Winter blues

26 August 2009
Arlington, VA
I haven't had an opportunity to get my '96 out of the garage in over a month. It's cold and dark when I get home every night and the only weekend out of the past 5 or 6 that I was not out of town, it snowed. Today, I had to stay home to sign for a package and, lucky for me, it was a bright, clear day (the temp was around 40) so I went for a ride. I didn't go far, or fast, just wanted to warm up the engine, move the tires and hear the music from my RM exhaust. Damn, I love my NSX.

To think, I used to enjoy the cold weather. It is going to be a long winter.
Consider moving or commuting from NC. We average 363 days of snow free driving. The sun doesn't set til 8:30 pm, ever! And we also have THE University of North Carolina Tarheels to cheer on towards another ACC Championship and National Title. Of course there will be another ticker tape parade where we drive all the players thru Raleigh in our NSX-Ts. Come on down, we've got room for at least one more NSX driver!:tongue:
I haven't had an opportunity to get my '96 out of the garage in over a month. It's cold and dark when I get home every night and the only weekend out of the past 5 or 6 that I was not out of town, it snowed. Today, I had to stay home to sign for a package and, lucky for me, it was a bright, clear day (the temp was around 40) so I went for a ride. I didn't go far, or fast, just wanted to warm up the engine, move the tires and hear the music from my RM exhaust. Damn, I love my NSX.

To think, I used to enjoy the cold weather. It is going to be a long winter.

suck it up... two days ago temp here was around -40. In April I can start to think about the car again.
I hate the cold as well :frown: and I contemplate moving to Florida every year... On a positive note, it does come in handy to keep the miles down. :wink:
I hate the winter too, Im such a warm weather person. I often wonder how I ended up in NY/NJ:confused:
I agree with mike, my wife hates NY for the cold and would move in a minute if I agreed. As for the the X, I peeked under her cover today to see if she was alright.
Winter Sucks! Cold Tires - Long Warm ups - Shorter Days - More bedtime - More Drinking - Less Working - Hey, things are sounding better! Happy Holidays and Motoring!
Going to be 78 degrees here in SoCal tomorrow...planning on tearing up the mountains and deserts for the last drive of the year. :wink:
It was 72 degrees for a high yesterday and I had the top off on my drive home from work. Just wanted to make you feel jealous. I will pay for this email this summer when the temp stays over 90 degrees for a low and highs above 110.
and now, its snowing and we have a foot on the way:redface:
Finally a warm day to drive the NSX and the battery was dead.

Die Hard Platinum AGM battery - Ha! - Don't waste your money.
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Consider moving or commuting from NC. We average 363 days of snow free driving. The sun doesn't set til 8:30 pm, ever! And we also have THE University of North Carolina Tarheels to cheer on towards another ACC Championship and National Title. Of course there will be another ticker tape parade where we drive all the players thru Raleigh in our NSX-Ts. Come on down, we've got room for at least one more NSX driver!:tongue:

That's one heck of an invitation!
Guess no driving the NSX for me today :biggrin:.



Great pictures!

It's gonna be a short day. Litterally! The Winter Solstice is tomorrow, the turnaround towards summer is here!
Burrrr....It was cold as heck here today at 49 degrees when I woke up. It took a few extra minutes for the hot water to get moving and the dog didn't want to go outside. Thankfully I keep my car in the garage, otherwise I would've had to turn on the seat warmers. I need to move out of Florida to somewhere warmer. Burrrrrr....:frown:
Move to Tampa, homes are going for cheap right now,, and we never get snow,, can drive my NSX anytime i want! great pics though,,
Finally a warm day to drive the NSX and the battery was dead.

Die Hard Platinum AGM battery - Ha! - Don't waste your money.

Any recommendations on a trickle charger:confused:, especially if one can be run through the cigarette lighter rather than fiddling with the hood, clamps. etc.?
Any recommendations on a trickle charger:confused:, especially if one can be run through the cigarette lighter rather than fiddling with the hood, clamps. etc.?

** Use a "battery Tender" NOT a standard trickle charger, those are not designed for long term usage and can cause a battery to explode, if left connected for extended periods of time.
try one like this- Deltran makes a great one) Plug it in and forget it all Winter , if necessary. I've never tried using it through the cig lighter on an NSX. On my NSX , I connect it directly to the battery.
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** Use a "battery Tender" NOT a standard trickle charger, those are not designed for long term usage and can cause a battery to explode, if left connected for extended periods of time.
try one like this- Deltran makes a great one) Plug it in and forget it all Winter , if necessary. I've never tried using it through the cig lighter on an NSX. On my NSX , I connect it directly to the battery.

+1 on the Battery Tender Jr. I also made a harness from 24" & 36" SAE extension cables that I connected to the ring terminal harness from the under hood fuse panel. Covered it with wire loom, ran it out to the grille and she's good to go. The extension cables are from, look like this:

and are P/N PAC-022-24 & PAC-022-36, respectively.
Guess no driving the NSX for me today :biggrin:.




These pictures are beautiful, maybe worthy of a screensaver!! Love the one in the garage with the NSX as a silhouette looking outside with all the snow.

So right now I’m in Kyras territory and the weather in Southern California calls for beautiful weather over the next several days. Tomorrow I head back to Northern California and the weather calls for rain over the next several days. Yuk rain, snow, crap can’t drive my car. Oh to be back in SoCal.

So being in California does not offer more of an advantage than the North East. Well one could argue that point huh!!
Great pictures!

It's gonna be a short day. Litterally! The Winter Solstice is tomorrow, the turnaround towards summer is here!

chins up boys! days are getting longer again! it's 8:00 and it's already up to 9 degrees here! wo-hoo!:biggrin: