Wisdom teeth and associated headaches?


Registered Member
27 April 2003
So Cal
Is there a dentist in the house?:confused:

I'm going to go see my dentist on Monday morning but I have a few questions till then if any of you feel so inclined to answer. My wisdom teeth (all four) are now all the way out, and my inner mouth's cheeks are getting scarred where the new teeth came in. Furthermore I've had an "intermittent" headache the last few days too. I feel the pain in my teeth/jaw as well as the left and right sides of my head.

Could the headaches be associated with the teeth? I did a quick search and found that it is a common occurrence. Could any of you with wisdom teeth pulled or better yet dentists please enlighten me? I am a little bit scared about this whole thing and any answer would help put me at ease a little bit.

Much thanks!

Hi Stockton

It is not unlikely that the headaches that you are having are a result your "wisdom teeth" coming in. These teeth, more appropriately known as the third molars, are most often out of occlusion (not hitting the opposing teeth properly) resluting in decay(cavaties) because they are difficult if not impossible to clean.

Your headaches could also be atributed more specifically to the malocclusion that you are experiencing as a result of your newly erupted teeth. On the contrary, they could have no association to your teeth whatsoever!

The scarring on your cheeks (cheek biting) is a result of the teeth biting into your cheeks as you suspected. This is not an issue as you will likely be having the teeth extracted soon.

Having all four of these teeth extracted (pulled) at once is the best option because your healing time is once you are done.

There is a direct relationship between the amount of effort required to extract a tooth and the amount of postoperative swelling and pain. If the teeth pop right out, pain and swelling are light. If thay are impacted (stuck in the bone) the pain and swelling will be greater. In either case, pain medication will make your reciperation essentially pain-free.

Be sure to take your pain medicine as soon as you are finished with your dental work. Some dentists even recommend taking it before the extractions. If the pain comes through after the anesthetic wears off and you haven't taken your medicine you will be really sore.

If you are a dental phobic (very scared) you may want the dentist to use nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to ease your anxiety. If not, then the local anesthetic used to numb your teeth and gingiva (gums) will be sufficient. If you are really scared, the dentist can give you Intravenous Sedation (knock you out). If you take this route, you will need someone to drive you home. I do not recommend this unless you are VERY SCARED. Nitrous oxide wears off almost instantly once it is turned off, and you can drive yourself home.

Make sure that you follow the postoperative instructions that you get form the oral surgeon after the extractions. They are VERY IMPORTANT because they help to prevent a condition known as Dry Socket. It hurts like hell. As long as you follow them you will be fine.

Please do not hesitate to ask me any other dental realted question. :D
Jay I would like to thank you for such an appropriate and well written response. I am not only enlightened but also very thankful. This is what makes this community so great--your advice is greatly appreciated as it has honestly put my mind to rest. If I can ever be of ANY assistance to you please do not hesitate as I am always willing to help a friend.

I'm not a dental-phobic, its just fear that the headaches are caused by some other source. :confused: I'm glad you cleared it all up for me.

This isn't the first time I'm saying this but the people are what make the NSX experience so great--honestly there is NO competition with any other board out there.

Sorry for the long response..I guess you can just say I'm happy.

Regards and Happy Holidays

Ravi Mohan:D
For goodness sake, have a friend or family member take you home after the surgery!!!

I would not recommend that you drive home after such surgery. You're gonna be quite dis-oriented, and uncomfortable, with the gauze patches stuffed in your mouth. Your driver can take you home, and go pick up vicodane and Advil for you.

Be sure to stock up on pudding, yogurt, and soft bananas for the first few days of recovery.

Again, DO NOT try to drive home. You will not regret it.
take the traditional route...tie a fishing line to your teeth and to the door handle. afterward, open the door and slam and real hard..problem solved:D
Pooh I like that idea LOL:rolleyes: :D But yeh guys I appreciate your help.

Best group evar!

It has absolutely been my pleasure Stockton!

Funny thing is that I was actually SUPER EXCITED when I say the dental related question because I knew I could help you out.

I agree with you as far as this message board goes, there is none like it on the entire web (so far as I know). The helpfulness of all the members makes the ownership experience that much more rewarding.

