort you, but i'm in the similiar situation as you (except i didnt sleep w/ my girl) -- I cared so much i gave her up. It totally sux, doesn't it?

I wont give u unwanted advice, except you <B>must</B> forgive yourself. Whether you pursue her is your decision, but maybe you can both find repentance & healing. I dunno.

Anyway, i truly feel for you man. No NSX, & no girl... welcome to my lonely-hearts club. Where's Dr.Phil when we need him? :p
Well, I finally have the NSX back but I dreadfully miss my favorite passenger. It's not the same car w/o her. Still a beautiful machine, but not without her.

I miss her so much, and things aren't very good with an ex-g/f who was a best friend...things have gone to hell with her so I'm out my g/f and my best friend right now.

Thankfully I finally got out and spent some time with some of my s2ki friends at the track today. That was some needed socializing.

She's home this weekend, but I haven't really gotten to see her...I don't know, I feel lost.
Sorry to hear that man, it's never fun. On a brighter note, you are in a city with more hotties than you can shake an iced chai latte at. Go out there and hit the town as if you were MYNSX :)
It will get beter, time and high rpm's heal all wounds.
Hey look at it this way, Maybe the next one that comes along will be the PERFECT one for you.

Look at this as a learning experience.

Its amazing the compromises we make with ourselves when we find someone to love. We say "Well I'll overlook this and I'll overlook that" about her personality when its these very things we overlook at the beginning that generally cause it to fail in the end.

Some personalitied don't mix and friendships can sometimes come and go.

Don't sell yourself short.

When the right one comes along it will be worth all the BS you had to go through to realize she's the one.
Kinan, you're probably right... but i think we all run too easily; eg. my situation, we were P-E-R-F-E-C-T for each other... there were a couple of little EASILY-fixable issues but no... she wanted to walk. :(
Brian2by2's situation is obviously a little more complex, but i believe there is NOTHING that can't be overcome.

Saying there's other girl's is no comfort... when i woman leaves a guy's life, she leaves a void. And only she can fit that void. i dont want any other girl...

ARGH... i hate r/ships... as if they aren't complicated enough, we have to have them w/ women. :rolleyes:

<B>AaronR</B> : Hit the town like MYNSX? i dont think there enough women for Brian to do that. :D
I agree totaly Kinan...a relationship should not require compromise, however, if you truly love someone, you'll compromise everything.

Unfortunately, thats what she did for me and thats one reason she's not here now. The guilt killed her and now its killing me. I took advantage of the situation without even knowing what I was doing to her.

Sometimes I just wish I could go back in the past, but then again, so does everyone at some point or another I assume.

Thanks for being so helpful guys. It means alot to me knowing that I can turn to people who don't even know me for some help and as someone to talk to.
Elmer Fudd Quote!!!!!!!!!!

A hunting we wil go......

A hunting we wil go......

Hi -Ho the Merrio

A hunting we wil go......:D hehehehehheheehh

Fred Flintstone Quote!!!!!

We searched hi and low for Ms. Waterbuffelo,
to wear the beauty crown,
with charming face ,and pretty lace
the Pride of BedRock Town.

QUOTE BY MYNSX.......................


and the nice girls too.....:D :D
I knew it would just be a matter of time before MYNSX showed up. :D He is always good for a laugh to two.

Sorry to hear about the break up Brian. Words don't do any good right now. I know that so I won't try to say any.

It gets easier with time. Right now that really doesn't mean a lot but later it will. I have had several times in my life, 37 years, that I have felt the way you are feeling. My search for a women has taken me down several really fun and sometimes tragic roads. The best part about each experience was the experience itself. Oh the things I learned that I may not have learned without those experiences. I am glad for them all good and bad.

One thing I can say is I am so happy to have many good friends that I have had for many years. Life has taught that there is no replacement for your friends. Some of my friends I have had for 30 years from grade school. I would go to the end of the earth for these people because to make a new friend and have them for that long at this point in my life would be near impossible. The value of time plus experiences with someone is priceless.
Thanx MYNSX... i think you should be declared the new "Dr.Phil of prime" with that d&m advice. :) There's nothing an ascii-nipple drawing cant fix. :rolleyes:
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I hope you don't take this the wrong way because I am not directing any negativity towards you. Just trying to state something here that might help you:

You are whining and making sexist comments. How can you call others confused when you are sounding so confused yourself?Apparently, you weren't perfect for each other for some reason or another. Women want more than love, it's not always that simple.

As far as compromise is concerned: no one is perfect and if we all looked at ourselves with an "honesty mirror", we'd see the idiosynchrocies that make us all "imperfect". The problem is that we often focus too much on these little things.

Now, if those little things aren't so little, then compromise is not the problem, simply ignoring an issue or fooling yourself is the problem.:confused: