eddie_82: When you roll up the window, the window motor has to overcome the weight of the glass, the friction in the front and rear glass guides, the friction in the regulator itself, the friction caused by the glass sliding through the front and rear sashes, and the friction caused by the glass sliding over the window seal. If your window doesn’t roll up all the way when the door is closed but it does roll up all the way when the door is open, then the window motor isn’t able to overcome all the friction in the system plus the friction of the window seals. Remove the friction of the window seals and the overall friction is low enough that the motor can close the window.
Since your window seals properly as long as it is closed all the way, it doesn’t sound like the window necessarily needs to be adjusted. More likely, you need to lower the friction in the system. The easiest thing to do is to spray some silicone into the front and rear window sashes where they contact the glass. That may be all you need. The next easiest is lowering the friction of the window seal by cleaning it, massaging some silicone into it and then some talcum powder. If those things don’t help enough, it may be time to actually open up the door and clean and regrease the glass guides and the regulator. If that doesn’t do it either, then remove the regulator and install one of Hugabuga’s kits. If that doesn’t do it, then disassemble the interior further as the service manual calls for in order to properly check the window’s alignment. If the window is in alignment and you’ve lubed up everything you can, it’s probably time for a new regulator. But hopefully a shot of silicone into the sashes will be enough.
Since your window seals properly as long as it is closed all the way, it doesn’t sound like the window necessarily needs to be adjusted. More likely, you need to lower the friction in the system. The easiest thing to do is to spray some silicone into the front and rear window sashes where they contact the glass. That may be all you need. The next easiest is lowering the friction of the window seal by cleaning it, massaging some silicone into it and then some talcum powder. If those things don’t help enough, it may be time to actually open up the door and clean and regrease the glass guides and the regulator. If that doesn’t do it either, then remove the regulator and install one of Hugabuga’s kits. If that doesn’t do it, then disassemble the interior further as the service manual calls for in order to properly check the window’s alignment. If the window is in alignment and you’ve lubed up everything you can, it’s probably time for a new regulator. But hopefully a shot of silicone into the sashes will be enough.