Good luck!!


NSX_DREAMER recommended that you get a ride home after a 4-molar extraction; this is a good idea if you have someone to pick you up. I have had multiple extractions and drove myself home, but getting a ride is a good idea.
JAYS NSX said:
It has absolutely been my pleasure Stockton!

Funny thing is that I was actually SUPER EXCITED when I say the dental related question because I knew I could help you out...

Remember, there is always the risk of complications that you did not go into regarding this procedure. Although I don't disagree with your advice, there are always uncertianties that should be discussed with the persons doctor. Neither of us have seen Stackton's radiographs or performed a complete examination. And, as you know, it is impossible to predict the success of his procedure until after it has been completed and the local anesthetic has worn off. It is for that reason why I did not respond to his post and give advice.

Good luck with your appointment Stockton, and if you have any other questions I would also be happy to answer any of them in private after you have had the initial consult with your dentist.
Good point DocL

I agree with you DocL.... although all of the dentists on here can give you generic information about wisdom teeth and the problems associated with them, you really need to see your dentist or an oral surgeon to determine the best solution.

Of course, we are all here 24 hrs a day to help..... at least that is what my patients seem to think!

Joel 91 Black / Ivory
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NSX_Dreamer said:

Be sure to stock up on pudding, yogurt, and soft bananas for the first few days of recovery.

...and soups. Let us know if the headaches go away after you have the teeth pulled.
Good stuff guys! Of course I would seek advice in real life "first hand" so that I could get an actual diagnosis. Locally there aren't many options on a Friday night to go ask questions about one's wisdom teeth.:D I figured I could get some quick and general answers (which I did) so that I could at least know a little bit about what may be the problem.

All answers and medical tidbits are greatly appreciated--good to know that there are still people out there that care enough to respond to a stranger's questions.

Warm regards

ravi mohan:cool:
Ok I visited the dentist today for a diagnosis. He says that it isn't malocclusion. He said that my jaw becomes sharply smaller in the back, and I have an inflammation on both sides which is probably leading to the headaches. The oral surgeon isn't in until January 7th:rolleyes: and they said I can't have them pulled until a week after that or something.

The treatment coordinator said that they will probably give both anesthetics if I get all four pulled in one day (any opinions on the anesthetics?). In the meanwhile they say I should rinse with warm water and salt and stay away from unnecessary antibiotics.

I appreciate your guys' help--just wish my friggin' oral surgeon would be in town sooner.


Hey Ravi
I have a horror story for you about getting my teeth pulled.

I had three of my four teeth come in, they started to crack and cut into my cheek. So I showed my buddy who is a Dentist and skates on my hockey team what was going on. He said come into his office and he would pull them for 150.00.
Now this guy had pulled a few guys teeth on the team, so I figured that was a great price lets do it.
He took a few X rays and they did not turn out that good, so he took a few more. Those turned out bad as well, so he gave me a local and started pulling.
After a few minutes of shaking my head around, with the PLIERS attached to my tooth. He could not get it to come out, so he called in the nurse to hold my head still.
He started at it again this time he put his knee on my chair for leverage, and started jerking away. After a few minutes SNAP, my tooth broke into ten pice's.
As I spit out what was left of my teeth, he said lets try the other side.
A few more minnutes of pulling and SNAP, that tooth broke into three pice's. With one jagged pice still in place.
He said wait right here I will be right back.

Like I was going anywhere.......... :rolleyes:

5 minutes later he came back and said I had to go see a Oral Surgeon that was 20 minutes away.
I had to call my room mate to come and get me because I was in such pain I could not drive.
By the time I got there an hour had passed, and I was in some serious pain.
The put me in a x ray machine that spun around your head, so they could see everything that was going on.
The Surgeon came in and gave me the bad news, my buddy the Dentist had broke both my teeth off at the gums.
He told me I needed surgery right away..........and it was going to cost 1,650.00.
On top of that he wanted me to pay before they started, and he would only take cash or credit cards.
Good thing I had my new American Express card.
Don't go to the Dentist with out it. ;)

They knocked me out, when I came to I had 32 stitches, and a mouth full of packing. They cut back part of the bone in my jaw, because my teeth were all the way into my sinus cavities.
I had two black eyes and looked like a pig for a week.

