Wisdom teeth and associated headaches?

SilverOne said:
Can someone confirm for me, is this regular practice with a DDS?

I would say that this is not likely regular practice procedure for most dentists. Without knowing the person, there is no way to explain his methodology except for the fact that it probably works with most patients!

You never stated whether the dentist was a general practitioner or an oral surgeon. GP's can certainly extract teeth, but they usually leave all but the easient teeth to the oral surgeons who perform these procudures day in and day out.

In my experience, people are impressed with how technologically advanced and clean an office is, medical, dental or whatever type, and perceive this to mean that the care given will be good. For the layman, it is difficult if not impossible to judge what type of care wil be given based on anything but the impression of the office and of the people working in that office.

As far as the x-ray machine that goes around your head, don't consider it a piece of needlessly expensive equipment. It is not a fancy machine, just one that takes a particular type of x-ray.

As far as the flat panels for each chair, they are not as fancy and expensive as they seem. Computerization of dental and medical offices is becoming standard practice, and in many cases the time saved by using computerized medical and dental software makes practicing more efficient. The cost of a flat panel is only a $200-300 more than a quality CRT monitor, and in many offices space is at a premium.

As far as your annual "cleanings" go, try to make it every six months at least! And start flossing!! :D :D
Re getting a ride home:

When I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled, I was still at an age where I thought I was a player, even though I was newly married. The dentist had 4 gorgeous office assistants/hygienists, and I was trying to play it cool for them. I was stumbling to the front of the office, half out of it, with drool all over my face, trying to convince them that I was fine to drive home.

My (new) wife was waiting for me to come out, and she just about busted a gut laughing when she saw me pretending to be Rico Suave with a face full of drool, holding on to the wall and the nurse so I wouldn't fall down. I still hear about what a tool I was to this day.

It's a good idea to be chauffered afterwards, I promise.
:D :D :D :D


BTW, I had headaches that were directly associated to my wisdom teeth, and it got a lot better afterwards. Just watch the dry sockets, and don't get too grossed out by the stuff that will get lodged in those holes!:eek:
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Another thing.. get some meal replacement shake mix, so you don't have to chew on anything post-surgery. You will be glad you did! When I had mine removed, they used n2o to knock me out. When I awoke, I was very disoriented and drooling all over.. my Mom drove me home.:o

Best wishes, STOCKTONSX!