Will it get to 10 views?

It would be fine IF they would have used the Champar with turbo V8's Those crapwagons are fugly and pos. Oh well, I guess we will see Legge vs Patrick and Marco vs Graham etc etc. Hopefully the no-talent posers will lose rides, and it will basically be ALL current and past Champcar drivers in FTG's crapwagons. There is a rumor that the turbos will be back.
Re: How timely

It's on, no it's off........on again, off again, and so many questions......:eek: I'm watching the movie Wag the Dog and thinking how this whole mergeification thing could be just a wild hoax. This is better than the 4th quarter of the Super Bowl :wink: :wink:
I don't know what all the excitement is about. I wouldn't trust the sucess of any series having anything remotely to do with Tony George.

They'll get the formula wrong somehow and open wheel racing in the US will be further marginalized into the realm of "who cares."
Re: This week

Well, the pundits pretty much agree that CC is history one way or the other and we'll know the details this week of "how"; sold out to FTG or left to die by the side of the road after NHL and Walker leave (Derrick already has a Hurl car in his shop, just no sponsor stickers to put on it yet).

So, if there's any energy left (which I don't have) by the CC faithful, it's time for the screaming and shouting to reach a crescendo. This Indy guy is trying to verbalize it.

On the bright side, didn't Honda say they were bored with just being a supplier; they wanted some competition? They know how to build turbos and so maybe the Cosworth will be part of the deal soon (2009?) and if that happens, maybe the DP-01 could be in the cards shortly thereafter as well. A real stretch I know. :rolleyes: But hey, these are strange days, no one's got a road map for how to get to mergerland and real men wouldn't look at it anyway. :biggrin:
Re: The pot keeps getting stirred, the plot thickens

My wife watches that goofy show 'Lost'. I keep telling her this CC shemozzle has more bizarre twists than that show and too bad she's not following it. Me, I'm watching the CC Fanatics. Their website banner has "Crapwagon.com" tacked over CC Fantatics logo. And they're waiting for the next and much bigger twist.

One guy had a good quote I can relate to: he felt like being at a NASCAR race, 1/2 drunk with a hot dog, just killing time & waiting for the BIG ONE. Pretty much sums it up. :biggrin:

The devil on my shoulder hopes the finale is more bang than wimper, but the angel on my shoulder says the bang would hurt far more people in the business and that's sad. Bankruptcy will probably be the more fair and controlled wimper of an ending and the few surviving teams will limp over to the Dark Side for '09.
I read all of the Champcar Fanatic threads on my Palm Treo in the airport, almost missed my flight! :eek: I haven't been that un-bored in an airport since......well.....never.

I say Mr Panoz needs to join GF and PG as co-owners along with the two who bought out KK, and do ALL Champcar/ALMS double headers with the support of Atlantics, maybe some Barber Pro's or Spec miata etc. How can the EARL compete with that?
I say Mr Panoz needs to join GF and PG as co-owners along with the two who bought out KK, and do ALL Champcar/ALMS double headers with the support of Atlantics, maybe some Barber Pro's or Spec miata etc. How can the EARL compete with that?

Great, then nobody will see some great ALMS racing on TV. And even better Champcar will suck the money out of ALMS until it folds, too.

I loved CART Racing. I attended the Portland GP for several years when I lived in Seattle in the 90s before heading south. CART had the best drivers and great races, but I honestly believe its over; and needs to be over. This civil war has taken its toll, we're all losers and we're tired.

Great, then nobody will see some great ALMS racing on TV. And even better Champcar will suck the money out of ALMS until it folds, too.

I loved CART Racing. I attended the Portland GP for several years when I lived in Seattle in the 90s before heading south. CART had the best drivers and great races, but I honestly believe its over; and needs to be over. This civil war has taken its toll, we're all losers and we're tired.


You don't know what you are talking about. Read and weep.


Champcar/ALMS did this at select venues last year, and they set an attendance record of the decade. Over 100k fans at the Road America venue. IRL was averaging 15-25k fans, and 50% were comped.

You can admit it, you are a Tony lover. :wink:
You don't know what you are talking about. Read and weep.


Champcar/ALMS did this at select venues last year, and they set an attendance record of the decade. Over 100k fans at the Road America venue. IRL was averaging 15-25k fans, and 50% were comped.

You can admit it, you are a Tony lover. :wink:


More people watched the race in person than watched it on TV.:wink: I agree with you the racing was better in CART and I love ALMS. Did you read the article on Speed about Gurney's white paper?

Re: Crapwagon.com makes it "offiicial"


From their website.