See what happens when you try to save a buck!
The Oral Surgeon said there was no way to tell that my teeth went that deep, without using that special x ray machine.
The Dentist is still on my hockey team, and a buddy of mine.

I had bad head aches for a month before they got pulled.
Good luck!
Brian. :D
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Brain that was a funny yet sad story LOL:D

I just hope it's not a big deal..should be a routine procedure right?
I had all four of my wisdom teeth pulled. The oral surgeon i went to was having a clinical trial of a post operative pain med so they knocked off some money to be a part of it. They knocked me out completely and all i remember was sitting reclined and then being told to wake up. I asked them before they put me under to keep my teeth. I had three after they were done. The fourth was impacted. I took the trail medication and sat with four others that were a part of the group. For some reason one of my holes (not sure on the technical term) would not stop bleeding and the pain would not go away. They put more and more gauze in my mouth and then i had to be interviewed. I swear i had the placebo because the pain would not go away and when i went in to talk with the cordinator of the trial i puked :( luckily there was a trash can.

After it all my mouth is much better and to this day i still feel bad for puking (lots of blood) in front of the cordinator (she was kindda hot). Ah well good luck.
its these freaky stories which stop me from getting mine done. I've been putting it off for about 4 or 5 years now. But last year, they must have grown slightly i had headaches for a month and tenderness, then it went away again. I had planned to do it last week but chickened out. I'm now booked in for april. I hate the dentist and being in Japan, im extremely worried, i've seen more bad teeth here than in my entire life back in oz.

The treatment coordinator said that they will probably give both anesthetics if I get all four pulled in one day (any opinions on the anesthetics?). In the meanwhile they say I should rinse with warm water and salt and stay away from unnecessary antibiotics.

I appreciate your guys' help--just wish my friggin' oral surgeon would be in town sooner.



Well, i can't help you with the oral surgeon being gone. Hey, even doctors have lives, supposedly.

Regarding the anaesthetics, you can do it with local/N20 or combine it with intravenous meds. Most people who say they got general anesthesia for wisdom teeth are incorrect, but since they don't remember anything, i suppose what's the difference? Usually you get an I.V. margarita, and likely awake the whole time but can't remember anything afterwords, like drinking too much alcohol...your friends say "oh you were running down the street naked" but you don't remember, even tho you were awake...

Mine were pulled with straight local (no nitrous). 3 of the 4 were impacted.... but, everyone has a different level of what they can tolerate.. Realistically, local is by FAR the best anesthetic, and the IV stuff is just for anxiety's sake. I'm an anesthesiologist, and have done literally thousands of anesthetics. Would I trust an oral surgeon to give me general anesthesia? No frikkin' way! To give me light sedation? Sure.... Bottom line--if he does a decent block with local, you'll be totally pain free.
peiserg said:
I'm an anesthesiologist, and have done literally thousands of anesthetics...

Great reply, but how can we trust that you are really an anesthesiologist when you state in your profile that you are the "chief toilet scrubber at McDonalds". Or, prehaps you moonlight as a "scrubber" and that's how you can afford the NSX.

