Windshield nozzle?? are they available?

23 October 2000
Saint Augustine, FL
Last time the car had an "issue" they were going to replace the windsheild wiper nozzles because they were spraying all over the place. Well, the ended up only replacing one because they said acura no longer made the part?? Is that true? I still need one more to make the car perfect..
I bought a couple pairs a few months back, they were like 30$ a pair a got a black set and a red set. I thought the red might look cool on a black car instead they looked like nipples so I took em off. try another source
best regards david
windshield wiper nozzles

Yeah, I just inquired yesterday about them because neither is on my aftermarket hood--they still have white but, of course, they have to be ordered. They run about 24.00 apiece here in AZ or 48.00 for the pair.