When I was younger I had to have 13 teeth pulled because some of my baby teeth did not come out on their own and I had "extra" teeth as well. When they pulled those 13 teeth they made room for my wisdom teeth to come in. This way the wisdom teeth would not need to be pulled in the future. I also had to wear braces on my teeth for 7 years. My mouth was a mess that's for sure.
I was knocked out for the teeth to be pulled in two different sessions of 6 teeth the first time and 7 the second time one week apart.
The gas sure was a good time for me. The first time I was knocked out I found myself at a movie theater. I was at the concession stand getting popcorn. After that I walked in the empty theater and sat down. Then the movie started. It was a movie of the operating room and me having my teeth pulled. After I woke up I told the nurse that was in the room this and told her some of the things I had heard and seen. Ironically it was accurate to things that really did happen.
The second time I was knocked out was strange as well. In my unconscious state I was in a pea pod floating down a river of blood inside a cave. I could see the end of the cave coming. As I broke through the end I found myself in an operating room. I was balling at the top of my lungs when I looked back and saw my mother on a birthing table. Weird stuff indeed.
On my last trip to the dentist recently he found a cavity on the side of one of the upper wisdom teeth. He said the tooth was going to be hard to drill and fill because of it being so far back. While drilling the tooth he mutters out "s%it". LOL.. He had hit the nerve and the tooth needed to be pulled. He put in a temporary filling and had me come back the next day. A couple of shots and a few minutes with the pliers and it was out. I was very surprised at how easy it came out and the short time it took to heal. When my gum was almost healed I was eating some pretzels and poked one right into the almost healed hole. So my advise is to not eat pretzels after you get yours pulled. :D
didn't realize we had all these dentist on the forum. I went to a new dentist couple weeks ago for annual cleaning. The doctor introduced himself for ~30 min, on how successful he is around the city I lived, and he's got the most high tech facilities around (flat panels for each dental chair, the xray machine that goes around your head..etc).

So, after looking at my teeth for literally 30 seconds. He suggested that I should pull all 4 of my wisdom teeth, and I should look into gum surgery to make my teeth look bigger (more masculine), and also some whitening procedure.

Somehow through discussion of wisdom teeth procedure, he stated that it's such simple procedure, that he can pull one for me right there, and I would be out partying that same night!

I am in no pain, and my wisdom teeth does not bother me at all, I was there for my teeth cleaning. So, after 1.5 hours, I was supposed to schedule an appt to have my wisdom teeth pulled the following week, and he gave me 3 prescription, and told me to start taking them 24 hours prior to coming into the office. Dexamethasone, Vicodin, Peridex, Motrin, Clindamycin, and Erythromycin. He offered to do the procedure for $500, and kept telling me that if I went to a surgeon, it would've been $800+.

It just didn't seem right that I am getting load up on meds PRIOR to a procedure, plus, first time meeting a dentist, he offered all these procedures, and I was only there for general cleaning. I never went back to his office, and never got a teeth cleaning either. I was extremely put off by his discussion of cost and meds, and what he can do, and how much experiences he's had with performing this procedure. Not once I heard about what I as a patient should be aware of due to this procedure. Can someone confirm for me, is this regular practice with a DDS?
Can someone confirm for me, is this regular practice with a DDS?

IMO only the ones that have to pay bills for:

the most high tech facilities
flat panels
xray machine that goes around your head

Sounds like more of a saleman then a dentist.

The wisdom tooth I just had pulled was 50 bucks.
50 bucks? C'mon.. Is that the co-pay? cause how can you even meet your cost on drugs, malpractice, electricity, secretary etc... unless you drive a van around marked "Mobile Dentistry...I Come to You!!"

My old man is a dentist (formerly my boss at McDonalds when i still worked the french fry vat) and he has (according to him anyways) the least expensive dentistry in his community, and i bet a wisdom tooth is probably $200+...

As for proving I'm an anesthesiologist, well, guess I can't really, but at least i can spell it correctly, so that alone should qualify me to stick you full of drugs.:D
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No BS I had it pulled for 50 bucks cash no co-pay. You have to remember I live in a one horse town that has a huge over population of dentists.
While I was having the tooth pulled I sat in a 10 year old chair in a room with paneling from the 70's. All the fancy equipment does not make the dentist any better.
There is also a dentist in this town that does have all the newest and fanciest equipment. My sister used to go to her for her dentistry. That is until the dentist told her that crowns were not covered on her insurance and billed my sister 450 for a crown. Then my sister received a statement from her insurance company that stated the dentist had billed her insurance another 450 for the crown. Fraud. My sister asked for a copy of her records and they had miraculously disappeared. The dentist refunded my sister all the money she had paid in the past to drop the complaint.
$50 wow! My cost is around $1350 for all four, and insurance is covering about $500 of it.

Still a good $800 out of the pocket, but money well spent. After all, if we can spend so much on inanimate objects like our cars, we should be able to spend much more on our bodies.

Just my 2 cents.
